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Love Tarot Vibe Check For Each Sign For December

Love Tarot Vibe Check For Each Sign For December

It is December! Can you believe it? This year has come and gone so quickly. But there is a lot to look forward to in the New Year, like three major planets changing signs and this is going to have major consequences for everyone’s love life in the new year! But before we can take a look at the New Year, we need to say goodbye to this year by gently moving through the month of December and seeing what is in store for romances this month. Curious to know what your romantic vibe check is for this month? Then keep on reading to find out more:


King of Wands 

An omen of good things to come, dear Aries. As a masculine card, this could represent your own masculine aspects, or possibly that of a man in your life. It is a great combination of passion, hard work, and balance that makes up the King of Wands. By now, you’ve probably developed a sense of understanding who you are and are able to manage your fiery nature on most occasions.

You’ll experience stability and fun, regardless of whether you’re single, in a relationship, or dating. In what area of your life do you want to make a difference? How do you find inspiration? You have many skills and wisdom that you can use to motivate those around you. What are some ways you can do this? Now is the time to show off some of your best qualities… let them shine!


9 of Wands

It has been such a big journey for you recently… and you have done so well! Taurus, despite changes that are challenging for you, you have remained strong and kept up your pace. There may have been a few make-ups and break-ups… or maybe you put yourself out there but were disappointed. Things are indeed looking up for you, and you may soon experience a moment of respite.

Skills, passions, and tasks are represented by wands. When you think about your day, what do you do that feels effortless? Is there a way you can make your daily tasks a little more sensuous? Spend some time checking in with yourself over your morning coffee. When possible, please focus on what feels good… you’ll get through the more challenging stuff as well. Don’t forget that you can ask for help too!


The Hanged Man

Stay strong, Gemini, you haven’t reached the end yet… but this is an important step in your journey. It is a sign that your soul is evolving whenever you receive a card from the major arcana. This invitation is for you if you need time alone for reflection. There is no better place for you to be than where you are right now – everything is perfect. It’s not always a bad thing to be upside down or suspended!

Try inversions this week in your yoga practice and you might just see something different – it is about changing your perspective. If you were to look at this from another angle, what might it look like? Would it be possible for you to put yourself in the shoes of a partner or an ex? There is an opportunity here to witness yourself and correct course if you are stuck repeating old arguments. Finding your way isn’t about being right or wrong, but cultivating peace within yourself.



I see you’re getting to the core of the matter, darling Cancer. This card is a balm to your soul if things have been challenging recently in your love life. What are some ways you can tune into the sense of balance that is being presented to you right now? Your love for others is admirable, and that’s a beautiful quality. Is love still love when it becomes entangled with the concept of self-sacrifice?

Have you ever had a relationship end because you couldn’t express your boundaries? You should never miss an opportunity to improve your communication skills, regardless of whether you’re still in a relationship or if you are single. Your nurturing ways should not be exploited by anyone, but you must also protect yourself. You should know when to cut people out of your life, if necessary. Love could be coming your way soon if you’re looking for it.


Knight of Swords 

Your Knight of Swords may be a great match for you, gorgeous Leo! Have you found someone who sparks your intellectual curiosity? Your love life is certainly looking up with this card. Due to the fact that you’re fire and swords represent the element of air, you can likely express your passions to each other in a variety of ways! Every element has its shadow side, and swords can have a certain intensity about them. In order to achieve goals, standards must be adhered to is what the Knight of Swords can represent.

When things get heated in an argument, managing your ego may be a challenge. It is likely that things are moving quickly at this point, but it is important not to make too many hasty decisions at this point. Spend time grounding into your body and checking in with your heart in between. Singles, be mindful of your self-talk, and don’t let negativity dictate what you’re worth!


7 of Pentacles

There’s a bit of uncertainty for you at the moment, lovely. It seems that things have been going well, but now they seem to be coming to a grinding halt. However, it doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your hard work! Many of your best characteristics are represented in this card: perseverance, everyday tasks, and setting the foundation for something bigger. Those of you who have been putting time into a relationship deserves a pat on the back! Take some time to contemplate now.

Take a closer look around and see if anything needs to be changed before making any further commitments. Count your blessings on what you have right now. Despite the growth and abundance within this card, it may still take a while for everything to manifest. Try to find a long-term friendship that may take a different path if you’re single. If you’re in a relationship, take it slow, but don’t give up. The return on investment will be worth it.


5 of Swords 

In tarot, the fives are among the most challenging cards. This is an important and necessary time for your growth, even though it is not necessarily the most desirable. It is possible that you are having conflicts with yourself or with others. Communication is represented by swords. Do you have the ability to speak your truth without cutting so deep? Is it possible to find calm within the chaos?

Next after this publicity

As a movement, change, and transition occurs, are you able to flow peacefully or will you succumb to anxiety? Despite being the kings and queens of balance, Libras have been known to trip up occasionally. How do you know when to walk away? It is not always the case that surrender means failure. Several people might be trying to catch your attention. All will be revealed if you keep your own council.



You should take this as a positive sign for your love life! Symbolizing passion, compassion, and inner strength, Strength is an excellent card to receive in the Tarot. The relationship you’re in is likely to be well-balanced, based on love, and a meeting of souls. Scorpio, managing your emotions hasn’t always been easy for you. You either hide them deep within yourself or you lash out at your loved ones in ways that seem mysterious to them.

The time has come for you to master this part of yourself. Are there any strengths in your heart that you would like to share? Is empathy something you are capable of expressing? It is time for you to step into the light. Creating safe spaces within yourself and within your relationships is within your power. Is there a way you plan to show up to the world this month?


5 of Wands

Everything has been going well… until now. Remember that good times come and go, and you’ll be back on your feet soon! In regards to matters of the heart, the 5 of Wands represents conflict, confusion, and a lack of clarity. The spicy side of you is certainly there, Sag! The message may be an invitation for you to take a closer look at your own actions and consider your words carefully before speaking. With a big argument, you can easily set something ablaze!

Is it possible for you to speak honestly and lovingly? If you’re single, do you have multiple people competing for your attention? Perhaps wait a week or two before making a decision… this isn’t the right time to make a decision. It is important to tread carefully so as not to burn bridges. You may be able to pause by taking a retreat or spending time alone in nature.


6 of Cups

There is a very sweet and nostalgic reading for you this month; the 6 of Cups is the card of childhood; perhaps you have reconnected with an old sweetheart from your past or perhaps you are simply experiencing your inner child, whether you have a lover or not. As far as this card is concerned, it has a nurturing aspect to it that indicates a loving relationship between the two of you. I would like to let you know that this is a place where you can feel safe.

An atmosphere of harmony, equality, and a balance between giving and receiving can be found in this place. Is it possible for you to release control and surrender to the universe? Are you capable of embracing an innocent childlike state of mind? Make a conscious effort to think about yourself as a child for some time. In your opinion, what is it about her that you love? Can you step past the shame, the sense of not enoughness? What can you do to bring out your playful side and indulge your partner? The soft side of your personality deserves to be loved.


King of Cups

The King of Cups is a very positive sign for your love life if it represents someone in your life who is loving, emotionally mature, and calm in a crisis situation. If this represents you, or some man in your life, then this is undoubtedly a sign worthy of celebration. Although it may not always be an easy match, you are an air sign, which means that sometimes you might be operating on a different plane. You may feel a bit challenged by the emotional side of this card, as it points out that your partner might want some more nurturing from you, which is a great thing.

In spite of the fact that you’re independent, it’s a beautiful thing you shouldn’t hide away. If you’re open to this romance, you might have a lot to learn, but it’ll be worth it! This is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a stable, family-oriented partner. In case you are not ready to settle down yet, then you should enjoy this sweet ride, and make sure that you leave your partner better than you found them!


The Lovers

Certainly, The Lovers card points to a loving relationship, but it is more than that for you, dear Pisces. It is also a poignant moment in your soul’s journey. This is an omen of love for you. Only when you can truly hold yourself in a state of love will you be open to inviting another soul to witness you, so that the love you experience is one that will last a lifetime. This is an omen of harmony, fulfillment and decision-making. To make this work, you must make a choice. Is it difficult for you to make choices sometimes?

The question is how do you support yourself in order to be able to make a conscious decision to commit to a relationship? It is a rite of passage you will need to go through… releasing an aspect of yourself (an ex?) before you can commit to a new relationship. Even though you may be prone to codependency, the Lovers seem to indicate that you are ready to embrace your uniqueness. You are worth it. You are capable.

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