septiembre 10, 2024
Ask Astrology

Horóscopo semanal de Leo



Do not let excessive optimism turn you blind to some obvious hurdles and pitfalls that might be found on your path. Keep your with about you!


Jupiter is strengthened by the Sun and should offer you an extremely positive day at work. This is a perfect day to start a new project, or to do the hard part in another one and ensure it will be successful.


Jupiter in your sky today suggests that someone you care for might need your help, especially someone who has or had some sort of authority over you, or someone you used to consider as a role model.


There is a slight paradox in that a good day at work will also be a rather poor and disappointing day for your finances. Don’t do anything rash today.



Stop waiting for your good days to come as you are losing valuable time while doing so. Productively make use of this time so that your good days come sooner.


Try to complete all your pending assignments right away as deadlines will knock at your door when you are unprepared. Avoid this nervy situation by playing safe and working on time.


Avoid giving false hopes to your partner about how someday you will make her dreams come true. Be honest and only make promises that you can keep. This way there will never be regrets.


How often do we see our favorite things and go like «someday» because we can’t afford them today. Well, it is time to change conventions, and it is time to earn crazy money to afford anything you want. There is only one way to do that; by working hard.



The Sun will also charge your pattern with a lot of positive energy, and the result in your daily life should be a collection of happy little events that will make you feel particularly lucky.


Do not be afraid to put yourself in a leading position today. Even among colleagues with similar rank and influence in the company, you are encouraged to lead by example and it will boost the overall productivity of the team.


Don’t let anything bring you down today. The Sun and Venus combine and imbue your aura with a lot of power and radiance, so it will be easier for you to open your heart to someone you care for, without fearing any negative backlash.


There might be some major changes in the future where money is involved, but today should be akin to the calm before the storm.



Circumstances can be cumbersome at the time and might drain all your willpower and determination. While it is okay to feel demotivated, just not give up. Try to tackle these circumstances in some other way.


Your work ethic is always under your control. If there are better employees than you then it doesn’t simply mean they are better than you. Try different approaches to beat them and utilize all your abilities to do that.


Has someone been gaining an advantage over you in the heart of the one you adore? Don’t emulate this other person but instead study their personality and bring a better person out of yourself than them. Beat them to the person you love.


Utilize the immense power of money to your advantage. While you might not have God-gifted traits, you can still compete with your rivals buy getting latest equipment and getting good training.



Another particularly good day for you here. With Uranus rising, your subtle perceptions are sharper than usual, so let it guide you to any interesting opportunity and trust your instincts.


This might be a time for restructuration around your working environment. Don’t run against it, but try to keep your eyes open for any counterproductive suggestion so that you might fight against it.


Just because someone says that everything is fine does not necessarily mean that they mean it… Try to see if there is any problem between you and a loved one. If there is, do your best to overcome it.


Uranus can offer you clear understanding of any situation at hand, but don’t use it as an excuse to rest on your laurels and enjoy what you already have. You might be surprised.



Don’t stay busy by doing stuff that brings no progress or else you will feel frustrated soon enough. Put effort where it will bring results.


No great plan is great until it is implemented. The essence of great ideas and thoughts is in them being accomplished. Work to materialize all your genius plans.


It takes more than just sweet talking to become romantic. True love requires sweet talking to be coupled with sweet actions. Make Venus proud by spicing up your sexual life and derive pleasure from it.


Start working for your brilliant startup idea. If it’s unique and you have done your homework right, there is a high probability that money will flow your way.



Try to be balanced in everything you do today, even if it seems particularly hard due to conflicting influences from the planets, trying to steer you to completely different directions.


Continuity and reliability will be your stronger assets today. Keep shaping your image as a hard working and trustworthy colleague to cement your influence in your working environment.


Love is all around you… if you keep an open mind and change your point of view. Sometimes true love can grow from where you least expect it.


Keep your eyes open at all times. Opportunities abound, but do not spend more than you can afford, even when it seems enticing…

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