July 27, 2024
Free Horoscope
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Your zodiac sign and horoscope are related to the planetary movements! The starGuide, interprets the planets’ movements to help you gain awareness of what you can expect to happen and your current mental, emotional and spiritual state. Live a more self-aware life!​ 

Horoscope: May 20, 2024 – June 20, 2024

starGuide Sun in Gemini, Full Moon in Sagittarius, Venus in Gemini, Jupiter sextile Neptune and Jupiter in Gemini


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May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

When the Sun zooms into chatty Gemini’s territory, that mind of yours is gonna kick into overdrive with a zillion thoughts and opinions! I’m seeing you learning new stuff, debating theories, hatching plans left and right. Totally follow those mental sparks. Just don’t let all those ideas distract you from what matters most. And schedule some chill time too, even a go-getter like you needs to recharge!

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

On this night, you will realize that the most valuable things in life are not tangible things or objects but the people you love, the places you love, and the memories you hold dear. On this night, you will see the actual value and beauty in your experiences in life, and you will realize that at the end of the day, your experiences are all you have, so they are genuinely more valuable than all the money in the world. Right now, money doesn’t hold much value anyway.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

This transit shines light and brings warmth to your love, creativity, and money. You materialize the features of devotion and love from Venus, and you can also expect it from others who are drawn into your warmth. You will feel more pleasant and loving than you would expect, so fresh emotions and associations are almost certain and any fresh connection that starts now should be charmingly established.

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May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

This transit is really going to ignite your sense of adventure! With Jupiter aligning with Neptune, you’ll feel like absolutely anything is possible. I’m talking magical realms, mystical quests – you name it. Just be careful not to bite off more than you can chew in your enthusiasm. And don’t abandon those projects halfway either – see them through with that fiery Aries passion!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

Buckle up, because Jupiter jumping into Gemini is gonna be a wild ride! We’re talking ideas popping into your head left and right, new people and opportunities coming out of the woodwork. Boredom? Not a chance with all this mental stimulation firing on all cylinders! Just ride the wave and say YES to it all – plot out the details later. Unexpected adventures await around every corner! Keep that impulsiveness in check though. Recklessly leaping before looking will only get you tangled in chaos. Slow down for just a beat first!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

With the Sun entering restless Gemini, your phone will be blowing up with invites! I know, so not your tempo. Just take a breath and politely say nope to anything draining. Spend time on what nourishes you – baking, gardening, snuggling your pets, cozy nights in with your ride-or-dies. Save that energy for soul food, not social chaos!

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May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

This will be a profoundly introspective Full Moon for you, as this is happening in your 8th house of inner transformation. Take the time this night to reflect on what you truly deserve and if you have been going after what you deserve. Being an earth sign, you can easily overlook your needs to please others and ensure everything runs efficiently. However, on the night of this Full Moon, reflect on how you can sometimes do things to please others not aligned with your higher self.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

You should feel very responsible and will enjoy casual and close connections with everyone this month. You will possess an uplifted mind, enthusiasm and confidence to enjoy the good luck of this transit. There may be a tendency to go back and want to enjoy a past happy environment, yet you can miss the opportunity to use possible open doors for growth that are out of your comfort zone.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

With Jupiter in your sign forming a harmonious aspect to Neptune, you can expect good fortune, emotional fulfillment and financial prosperity. Opportunities will abound – so set your intentions and put yourself out there! Just try not to overdo the indulgence with all this luck and abundance. Moderation is key.

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

I know how you feel about upheaval messing with your routines. But hear me out! Jupiter spicing up Gemini actually brings sweet surprises too. Unexpected conversations leading to new friendships…fun outings pulling you out of your comfort zone…eye-opening ideas that whet your appetite for tasty change. I’m not saying throw caution to the wind altogether! Baby steps are key for this stubborn bull. But open up to life’s little twists and turns. Where they take you may just excite that adventurous spirit hiding under all the stability!



May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

It’s your turn to soak up the spotlight! With the Sun illuminating your sign, your natural charm and genius will shine even brighter. Use this magic reset button of a month to sparked new connections, share your brilliant ideas, try what sets your spirit ablaze. Just don’t burn out from overdoing it, ‘kay babe? Make plenty of time for self-care and chilling solo too. Even a social butterfly like you needs tranquility sometimes!

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

On this night, you will want to feel a profound connection to your lover, and if you don’t have a partner, you will do a lot of reflection regarding what you truly seek in a partner and relationship in the future. You will realize that meaningless relationships aren’t meant for you, and you will look to find someone you can connect with on a deep, soul-to-soul level.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

Venus in your sign increases your desire for close relationships and connections. Your increasingly sensitive and exciting side is overwhelming and will force you to want to experience deeper feelings this month. This compliments your tireless energy. Increased enthusiasm and interest in learning about other peoples perceptions make socializing ever more energetic and interesting. It’s a perfect time to make new friends.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Your creativity is absolutely soaring with this transit! That mercury mind of yours will be bursting with ingenious ideas and artistic inspiration. Amazing news for any Gemini artists, musicians, writers – let those creative juices flow! Just make sure to choose your collaborators wisely. With nebulous Neptune influencing things, there’s a risk of deception from shady characters. Stay grounded!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

This transit is like an open invitation to the world’s biggest party starring YOU! Jupiter fires up those smarts and social skills into overdrive. Conversations will flow fast and fabulous, darling. That wicked wit? Sharper than ever! Just make sure to RSVP “no” to draining peeps. Even a social butterfly like you needs breaks from that packed social calendar. Take time to recharge those mental batteries so you can keep dazzling with your brilliant banter!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

When the Sun’s in Gemini, you’ll find it easier to mix and mingle, open your heart up! Def say yes to spending time with your tried ‘n’ true crew. But also stay curious about different views that come your way – it’ll widen your perspective! Share your deep feelings and fierce compassion too. Balancing an open mind with emotional realness will take your bonds to the next level!

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Ever since you were young, you were taught that there is a specific way you need to work and serve the world to be seen as a value in society. However, over the last few months, these working methods have been proven outdated and no longer serve a purpose in your life. On the night of the Full Moon, you will realize that holding onto old values regarding how you work is all in vain, and you will have to adapt and adjust yourself now.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

This transit causes changes and can lead to disturbances and stress. You can receive wonderful news or have an unpredictable experience which forces you to change your plans or course of action. The speed of life increases, and you can feel agitated easily. This is not the best time to arrange or to take care of a lot of responsibilities due to possessing a lack of focus. An energy deficiency can make you less efficient, less able or reliable. Others may also try to deceive you or seem to be distracted by you..

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Prepare to dive deep into the ocean of emotion and intuition! This compassionate transit boosts your psychic abilities exponentially. You’ll be so in tune with other’s feelings – almost to the point of feeling overwhelmed! Make sure to nurture your empathic self with rest and relaxation as needed. This is a magical time to follow your heart – that inner wisdom of yours knows exactly where it’s going!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

This transit churns up the ocean of feels, doesn’t it? Repressed emotions, family drama, past hurts – it may feel overwhelming as they all surface at once. The good news? That mental clarity from Gemini helps you articulate it all! So let it out, then let it go. No more brooding silently. Talking through heartaches is the first step in moving forward lighter and brighter. Then treat yourself to something nurturing – you deserve it after handling those turbulent tides!



May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

With the spotlight-loving Sun swanning into Gemini’s territory, you might feel temporarily upstaged! But never fear, your golden talents will still draw many admirers over the next few weeks. Use this social time to ask questions, exchange creative ideas, or talk about causes you care about. An audience for your wise and generous spirit awaits! Just balance sharing your light with times for centering alone. Even the most glamorous queens need restoration.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full Moon is in your 5th house of creative expression. How can you make a difference and wow the world through what you offer? There is a side to you that is extremely creative and can grab the attention of dozens, hundreds if not thousands of people! So if you have been suppressing your creative side, let her out! Don’t hide what you have to show anymore; the world needs what you are made of!

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

You will be able to examine areas which you may never be interested in generally. Possessing vitality, you will be able to release energy struggles and reveal fresh methods to exert a more positive influence in your life and on others. Be careful of making rash decisions. Other people will be able to bring you much abundance during this month, and your wishes can be talked about and resolved even more efficiently. This is also a good time to refine the connections between you and another person whose relationship needs some attention, stating your expectations to them without any unnecessary clashes.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

With lucky Jupiter magnifying your already magnetic energy, you’ll be a spotlight magnet everywhere you go. We’re talking red carpet levels of attention and adoration! Bask in the glow, have fun with it. Just don’t let the fame go to that fabulous head of yours. Stay humble and use your newfound influence to lift up others! And watch out for sycophants trying to manipulate you. Discern true motivations. Roar on!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

Over the next little while, you’re going to feel your already huge confidence and courage grow even bigger. I’m talking BIG lion energy! You’ll have so many creative ideas sparking that clever mind of yours. My advice? Share ’em! Dazzle your audiences and fans with your talents, whether through performance, leadership, or inspiring others to reach for their dreams. The world needs your radiant gifts now more than ever!



May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

As the Sun spins into Gemini, you’ll feel antsy to organize things! Make lists, schedule meetings, tidy up. But leave room for spontaneity too. Say yes to fun surprises and last-minute laughs with people who boost your mood. It balances all your planning. And remember your natural talent for joyfully appreciating each moment’s simple pleasures – don’t schedule every single minute, my love! Life is meant to be savored.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full Moon is a night to reflect on where your heart is really at. When you fight with your loved ones, do you turn against them, or are you for them? As a Virgo, you can sometimes put your professional success and your work above your loved ones; however, while you still might want to focus on work, your loved ones might need you. Reflect on how much you give to your duty and work and how much you give to those you love. Is it balanced?

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

Get ready for your analytical mind and caring heart to be awakened. You’ll likely meet your next crush in the busy streets of your neighborhood. Maybe when rushing to an appointment, you’ll lock eyes with a handsome stranger across the urban bustle, time slowing down for a moment as you notice the glint of intellect in their eyes. Don’t ignore this potential – use your gift for conversation to discover if their mind intrigues as much as their smile captivates! But don’t let the emotional depth between you become lost in a sea of constant banter. In relating, balance is key.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Ease up on overanalyzing everything! This transit is awakening that creative spark you often keep buried under spreadsheets and critical thinking. Give your imagination permission to run wild – no judgments, just freedom! Inspiration will lead you to new skills and talents you never knew you had. Throw caution to the wind and experiment! Dive heartfirst into creative projects just for the joy of it. No criticizing those little imperfect details that used to bug you. Embrace the magic!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

You always love learning new skills, gathering facts, and serving your communities. Well good news! Jupiter’s transit through Gemini is going to light up your mind in amazing ways over the coming months. Get ready for exciting new projects and avenues of learning to open up to you seemingly out of the blue! My suggestion? Follow that curiosity and grow your knowledge as much as possible now. You’ll be able to use all of these new abilities to help so many people in your humble, practical Virgo way. Connect, share ideas, and keep on making the world better!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

The Sun is heading into fellow air sign Gemini, lighting up your social world! The weeks ahead are all about brainstorming new ideas with your brilliant inner circle while also diving more deeply into what truly matters to your spirit. Manage your packed calendar by politely saying no to draining events. Save energy for meaning and beauty – they recharge your soul. A peaceful oasis awaits amidst all the bustling mental activity headed your way.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

Do you believe what others tell you, and due to you accepting what they say, does this cause you unhappiness? Sometimes, our inner sadness comes from beliefs we have that were formed based on the opinions of others. On this night, reflect on what views you adopted from others that cause you inner turmoil, and try to release them.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

You excel at considering multiple perspectives when relating, a gift now enhanced by social Venus in mentally-stimulating Gemini. Are there unexpressed feelings or issues subtly weighing on a partnership? Now is the time for courageous conversation – approach with gentle curiosity rather than accusation. Creative problem-solving comes easier under these skies. And single Libras – say yes when friends invite you out, whether a concert to discover new music or a book reading to inspire your literary mind. The next soulmate connection is often found when we aren’t searching for it!

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Get ready for even more adoration coming your way! Your gifts for balancing, harmony and compromise will be in high demand. Everyone craves your fair-minded perspective when conflict arises. Bask in the glow of popularity but set boundaries against people-pleasing. Prioritize self-care with the same vigor you give to others’ needs. Keep your trademark grace under the spotlight while standing firm in your truth. The world needs your diplomacy now more than ever!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

So you know how you already live to socialize, go to art galleries, host fabulous dinner parties? Well once Jupiter dips into Gemini’s territory for a spell, all those artistic, social butterfly talents of yours are going to go into overdrive! Use this influx of energy to reconnect with old friends or make some new interesting ones. Bring communities together through culture, conversation, and your famous balanced Libra style diplomacy. Trust me, your level-headed approach will be essential when Jupiter sparks all this mental energy and social action!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

With the Sun in Gemini, you might initially feel impatience with all the social buzz. Preferring emotional depth, you are not one for trivial chitchat! But do remain open and engaged, especially if any revelations lie beneath the surface layers. By staying receptive versus judging prematurely, your strategic mind and tender heart may uncover hidden truths during all the upbeat banter headed your way.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

During this Full Moon, you will realize that your inner happiness is not due to how much you have and what you own but due to the extremely high moral values you hold within yourself. You do not budge for anything and anyone, and you stay true to your honor, and on this day, you will see the true value in this. A man/woman can be a millionaire, but he is poor if he is not honorable. You will come to realize this deeply during this Full Moon.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

While your instinct is to bond intensely with lovers on a soul level, Venus in Gemini calls for a lighter approach! Like a dance, enjoy the early days of flirtation as you circle closer, tempted yet not fully joined. A playful, intellectual exchange of messages, inside jokes, whispered innuendos when together. The verbal tango needn’t negate emotional and physical intimacy for those already committed. Just don’t let fear push you to merge too quickly with another before true knowing. Patience, my friends – it is the sweet space between notes that allows the music to play.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

Steel your resolve, the tides are about to pull you into intense emotional depths! Your natural talents for probing beneath the surface will be working in overdrive. You’ll uncover long-buried truths and solve thorny mysteries…just be careful not to become obsessed and drown in turbulent waters. Make sure to tend your own vulnerable underbelly in the process – even eagles need to land. Reach out if you need anchor. There are hidden gems in these uncharted waters!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

When Jupiter moves into Gemini, get ready for a whole cornucopia of mental stimulation to land squarely in your laser-focused lap! Use this transit to crank that already formidable mind power up to 11 and achieve all your biggest dreams and ambitions! This Jupiter boost is going to allow you to imagine possibilities so huge, so bold and so outside-the-box, it would make other signs tremble. But not you powerful Scorpios! Dream extra big, then strategize how to make those passionate visions a reality. You got this!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

Ready for a mental adventure? These upcoming weeks are gonna be a total thought trip – expect talks, texts, invites from your wildly eclectic circle! Your mind’s craving new data and ideas to chew on. And go where inspiration takes you…just remember to balance your mental meanderings with chill hangouts that feed your free-spirited soul too. Roam, then come back home!

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

A Full Moon in your 1st house is a fantastic event! This Full Moon will allow you to return to your inner truth and to come eye to eye with your true self. Sometimes, we lose touch with who we are due to the opinions of others and the experiences we go through; however, on this night, you can reconnect with yourself again and rediscover what you truly believe in and who you are.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

This transit has adventure written all over it! As Venus tours Gemini, she dances through the part of your chart associated with exploration, travel and passion. You may just meet a potential lover while on one of your intrepid jaunts abroad! But even if gallivanting across new continents isn’t in your budget, the spirit needn’t be tamed. Say yes to local excursions off the beaten path with friends – who knows where surprising conversations may lead once you open your heart to the unexpected! Curiosity and wonder beckon you forward.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

This transit has you utterly spellbound with dreams of faraway lands and endless discovery! That restless spirit of yours is aching to roam free, seeking new cultures, new horizons, new quests that fill your soul. It’s going to be hard to focus on the mundane with visions of tropical paradises dancing in your head! Just promise me you’ll be careful out there, okay? Not everyone has your totally trusting heart. Make sure any new friends earn it. And can you send me a postcard when you find Atlantis?

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

Looks like you archers are in for some serious mental stimulation when big lucky Jupiter shimmies on over to Gemini’s neighborhood. We’re talking major expansiveness in the learning and communication departments! Use this influx of curiosity to plan your next big trip, enroll in courses that ignite your passion, connect with people from vastly different backgrounds or finally write that book. The key is to feed your restless, wandering spirit and share your fiery wisdom far and wide!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

Your usual goals ‘n’ grind might get sidelined by social stuff – meetings, events, touching base. Not your fave distraction, I know! But see it as research for future moves. What hidden gems can all that chatter reveal? And don’t forget to make space for beloved traditions that keep you grounded. A slow morning routine, listening to vintage tunes, quality time with trusted confidants…they’ll recharge ya until it’s business as usual again!

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

This Full Moon is in your 12th house of the subconscious, and it will be quite intense! Thoughts, emotions, and feelings you have held onto for ages can boil to the surface. If they do, let them. All these emotions might come up now because it has to be released, and it has been hiding deep down in your subconscious, wasting space. Now is the time to free up some room!

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

Your traditional approach to relationships may feel challenged to adapt. You prefer building emotional connections slowly over time, yet now find lively new options appearing in your community eager to exchange numbers after one conversation! Take a breath and borrow a page from airy Gemini – be open to where intellectual chemistry may lead even if hearts haven’t fully entwined yet. Staying flexible to meet another where they are without compromising your values deepens bonds over time. And coupled Goats, plan a short local getaway to rediscover the joy of curiosity with your long-term lover!

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

This transit is probably making you shake your head, but I encourage you to open up and see what magic you might discover when you unleash imagination. You’re so used to practical reality – but sometimes you need to bend that structured outlook of yours. Who knows what creative ideas or visions might take root if you allow your mind to wander without judging everything? Give your wildest dreams permission to grow, just a little bit. No one says you can’t build castles in the air and then put foundations under them!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

Now you Capricorns already have laser focus when it comes to achieving your ambitions. But with Jupiter firing up Gemini’s cleverness and versatility for a spell, your skills and talents are about to expand exponentially! Use this beneficial energy to master important new abilities through study, mentorships or job training. Jupiter is giving you an opportunity to level up career-wise. Then once you’ve scaled these new heights, be sure to lend a hoof to others still finding their footing.




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

Our luminous Sun is heading into your air sign cousin Gemini, and your genius will be glowing! What inventive brainwaves and rebellious plans are you hatching? However you channel your brilliance over these weeks, just be your wonderfully weird, game-changing self. Say yes to anything unconventional that sparks joy! And quietly bow out of anything dull. You eclectic soul deserve only the electric.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

As this Full Moon is happening in your house of friendships, you will reflect on whether your current friends support your future goals and ambitions or are just along for the ride. So many people want in on your success, but they don’t support you when you need the support the most. Pay attention to this, and try to give most of your focus and energy to those who positively influence your life.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

This transit electrifies your already progressive way of relating! As the planet of affection meets up with your cosmic ruler Uranus, shift the status quo by opening your network to new connections. Attend that avant garde art show, participate in a community workshop teaching something outside your expertise, have conversations with strangers at the farmers market – unexpected meetings can turn flirty quickly with Venus in Gemini! For those already committed, break free from routine and mundane expectations by trying novel activities together. What bold social experiments might reawaken the magic?

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

This sextile will re awaken the sparkle in your eye as inspiring new visions dance through your mind! I know you’re just itching to pull kindred spirits together under this awakening transit to make our corner of the world a better place. Just make sure to take a breath as you’re painting those vivid pictures of future societies. Inspiration needs structure too! But you’re truly in your element gathering communities, guiding them to a brighter tomorrow. Where you lead, I will gladly follow, my friend!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

You eccentric intellectuals already love new ideas, people and unusual perspectives. Well get ready for even more stimulation when Jupiter visits Gemini! Let this transit spark breakthrough concepts and outside-the-box creativity. Collaborate with friends to bring your wacky innovations to life. Find a think tank, host a salon, create that app. But most importantly, have fun quenching your relentless thirst for knowledge!




May 20 – June 20: Sun in Gemini

Your fantasy world may get shaken up by left-field convos or invites. And while you’ll shy from noisy crowds, do say yes to intimate chats that pique your emotions or creativity! Let your imagination unravel mysteries behind people’s words. By staying open-hearted amidst the social whirlwind, you’ll uncover enchanting connections and revelations meant just for you.

May 23: Full Moon in Sagittarius

A lot of the time, your own mental blockages and your negative thinking stop you from reaching success and achieving. If you can overcome these mental and emotional blockages, there won’t be all too much weighing you down, and the external forces against you will seem minimal. So, on the Full Moon night, identify how your thought patterns stop you from reaching success and doing what needs to be done to succeed in your field.

May 23 – Jun 17: Venus in Gemini

While you often prefer relating in poetic feeling tones, Venus touring Gemini calls you to wade through conversational waters more frequently now. Yes, the emotional intensity you crave still matters, yet allow words to also pave the way. Speak your dreams, share memories over coffee, text philosophical musings to new crushes. For coupled Fish, turn inward insights outward through writing love notes filled with visionary symbols only your partner understands. Simple daily exchanges feed the soul as much as heart-merging in silence. Weave together intuition and intellect and watch connections deepen.

May 23: Jupiter sextile Neptune

That faraway look tells me you’re already drifting through oceans of imagination – maybe even hearing the mystical call of the sirens! This transit taps right into your fantasy world, bringing creative inspiration and vivid visions bubbling up from unseen realms. That’s valuable stuff – the world needs your unique brand of magical perspective! Just promise me you’ll come back from Neverland now and then, okay? We miss you here on boring old land! But by all means – dive deep and share the treasures you uncover!

May 25, 2024 – June 9, 2025: Jupiter in Gemini

With Jupiter entering Gemini, your creativity and intuition are going to be working overtime! Use this influx of innovation to dive wholly into your artistic passions. Express your boundless imagination through poetry, photography, dance or canvas. When it comes to creativity the sky’s the limit! Just be sure to come up for air once in awhile. We can’t have you drifting too far out to sea, even if the currents of inspiration feel so good!


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