May 3, 2024
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Love Horoscope:  18 December – 24 December 2023

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign.


Aries weekly love horoscope

Your sweetie may get a little annoyed with you this week, Aries, seeing as you seem to be much more focussed on work than on the holidays or your relationship. Maybe you’re on a break, or maybe you’re not, but either way, your head isn’t exactly in a romantic space right now. You’ve had your fun, but you’re ready to take up the responsibility again and reflect on where you see yourself going in the year to come.

A word of advice, Aries – keep your honey in the loop. Bring them in and make them a part of your team. You’re usually so good at this, so it shouldn’t be that much of a chore, right? You’ve just gotten caught up, which is perfectly normal and natural. Make your apologies and move on. Bear in mind that you seem to have some financial themes going on now, too, themes in which you have to find the balance of give and take. 


Taurus weekly love horoscope

This week in love is a little wonky, Taurus. See, your ruler, Venus, is aligning to Uranus in a restless opposition aspect, making it a little tough to get settled, whatever your relationship situation happens to be. Maybe this is an inner feeling you’re having, or perhaps there’s something that occurs, making you wonder just how committed your honey is.

However, Taurus, perhaps it’s also you that’s feeling reluctant around commitment. Perhaps there’s something that’s also holding you back at the moment. This is the perfect week to address these issues so you can move forward with more confidence about where the relationship is going. This also seems to be an ongoing theme on your relationships at the moment, Taurus. You need to find a way to both have your freedom, yet also still feel safe and secure. It’s not as hard as it seems. It’s about finding a working balance and learning to negotiate rather than becoming too stuck in your ways.


Gemini weekly love horoscope

Mercury, the planet of communication, is dancing right back into your relationship sector this week, Gemini. This is because he’s retrograde, and thus, is giving you another chance to iron any issues out that came up a few weeks ago. It’s a second chance. Gemini, so take it with both hands. You’re usually such a good talker, but now’s the week to listen. To sit still and do your utmost best to hear what your partner has to say truly. Try not to interrupt. Try not to interject. Just hold the space. There’s something to learn right now.

Of course, it is important that you still hold onto your own ideas and opinions, especially if they’re aligned to your innermost values. You can always find a way to meet in the middle whilst still staying true to yourself. Also, take what’s benign said with a small pinch of salt. Mercury retrograde has a way of muddling information and making us go back on our word once he moves direct.


Cancer weekly love horoscope

Multiple alignments are unfolding in your relationship sector this week, Cancer. It’s Solstice, you see. This means that the Sun is making his annual visit to your partnership zone, where he’ll be brightening and illuminating all things love-related. It’s the time to fall in love (for the first time or all over again), to celebrate connection and to let yourself be securely held by your sweetheart. Of course, there’s always a small danger of losing your identity in the Other.  Yet, this is temporary, so don’t sweat it, Cancer. Just enjoy the experience of merging.

What’s more, the weekend seems to be a chance for clear, open communication – a heart-to-heart yet grounded and practical conversation. If you’ve been wondering when the time was to bring a burning question up – well, this is it. Just be prepared that this won’t be the last or final chat you’re going to have, Cancer. You will revisit this in a few weeks. This takes so much pressure off, doesn’t it?


Leo weekly love horoscope

The Sun changes signs this week, Leo, signaling a shift of Season – Solstice, to be exact. Seeing as this is your ruling planet, you’ll be feeling this more than most. It’s a cosmic pause, a recalibration of sorts. The zone that becomes highlighted for you is your day-to-day work, routine, and lifestyle sector, which really has very little to do with love. But, it can make the mundane that much more, well, satisfying. Tackling chores with you, honey, won’t feel as onerous and burdensome. In fact, doing activities together, such as a morning run, washing up, or jointly tidying the house, may be pretty fun.

What does seem to boost your love life is the move of Mercury back into your pleasure and romance sector. If you happen to be single, an old flame may come waltzing back into your life. Or, you’re entertaining the idea of having a conversion with someone you’d forgotten all about. When it comes to the former, try your best not to make any concrete decisions about it,as this situation may simply be coming up for closure. With the latter, go right ahead. There’s definitely potential.


Virgo weekly love horoscope

There are some delicious alignments going on for you this week, Virgo. The first of these is the trine between your ruler, Mercury, to abide by Jupiter across your passion and growth sectors. If You’re in a relationship, it may be that you and your sweetie are talking about travel or something else close to your hearts. There’s so much love and joy in this conversation that you can practically feel it all the way down to your toes. Shared happiness increases physical chemistry, so keep that in mind, Virgo.

You’ll also be enjoying the move of the Sun into your romance and dating zone this week, making it easy to revel in pleasure, fun and play – especially if you’re single. Go out there and mingle Virgo – your star is shining bright at the moment and you’ll be irresistible. If you have honey, then these next few weeks are ideal to plan and structure a couple of yummy date nights into your schedule.


Libra weekly love horoscope

Most of the focus this week is on your home and domestic environment, Libra. Perhaps you and your sweetie are talking about family arrangements or living situations. This is par for the course, seeing as it’s the buildup to Christmas, if that’s something you celebrate. The time of year is often one fraught with tension and potential conflict, but for once, it seems that you and your lover are on the exact same page. The weekend brings a chance of open, grounded communication. You’re finding practical solutions to any niggling issues, no matter how triggering they are. This shows enormous growth, Libra, so keep that in mind. Be proud of how far you’ve come.

The one issue that may crop up is finances. There seems to be an unexpected, surprise expense on the way, making it extremely important to stay cool, calm and collected – and to keep on working as a team. Navigate the chaos together, Libra – it’s the only way.


Scorpio weekly love horoscope

The Venus-Uranus opposition this week is happening in your very own sign, Scorpio, which may reflect a fairly tricky situation for you and your honey. It could be that they’re either asking for or demanding greater space and freedom than what you seem to be comfortable with. Being a sign that sometimes struggles with trust and likes to keep your partners close, this is a major soul lesson for you. You have to reflect very deeply on whether what they’re asking for is reasonable, and even more importantly, if it’s something you can sustain long-term. Some people just need more space than others, Scorpio so it’s not your fault if you can’t accommodate the situation. Maybe you need to call it, to end it, in order to honor yourself and your values.

If there’s one thing you do need to keep in mind however is to not get overly reactive in this situation. Don’t be impulsive, Scorpio. You may regret it. Take your time and come up with a strategy that you can take action on in a week or two.


Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

You or your sweetie may, out of the blue, suddenly decide to run off and take space, Sagittarius. This may simply be due to the natural overwhelm that most people seem to feel around this time of year, when family commitments and responsibilities threaten to take over. Can you see it that way, rather than as a major threat to your relationship? Can you both take the time you need to receive and come back a little more in control and refreshed? Can you restrain yourself from using the words ‘breakup’ or ‘divorce’? Using words like that only threatens the stability of your connection, so be very careful indeed, Sagittarius.

What will be working for you is the move of communicative, honest Mercury back into your sign over the weekend. This helps you to say what’s on your heart and be heard for it, whether you’re talking to a crush or your long-term lover.


Capricorn weekly love horoscope

This is the official start of your Birthday week, Capricorn – hooray! Time to celebrate yourself and to have a little fun. Don’t be shy about asking for the kind of birthday you want. You may find that your honey is more than willing to spoil you, to lavish you with love and give you exactly what you desire. This is the one time of year where you can be as selfish as you like, Capricorn, so go on and lap it up.

Single or involved, there seem to be a few surprises on the way for you when it comes to love, what with the Venus-Uranus opposition unfolding in this particular sector of your Birth Chart this week. Maybe someone new and exciting appears in your life, right out of the blue. Or, your current sweetie whisks you off on a wild and unexpected date. Don’t try and control the situation, Capricorn – just go with it. Let the Universe (aka, other people) take the reins for a change.


Aquarius weekly love horoscope

It’s a bit of a wild week, Aquarius, what with some of the cosmic aspects that seem to be developing. Hold onto your hat, and try not to run for the hills, thereby abandoning your honey to the grunt work of dealing with family and domestic tangles. Be a team. Stand together, Navigate the emotional storms of the festive season and you’ll come out stronger for it.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for alone time when needed because You will need it, Aquarius. You have to catch your breath between all the things that seem to be going on, all the possibilities, changes, and obligations. Go for a walk and breathe deeply. Have a nap. Run yourself a hot bath. When you’re surrounded by people, find your way to the center of your being and stay there for a moment. Don’t forget to communicate, either. This will go a long way towards getting you any support you need.


Pisces weekly love horoscope

This week, make it your mission to receive, Pisces. Let your honey give to you – really give. This may be a practical gift – it’s Christmas, after all. Yet, it may also simply be on an emotional level that you need to learn to receive Pisces. That means allowing yourself to be loved, adored and cherished without jumping into giving back, or feeling obligated. The scales will balance eventually, so just relax and enjoy.

If you’re single, then carve out time to spend with friends for a week, Pisces. Be with your wider community. Let the search for love rest. Focus on creating some lovely new goals for yourself. Collaborate and have fun doing it. The time for love will come. Rest now. There’s so much positive energy gathering this week so much exciting change. Your perspective is drastically shifting, and it’s about time. You may see the past very differently than you did before. This helps to pave the way for a new romantic chapter, come 2024.


By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: