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Love Horoscope:  2 September – 8 September 2024

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope:

Aries weekly love horoscope

This week, keep an eye on your ruler, Mars. He’s up to all kinds of nonsense, especially with his square with Neptune on Tuesday, reflecting all kinds of confusion and uncertainty. Though it’s not necessarily connected to your relationships, there’s a sense that you’re not acting fully in alignment with your authenticity, not speaking your truth, or just not sure what your truth really is. Under this influence, do your utmost not to make any major decisions, relationship-wise. Things are going to change so fast that you’ll barely be able to keep up.

The reason for this is because Mars is changing signs the very day after he meets with Neptune. He enters the sector of your chart linked to home, family, domestic life, and roots. This area, Aries, is also connected to endings, and while this may not necessarily mean the end of your relationship, it is probably going to test you and your honey a little. Don’t bury your feelings. Make your concerns known.

Taurus Love Horoscope:

Taurus weekly love horoscope

There are two major cosmic configurations to look out for this week when it comes to your love life, Taurus. The first of these is the New Moon at the very start of the week, which portends a lovely new beginning. For those of you who are hopeful for new love, this is a great sign from the Universe that it may very well be on the way. How exciting, Taurus.

The second configuration is the opposition of the Sun and Saturn, also in your romance sector. This is a little harder, Taurus. It might signify uncertainties and deeper insecurities, whether within yourself or with your partner. There seems to be a wave of commitment (or lack of it) going on, which may be the very reason why these insecurities are arising. Navigate with great compassion, Taurus. Celebrate and affirm one another’s light. Stand true for what it is that you really want and need in love, whether that’s freedom or greater security.

Gemini Love Horoscope:

Gemini weekly love horoscope

Whatever you do, Gemini, make sure that you only do it after Tuesday. Your actions right now cannot be trusted or relied on, and not because of anything necessarily being ‘wrong’ with you. It’s just that your ruler, Mercury, is squaring Neptune, reflecting a very wobbly energy. One that could have you saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It’s mainly concentrated in your career, so no need to stress too much about your love life. Nevertheless, it’s important to be forewarned.

Your ruler, Mercury, is also having a moment as he squares with Uranus, reflecting the potential for you to suddenly say something you’ll almost certainly end up regretting. Or, at least, changing your mind over and over again, which may give your sweetheart a touch of whiplash. Do your utmost to hold your tongue before it runs away with you this week, Gemini. Explain to your lover, crush, or SO that they should take anything you say with a pinch of salt.

Cancer Love Horoscope:

Cancer weekly love horoscope

For the first time in about two years, Mars enters your sign, Cancer. Now, not only is he paying a visit, but he’s also going to be sticking around for quite some time due to the fact that he’ll be retrograding back into your sign. So, get used to this energy. It’s going to have its upsides and its downsides. The downside is that you’re likely to be experiencing increased aggression and anger, which you may not even quite realize, Cancer. Yet your sweetie will. And the moment they confront you about it, you’ll probably get a touch defensive. Be careful, Cancer. This is a slippery slope that could result in creating more problems than it’s worth.

The upside of this transit is that Mars just so happens to rule lust, desire, and passion. Thus, you’ll be feeling sexier than you have in a long, long time. If you’re single, you’d better use this to your advantage. You can have anyone you want right now without making much of an effort.

Leo Love Horoscope:

Leo weekly love horoscope

Oh dear. Did you really just blurt that out? Luckily, you can blame the planets for it, but only once, Leo. If you make the same mistake again, you may have to step up and take responsibility for it. Because of this wild mental energy, you may find yourself changing your mind more than once about a certain sweetheart. Or changing plans. Or deciding you want to change your whole life trajectory. Do your best not to believe everything your mind is telling you this week. Warn your SO that you’re not to be relied on, at least not right now. Forgive yourself if you’re not as consistent as usual, Leo.  

It would also be wise not to believe everything that someone might be telling you. No matter how pretty a picture they are painting, it’s likely that, somewhere down the line, you’ll see inevitable flaws. As such, Leo, take everything with a grain of salt, especially when it comes to promises being made. Cut them some slack—and do the same for yourself.

Virgo Love Horoscope:

Virgo weekly love horoscope

It’s quite the week for you, Virgo. There’s a New Moon in your very own sign, beckoning in a new and wonderful start. This seems to have very little to do with a relationship per se, but could be highly beneficial for your personal direction. If there is a relationship in your world that feels redundant, or as if it’s holding you back, well, Virgo, it may be necessary for you to let it go so that you will be able to flourish and be the biggest and best expression of who you are.

Of course, if you love your human and they support who you are becoming, there’s absolutely no need to pull the plug. Only you know, Virgo, what to do. You know the health and state of your relationship. If it’s not going well, don’t force it. The Saturn-Sun opposition could prove a little challenging this week, making it extremely important to notice any restrictions or responsibilities being placed on you that you don’t deserve or need to carry.

Libra Love Horoscope:

Libra weekly love horoscope

None of the scary aspects are happening in your love sectors this week, Libra, so you can breathe a sigh of relief. Many other signs might be experiencing all kinds of difficulties in their relationships, whereas you seem to be dealing with more personal issues. Issues related to your health, your work, your wellness. For example, one of the aspects suggests that you seem to be more exhausted than usual, Libra, making it important to find your rest. This also means that you may not have energy for dating or spending quality time with your honey.

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Bearing this in mind, Libra, go easy on yourself. Don’t put too much pressure on your relationship at the moment. Ask your partner to let you rest and take care of you. Cancel those hookups. Find ways to spend time alone that soothe your spirit. Become familiar with solitude. After all, you are always going to be the one with yourself right until the very end.

Scorpio Love Horoscope:

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

You should be more than used to the wild and wacky transits of Uranus through your relationship sector, Scorpio. It’s been happening for years, after all. Nevertheless, you may still be taken aback by his energy this week, as this planet meets with Mercury in an electric square aspect. It’s an energy that could have your partner changing their minds at a moment’s notice, which, understandably, might have the effect of you feeling unsettled and maybe even untrusting of them.

Do your utmost not to react too quickly, Scorpio, because just as fast as this unfolds, it changes again. It may even be you that’s the one changing your mind without notice. If that is the case, Scorpio, be mindful that you’re not projecting this behavior or making others accountable for your actions. It’s easier to do than you may think. Take radical responsibility. Most of all, know your worth this week. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope:

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

The start of the week is very wobbly when it comes to love, Sagittarius. You see, Mars is still in your relationship sector, and just before he leaves on Thursday, he casts a square to Neptune. This has been building up since last week, so you’re feeling it already. It’s an energy of uncertainty, of navigating relationship territory that feels, well, unstable. It may be reflective of the yearning to look for satisfaction outside of your connection. You’re not the type, Sagittarius, so watch the feeling but don’t act on it. Wait for a hot minute before you say or do a single thing, because it will change, and fast.

Of course, the reverse might apply in which you could suspect your sweetie of not being entirely honest with you, or also searching for what seems like greener pastures. Is your feeling true? It may well be. Or it’s just that your honey is having a confusing time at the moment. Again, just don’t react. Watch, wait, and see what happens.

Capricorn Love Horoscope:

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

You seem to be very much in the mood for excitement, Capricorn. So much so that you could, as they say, throw the baby out with the proverbial bathwater. This means not to overlook or change a good thing when you have it, Capricorn, no matter how restless you may be feeling in this moment. Not that you would normally do this, but these cosmic aspects are quite strong at the moment, making temptation that much more tempting.

So, if you do act out, Capricorn, just be kinder to yourself. Speak your apologies. Let your lovers know that you aren’t the most reliable at the moment – but that you are very much up for fun and for doing things differently than usual. If you are dating, this is the kind of week to continue to push your edges and explore new and interesting connections. Even if none of them ‘land’, you’ll have learned plenty from the experience.

Aquarius Love Horoscope:

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

Mars and Neptune create a square between them at the start of this week, Aquarius, and seeing as Mars is in one of your love sectors, this is a good time to be cautious in your relationships. All that glitters may very well not be gold, so be watchful. You could all too easily fall for someone that you really shouldn’t be, and you know it. What they’re putting out there is almost certainly not who they really are. This smoke and mirrors can throw your intuition off, so be careful of being overly logical and trying to rationalize what shouldn’t be rationalized, Aquarius. Listen to that inner voice.

Fortunately, this does all pass very quickly, and you’ll be enjoying a much smoother ride for the rest of the week. Phew. The New Moon opens up opportunities to get up close and personal with your honey, to get deeper, more intimate, and perhaps even start looking at, for example, moving in together or sharing your finances.

Pisces Love Horoscope:

Pisces weekly love horoscope

The New Moon this week unfolds in your relationship sector, Pisces. How exciting. If you’re hoping for a new beginning in your existing connection, then this is the moment it’ll happen. Well, in the next several months, that is. You might get engaged, married, move in with each other, buy a home, conceive a child, or anything else that involves a deeper commitment. How this looks is dependent on the agreements in your relationship, Pisces.

If you aren’t in a relationship, well, even better, Pisces. New Moons in this area often portends meeting someone important in the future. The one thing you will need to do, Pisces, is be sure not to project any fear into the situation. Don’t limit yourself. You can and are capable of changing patterns from the past. You are allowed to choose someone new and different, someone outside of your usual taste. You’re allowed to dream of your soulmate because it could actually happen for you. Passion seems to be written in the stars at the moment.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: margaritaceleste.com.

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