July 27, 2024
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Love Horoscope:  20 May – 26 May 2024

Your love horoscope for next week, when it comes to love, romance, and dating, based on your astrology sign. Select your sign to discover more about your love horoscope:

Aries Love Horoscope:

Aries weekly love horoscope

There’s enormous change in the air this week, Aries. Three of the ten planets change signs, moving into your communication sector. This bodes very well indeed for your relationships. You’ll be able to find the exact right words at the exact right time over these next few weeks. Venus in particular brightens up this space and makes things easier and breezier.

Now, if you happen to be single, Aries, this is even better news for you. Your options are likely to expand, with plenty of delightful potential partners coming your way. Remember, you don’t have to commit to anyone or anything right now, no matter how powerful and intense the attraction is. Because there may well be one or two people that stand out for you, especially over the weekend. The pull is compelling, even possessive. Nevertheless, it’s also temporary. Enjoy the moment for what it is instead of rushing to think that this is your new one and only, Aries.

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Taurus Love Horoscope:

Taurus weekly love horoscope

It’s the official end of your Birthday season, Taurus, with the Sun moving out of your sign. Venus, your ruler, follows hot on the heels of said Sun, brightening up your self-worth sector and continuing the momentum you’ve been enjoying in this last month. The next few weeks will see you eager to spoil your sweetie, to take them out, buy them gifts and generally enjoy the high life together. Make the most of this abundant time, Taurus, and don’t overthink anything too much.

Venus, your ruler, also changes signs this week, but before she does, she makes a grand conjunction to joyful Jupiter. This is as luxurious, delicious, and sensual as it gets, Taurus. Your mood is bound to be high, and everyone, including your sweetheart, will pick up on it. Your heart is set to explode with gratitude and love, whatever your relationship status happens to be. This is the week where dreams could really come true, Taurus

Gemini Love Horoscope:

Gemini weekly love horoscope

Oh, Gemini. Are you ready for this week? It’s set to be one of the best this year so far. You see, not only does the Sun head into your sign, signaling that it’s the start of your Birthday season, but so does Venus and Jupiter, the two ‘great benefics’. This means, if you haven’t picked it up, the two most positive planets are gracing your sign for the next month to a year. Oh yes, you heard that right, Gemini. A whole year of good luck and abundance.

So, if you’ve been feeling like you haven’t had much success in the dating or love department, then this would be the time to enjoy plenty of delicious opportunities. Because you’re feeling so lucky, you’re bound to be snapping up dates left, right, and center. Your heart is wide open. You’re feeling good about yourself, which will attract people to you like bees to the honeypot..

Cancer Love Horoscope:

Cancer weekly love horoscope

The beginning of this week is likely to bring you one of the best few days you’ve had in a long, long time, Cancer. The connection of the two most beneficial planets, Venus and Jupiter, in your ‘love-received’ sector is going to feel oh-so-good. If you have a partner, they’re going to be showering you with love, maybe in the form of words, or gifts, or other kinds of wonderful gestures. Receive gracefully, Cancer, because you deserve all of this and more.

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The cosmic energies change swiftly as Venus and Jupiter move on into the area of your chart connected to spirituality and inner growth. What does this mean for your love life? Well, with Venus in that area, it’s probably a case of you either falling in love with someone you shouldn’t, or someone you’d prefer others not to know about. Or, it’s a case of developing feelings for somebody that’s foreign or deeply spiritual. Hopefully, it’s the latter.

Leo Love Horoscope:

Leo weekly love horoscope

There are certain aspects developing this week that lend an intense, delicious, compelling energy to your love life, Leo. You might be startled, for example, at the depth of an attraction to someone from your close circle – someone who, up until now, might have not been on your radar at all. Even if this does come as a shock, roll with it, Leo. Feel into it. What is it about this person that feels so magnetic? Why do you feel as if you want to merge with them? Do they present something that you’d like to develop within yourself?

One of the biggest questions on your mind might be whether or not this connection is one built to last. The truth is, Leo, there are some energies in your love sector right now that indicate a majorly transformative period in your relationships. People you meet now have the power to change your life, quite literally. Lean in.

Virgo Love Horoscope:

Virgo weekly love horoscope

Virgo, this week is far less about love and romance, and more about your professional world, where things are set to look extremely exciting. You’re entering a period of enormous growth right about now, so get ready. Your relationships might need to take a backseat for a moment.

In fact, the way that you’re going about climbing the ladder might prove extremely attractive and have the effect of creating an even closer bond between you and your sweetie. There’s nothing like a good dose of ambition to make people desire you even more, Virgo. Added to this mix is the move of Venus to the most visible sector of your chart. Here she graces you with the powers of magnetism, making you seem more alluring than ever. This is going to be most especially felt in the realm of work, where your colleagues, clients, and employees are going to be practically falling over themselves to get close to you.

Libra Love Horoscope:

Libra weekly love horoscope

Your ruler, Venus, is all set to change signs, moving from your intimacy sector to your personal growth zone. However, before she makes her move, she connects with Jupiter in a delicious and poignant conjunction. This allows you to truly, deeply connect with your partner on a level that you may not have been to before. Jupiter increases the capacity of Venus to truly and deeply love. To open your heart. To accept whatever gifts your sweetie wants to shower you with.

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This creates an ideal setup for the next phase, which is all about developing yourself, Libra. It’s about expanding your horizons and enjoying new and exciting possibilities. If you’re hoping to travel, then rest assured the cosmos are very much on your side. You can, of course, bring your sweetie along for the ride. Or, they can let you go, celebrating you every step of the way. If you’re single, this is the perfect time to be (re)claiming your freedom. The next year or so has some wild adventures in store for you, Libra.

Scorpio Love Horoscope:

Scorpio weekly love horoscope

The start of this week brings some of the very best kinds of energy your way, Scorpio. You see, you have the connection of Venus and Jupiter in your romance sector, a link which brings all kinds of beautiful opportunities to connect with your exciting partner or someone new. You might even have an abundance of options at the moment, all of which seem to be very promising. Your heart is very open at this point, which, as you’re beginning to see, draws people to you like bees to a honeypot.

Your partner may also be enjoying an uptake in admiration, which might have you feeling a little insecure, Scorpio. Yet, can you reframe this and see this rather as an opportunity to celebrate what an attractive, yummy, fantastic partner you have? Of course, if they’re taking it too far by flirting too hard, you may need to step in and say something.

Sagittarius Love Horoscope:

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

There’s a Full Moon in your sign this week, Sagittarius. This means that it’s time to focus on you and your own needs. Yet, at the same time, it’s also important to take into consideration the needs and desires of your partner, if you’re in a relationship and want to stay in that relationship. If you’re finding that the relationship has run its course, then this would be the time to begin the process of letting go, Sagittarius. See, you also have the move of Jupiter, your ruler, into your relationship sector for the first time in twelve years.

What does this mean for your love life? Well, Sagittarius, it means that you may either embark on a new connection, one that could last a year or twelve. Or, if the relationship you’re in doesn’t offer you the freedom you need, you may find yourself needing to make the call to go your separate ways. If the latter, Sagittarius, rest assured that things will end well.

Capricorn Love Horoscope:

Capricorn weekly love horoscope

You have one last ‘hurrah’ this week, Capricorn, as Venus and Jupiter connect in your romance sector. Jupiter has been gracing this area of your chart for the last year, increasing your chances of enjoying delicious connections and sensual delights. As this planet of good fortune and Venus unite, you may be enjoying a feast of passion and pleasure, either with your exciting partner or with someone new. Eat your fill and more, Capricorn. Indulge. Be a little hedonistic with your heart. Give all the love. Date multiple people, if you like. Weeks like these are extremely rare, so it’s up to you to make the most of it.

You see, the Astrological Weather soon changes, creating much more of an emphasis on work and day-to-day issues. The intense romantic energy dies down, making room for practicalities and more mundane tasks to be taken care of. Do you see now why you need to make every moment count?

Aquarius Love Horoscope:

Aquarius weekly love horoscope

Aquarius, you’re moving into a period of your life where romance will be right at the front and center of your focus. You see, you have the move of Jupiter, planet of luck and abundance, into your love sector, where he’ll be staying for the next year. So, if you’re single, Aquarius, get ready to enjoy a time where you’ll have more than enough lovers to choose from. Added to this delicious energy is the move of Venus, the planet of love and romance, into this very same sector. She stays here for a month Aquarius, adding her delicious and delightful energy to Jupiter.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, Aquarius, this is the perfect time to be exploring what gives you pleasure, what turns you on, and what opens your heart. Expect plenty of talking, Aquarius. Mental connection is the surest way to your heart, and these transits ensure that there’ll be plenty of that.

Pisces Love Horoscope:

Pisces weekly love horoscope

The week starts off on a delicious note, Pisces, what with Venus and Jupiter connecting in your communication sector. What this reveals for you is the opportunity to say what’s truly in your heart. To speak to your crush, your special sweetie, your long-term lover in a way that invites deeper and more delicious connection. Even better if you can plan some time away together, Pisces. If you do, it’ll be even more magical.

The energy shifts later on, lighting up your domestic sector and bringing a soft, gentle energy to your home life. This sparks a time where you may be thinking about moving in with your sweetie or potentially buying a home together. Or, you’re simply basking in each other’s company and enjoying just being at home, in your space, cuddling up and entertaining guests. If you’ve been having any issues with your family, this is going to be a time where you and your honey will be able to clear these issues up with grace and compassion.



By Margarita

Margarita Celeste is a passionate, practicing Astrology & Tarot Teacher and Consultant living in sunny Cape Town, South Africa. She has been interested in the deep symbolism of the stars and planets ever since she can remember and specializes in Relationship and Psychological Astrology. You can reach Margarita via her website: margaritaceleste.com.

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