April 29, 2024
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Your zodiac sign and horoscope are related to the planetary movements! The starGuide, interprets the planets’ movements to help you gain awareness of what you can expect to happen and your current mental, emotional and spiritual state. Live a more self-aware life!​ 

Horoscope: December 21, 2023 – January 23, 2024

starGuide Sun in Capricorn, Full Moon in Cancer and Venus in Sagittarius.


Aries Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

As the Sun begins its journey, into Capricorn, you find yourself standing at the edge of a mountain. Your ambitions, your life, it’s a fortress that you have built. The fiery passion within you now meets the practical energy of Capricorn. It is a time where your leadership skills are not tested but also refined and sharpened. Imagine yourself as both an architect and a warrior, constructing and fighting for your place in the world. This is a period of resilience, where your spirit of conquest is called upon to rise with wisdom and enduring patience.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon in Cancer infuses more tranquility into your fiery essence. This event doesn’t mean dampening your flame but rather nurturing it in a different way. It’s a moment for reflection, where you can explore the undercurrents that often get overshadowed by your passion and drive. This full moon urges you to embrace the softer aspects of your ambitions and find strength in vulnerability. It’s about realizing that sometimes showing your emotional side is the best thing you can do, as well as taking a moment to contemplate your inner needs. During this phase, you might feel restless and yearn for breaking free from routine. However, it’s also an opportunity to appreciate what’s familiar and find solace in the warmth of a loved one’s embrace. Remember that even warriors need their sanctuary.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Your adventurous nature, always craving adventures, finds a kindred companion in Venus in Sagittarius. This alignment is tempting you to venture into territories of love and connection. Your heart is like a blazing torch is now ignited with a desire for experiences that go beyond the ordinary, sparking passion in exciting ways. Venus in Sagittarius is whisking you into a whirlwind of love and urging you to seek connections that are as dynamic and lively as your own soul.


Taurus Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

With the Sun’s arrival in Capricorn, you discover that your roots in the earth are reaching towards horizons. It’s as if the universe is inviting you to step out of your comfort zone to learn and expand. This transit brings about a thirst for knowledge and a longing to explore fields like philosophy, culture and higher education. Visualize yourself as an aspiring sage who gathers wisdom from all corners of the world, enriching the garden of your mind with seeds of thoughts and understanding.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

This Cancer full moon invites you to immerse yourself in the realm of emotions, a space you often visit but rarely linger in. Renowned for your practicality and stability, this lunar phase challenges you to embrace the fluidity of feelings. Now is the time to let down your guard and allow yourself to be moved deeply. This Cancer moon resonates with the part of you that longs for security and comfort. It’s a chance to delve into the depths of your relationships and strengthen the bonds with those who’re important to you. This full moon encourages you to express your emotions and share the love and care that you often hold back. It reminds you that your emotional well being is just as crucial as your material stability.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Rooted in the gardens of your heart, Venus’s passage through Sagittarius invites you to explore beyond your boundaries. It’s an invitation to dance beneath the sky of the unknown. This transit calls upon you to let the roots of your love delve into new soils, discovering beauty and pleasure in different realms. Venus in Sagittarius encourages you to open the windows of your heart and let adventure come into your soul, finding love not only within what’s safe and familiar but also within thrilling embraces with the unfamiliar.


Gemini Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

Prepare to embark on an exploration of intertwined resources, intimate connections and personal growth. I invite you to unravel the mysteries of financial entanglements while gracefully navigating the delicate balance between depth and disclosure. This phase resembles a process where your adaptable nature merges with the transformative energies of Capricorn. Embrace this period as an opportunity for transformation as you transform uncertainty into valuable wisdom.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

When the full moon shines in Cancer, it illuminates the neglected corners of your world. As someone who thrives on stimulation and social interaction, the Full Moon asks you to quiet your mind and listen to your heart. It’s a time for communication. Not only expressing thoughts but also feelings. This phase encourages you to seek an understanding of your relationships and nurture the connections that truly matter. It serves as a reminder that beneath your exterior lies a depth of emotion that deserves attention. Embracing stillness during this time allows for reflection on your emotional needs. There is an understanding that profound connections can be forged without relying solely on words but through shared feelings and unspoken understanding.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

During Venus in Sagittarius your love story transforms into an intricate mosaic of delightful explorations.This is a moment when the universe weaves stories of love that resonate with your curiosity and charm. The transit of Venus becomes a playground, for both your mind and heart, creating a space where the exchange of ideas and the excitement of exploration form connections. This period celebrates your curious nature, urging you to explore expressions of love playfully, engage with possibilities, and find delight in the intellectual and spiritual journeys that love brings.


Cancer Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn illuminates your relationships and partnerships with a bright light. This phase acts as a mirror urging you to examine your bonds with clarity and realism. It calls for harmonizing the tides of your heart with Capricorn’s grounded practicality. Now is the time to strengthen committed partnerships that truly nourish and enhance your life. This transit encourages finding harmony in connections built upon respect and lasting affection.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

As a sign ruled by the Moon, when it reaches its fullness in your sign it becomes a moment for self reflection and gaining emotional clarity. This Full Moon brings out your inclinations. Your ability to understand and support others, your instincts and your caring nature. It’s a time when you experience emotions profoundly and intensely. This full moon is a celebration of your strengths, a reminder that you have the power to not heal yourself but also those around you. It encourages you to embrace your vulnerability and recognize that being sensitive is a good trait. This is an opportunity to prioritize self care, find comfort in the familiarity of home and deepen connections with loved ones. It’s a moment to appreciate your journey, acknowledge the progress you’ve made and set intentions for creating a life filled with emotional well being and nurturing.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Cancer as Venus moves through Sagittarius your profound oceanic heart is invited on an adventure across the seas of love and emotion. This transit sprinkles stardust over your emotional depths, illuminating pathways to shores of connection and affection. Venus in Sagittarius encourages you to strike a balance between seeking comfort within your shell while also embracing the allure of open skies. It’s a time to let the Archers arrow guide you towards experiences that broaden your understanding of love, cherishing both the journey itself and its destination.


Leo Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

As the Sun moves into Capricorn, it’s like a guiding light leads you into the parts of your romantic self. This phase encourages you to channel your energy into creative pursuits while finding a balance between seeking recognition and staying true to yourself. Imagine yourself as a creator whose work not only showcases brilliance, but also reflects a journey of self discovery and profound experiences.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

Your bright and radiant presence often outshines the glow of the moon. However, during the Cancer Full Moon, even you are called upon to look. This Full Moon invites you to contemplate your need for security, an aspect that is sometimes overshadowed by your desire for validation and recognition. It serves as a reminder to nurture yourself and find solace in intimacy and vulnerability. The Full Moon encourages you to strike a balance between craving the limelight and seeking solace within the warmth of your sanctuary. It’s a time to forge connections with loved ones, reveal your more caring nature, and acknowledge that true strength lies in being both courageous and tender.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

With your heart shining like a kingdom basking in the Sun, Venus in Sagittarius sparks a fire in your love life. This period brings forth desires for vibrant romances. Love becomes a spectacle, a celebration that mirrors the boldness of your spirit. Venus calls upon you to embrace the grandeur of love and to seek partners who appreciate and bask in the radiance of your essence. It urges you to infuse your endeavors with spontaneity and passion.


Virgo Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn indicates a time to ground yourself and nurture your life and well being. As the light shines on your routines and habits, it emphasizes creating harmony between your health and responsibilities. This period invites you to infuse magic into your activities while finding the sacred in ordinary moments. Embrace this time as an opportunity to refine your rituals in a way that enhances not efficiency but holistic wellness, establishing a rhythm that resonates with both mind and body.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

The Cancer Full Moon brings forth a surge of emotional sensitivity that may feel overwhelming. It prompts you to loosen your grip on control and perfectionism while embracing the beauty found in imperfections and within unique expressions. This is a reminder that taking care of others also involves opening up about your emotions. It presents an opportunity for you to connect with yourself and acknowledge and express feelings that are often neatly tucked away.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

In your intricate world of careful affection, Venus in Sagittarius is a gentle zephyr, stirring the leaves of your well-tended gardens of love, urging you to explore beyond the neatly trimmed hedges. It invites a play of contrast, the meticulous and the spontaneous, the planned and the uncharted. This transit is your chance to let the arrows of love fly free, discovering the beauty in the unplanned and the joy in the journey of the heart. This is a harmonious blend of your detailed love with the unrestrained spirit of Venus in Sagittarius.


Libra Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

The Sun in Capricorn brings illumination to your realm of home relationships.This phase encourages you to explore the foundations of your core family relationships creating connections based on truth and mutual respect. It’s a time to find a balance between your desire for peace and the realistic and resilient qualities of Capricorn. Its time to build bridges between you and others that are constructed on pillars of honesty, loyalty and deep understanding.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

This Cancer full moon sheds light on the importance of stability. As someone known for your abilities to maintain balance and harmony, this Full Moon challenges you to apply these qualities within yourself. Take this time to reflect on your relationships and the exchange of emotions within them. This Full Moon encourages you to consider not only the peace and harmony with others but the peace within yourself. It’s a moment for acknowledging and honoring your emotions, finding equilibrium between your needs and those of others and recognizing that true harmony stems from embracing all aspects of yourself.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Your heart, often a maestro of balance and symmetry, encounters a vibrant palette of emotions as Venus moves through Sagittarius. This period is inviting you to step beyond the comfort of equilibrium and into the realm of adventure and spontaneity in love. It’s a call to embrace the unexpected twists and turns of romance, to revel in the joy of discovering new aspects of connection and affection. It’s a time to let your heart roam across the wide-open fields of love, discovering joy in the journey and the unexpected treasures that lie along the path of the heart.


Scorpio Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

This period is like a deep sea dive into the very bedrock of your being, urging you to examine and fortify your emotional security and personal sanctuary. Take this opportunity to reconnect with your inner strength so that your soul becomes a fortress and a safe haven. Embrace this phase as an opportunity to solidify your inner world, transforming it into a source of rejuvenating power that fuels your transformative spirit.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon in Cancer intensifies your intuitive powers and psychic abilities, drawing you further into the realms of what’s unseen yet felt. It’s a period for discoveries and transformations. You are invited to confront and embrace the repressed emotions within you. This is an opportunity for healing, letting go of pain and deepening soul connections with others.

This phase is a reminder of how being vulnerable can be empowering and how embracing your emotions can give you strength.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Your essence, often shrouded in the mystique of introspection and intensity, meets the Sagittarian Venus in a game of financial chess. This transit is less about steady accumulation and more about the bold, strategic plays in the realm of wealth. It’s a call to gaze into the horizon of your financial landscape and to entertain possibilities that lie beyond the conventional. In this period, Venus encourages you to harness your innate knack for transformation and apply it to your monetary pursuits. It’s an invitation to explore investments or financial opportunities that require a bit of risk but promise a larger reward. This Sagittarian influence brings a sense of adventure to your financial planning, urging you to step out of your comfort zone and to embrace the potential of wealth growth through new avenues.


Sagittarius Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

As the Sun slips into Capricorn, your fiery heart finds solace in stillness. It’s a time to harvest your adventures, to weave tales from your journeys. The world may slow, but your mind races with dreams yet to be chased. Embrace this pause; let it be your canvas for plans bold and brave. Your arrows of aspiration now aim at stars unseen, waiting for the moment to leap into the unknown once more.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

Your free spirited nature usually leads you to seek knowledge and excitement. However during this period, you’re drawn inward towards the depths of your heart. It’s a time for exploring your emotions, where the wanderer within takes a pause to delve into territories of feelings and connections. It’s like a dance between passion and sensitivity, where your fiery passions meet the waves of emotions. This Full Moon signifies the importance of finding balance between your desire for exploration and the comforting embrace of closeness.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

With Venus in Sagittarius, your heart embarks on a jubilant odyssey, echoing the expansive nature of your spirit. This period is a kaleidoscope of romantic adventures, each turn reflecting a new spectrum of love and connection. It’s a time when your already free-spirited heart is set alight with even greater fervor, inviting you to explore the boundless horizons of love. Venus in Sagittarius amplifies your natural zest for life and love, urging you to embrace the joyous journey of the heart, to find passion in the wanderlust that defines your soul.



December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

As the Sun returns to your constellation, feel its golden embrace, a homecoming. This is your season of power, where your resilience shines brightest. Foundations you’ve laid with patient hands now beckon to be built upon. It’s a period of growth, tangible and true. Embrace your ambition, for the stars align to crown your efforts with success. Remember, amidst the climb, to pause, to breathe, to cherish the view that only you can see from the peaks you’ve reached.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

The Cancer Full Moon gently softens your nature. It’s like an invitation from the world to let go of your armor and reveal the warmth that lies within your hidden emotional depths. This Full Moon acts as a reminder to acknowledge the rivers of emotions that flow beneath your exterior. It’s about allowing the nurturing light of the moon to touch and transform those neglected corners of your heart, while blending your pursuit for greatness with empathy and care. In this moment under the moonlight, you find strength in vulnerability, creating a harmony between achieving goals and experiencing deep emotions.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

This transit is a gentle nudge to climb down from the mountain of practicality and to wander in the lush valleys of romance and spontaneity. Venus in Sagittarius whispers of the beauty found in releasing the structured plans of love, encouraging you to embrace the spontaneous dance of connection, to find joy in the unpredictable journey of the heart, blending your steadfast love with the free-spirited call of adventure.


Aquarius Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

You find yourself at the edge of introspection and invention. Your visionary soul, often adrift among the clouds, is called to anchor in the earthy realms. Ideas that once danced in the ether seek form and function. It’s a time to bridge the dream and the doing, to weave your unique life of change. Look inward, then outward, and let your innovative spirit ignite the path forward, a beacon for the journeys yet to come.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

You are someone who dreams with a blend of innovation and intellect. During the Cancer Full Moon something different unfolds before you, a canvas painted with strokes of emotion and connection. This Full Moon subtly breaks down the walls of logic inviting you to step into the depths of intuition and empathy. It’s as if the universe is calling upon you to embrace the warmth of close bonds, intertwining your spirit with a deep understanding of emotions. Under the glow of the Moon, you will discover that progress isn’t about moving forward into the future but also delving inward into the vast and often unexplored realm of your heart.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

Venus in Sagittarius brings a vibrant energy to your unique approach to love and relationships, highlighting the joy of exploration and the richness of diverse connections. It’s an invitation to weave your dreams of futuristic love with the cords of adventurous and expansive romantic experiences. Venus in Sagittarius encourages you to celebrate the unconventional, to embrace the freedom in love, and to explore the myriad ways in which hearts can connect in the vast universe of affection.


Pisces Symbol

December 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024: Sun in Capricorn

In the vast expanse of the universe your soul feels a tug towards stability. This season whispers of bringing your dreams down to earth, transforming visions into realities. Embrace the fusion of practicality and intuition where your artistic essence takes shape in the material realm. It’s a time to ground yourself while keeping an eye on the future, where dreams and reality harmonize effortlessly. Allow your creativity to flow, molding simple moments into extraordinary masterpieces.

December 26, 2023: Full Moon in Cancer

Child of the deep and boundless seas, this Full Moon is a harmonious melody that resonates with the core of your being. It amplifies your empathy and your endless capacity to feel, to absorb, to understand the silent language of the heart. You’re not just swimming in the ocean of emotion; you are the ocean, vast, mysterious, and brimming with dreams. Yet, amidst this deep emotional odyssey, the Cancer Full Moon also whispers a gentle caution of the need to guard your mystical heart. It reminds you to discern the tides of your own emotions from those you lovingly, yet often overwhelmingly, absorb from the world. This is a moonlit lesson in self-care, a tender nudge to nourish and protect your own magical, yet delicate, emotional world.

December 29, 2023 – January 23, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius

The transit of Venus through Sagittarius shines a light on the surface of your deep inner ocean, creating ripples of adventure and exploration in your romantic life. This period invites you to swim towards the sunlit surface, to explore the joyous realms of love that lie beyond the depths. Venus in Sagittarius is a call to balance your deep, soulful longing with the exhilarating adventure of new emotional experiences, to let the Archer’s arrow guide your heart towards uncharted waters of connection and creativity in love.