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soul life path messages for March 2022

Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of March 2022

The month of March will be governed by the beautiful vibration of the number nine. The universal month number nine represents unity, truth, and wisdom. We often hear the number nine in association with completeness but what does that really mean? In numerology, the single-digit numbers extend from number one to number nine and then in some cases start back over again to repeat the cycle. We specifically see this pattern in our Personal year cycle. When it comes to your life path number, the number nine is here in this incarnation to complete your earthly cycle.

Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier with Egyptian Numerology bringing to you the Soul Life Path messages for the Month of March.

Forgiveness and Compassion

A very important aspect of clearing the way to receive the gifts of this auspicious vibration is in the act of forgiveness and compassion. Forgiveness to self and others. In order to rise into the highest realm of unity, truth, and wisdom, one must open the heart chambers and let in the light. That is why I often call people who carry this vibration in their birth chart, a light warrior. Many priests, shamans, spiritual world leaders, and humanitarians walk the path of the number nine.

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Consider replacing the word “forgive” with the word “release.” In other words, instead of forgiving people, events, and circumstances … you are releasing them.

You’re releasing them from your life, so they no longer have a hold on you.

Simply change the question from “How do I forgive?” to “How do I release?” And then consider yourself, love yourself, value yourself, and know you have the power to change the dynamics of any situation.

  • 2022 Universal Number 6 Year and Life Path Messages for January

The number nine walks in integrity, justice, and sacred space but only when they have cleared their path and bowed to Source to seek the holy grail. It takes humility including seeking to add value to others, taking responsibility for your actions, understanding the shadow side of success, and being filled with gratitude for all of life. 

This month, you can focus on the areas of your life that need completeness in the way of the light warrior. Find a person, place, or event in your life that needs to be released so that you can express yourself with more joy, love, and light. When we let go of old memories that weigh heavy on our heart and soul, we rise a notch or two in vibration. We polish our energy field with a golden shower of warmth and grace, and we all deserve to live a life that is free of darkness.

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The Messages for March 2022

Here are the Soul Life Path messages for the month of March.

Soul Life Path Number 1

Hindsight is 20/20 and for you, this is a fortunate time to reflect on your spiritual growth this month.

You have come a long way this past year and while you are still reaping the rewards of all your hard and selfless work… make sure you reward yourself with something that makes you smile. Create a moment of self-acceptance and gratitude and continue this action daily. Make it a habit.

This cultivates a much-needed balance in your life and frees up your energy to be more available to participate in the projects that you love.  Before you go to bed at night, take an inventory of all the progress you made during the day and say, “Thank you Self”!

Be creative with your time and energy this month. Make sure you are not overcompensating for lost opportunities by serving too much on your plate. Often times you stay distracted, so you don’t have to come to terms with the peace being offered at the moment. You deserve the best at all times.

Soul Life Path Number 2

Are you still humming from the energy off of last month’s portal activation?? This is good because you are a placeholder for the cosmic vibration of peace. You can help anchor down these ascension codes by focusing your attention on the beauty in your life.

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I’m not speaking of physical beauty but the feeling of passion that runs through your heart when your environment is touched by the Grace of Spirit.

Surround yourself with beauty and passion whether it comes from art, music, nature, food, or decorating. Saturate your 6 senses through the movement of joy and pleasure and hold that vibration as sacred space.

Read, write, and meditate. Feel the current raising you higher and higher as you stabilize the momentum of this cosmic shift.

Soul Life Path Master Number 11

Get in touch with your emotional nature and express all your feelings freely. If there is resistance, find out why. You are a pure and true channel for Spirit and the energetic River must flow through you.

Use water as a means of cleansing whether it is through crying, bathing, listening to a river, or taking a shower, allow it to soothe and move your emotions out of your physical body and into the Etheric cosmos where your Angels and guides can redirect or dissolve the currents naturally. Stay clear and unobstructed to create a new foundation and a way of living life.

Soul Life Path Number 3

Quality versus Quantity is your theme for this month. You have been getting clear about who you are and what ignites your soul power.

You are beginning to see that maybe some activities that you have participated in are no longer gratifying to your spiritual cause and some people in your life don’t add fuel to your inspiration and instead often drain your energy.

It is time to set some strict boundaries and limits for those people that have access to you.

It is called attaining a healthy selfishness. Make no exceptions. Cut the chords and allow these people to move on. You are only enabling and keeping them and yourself stuck.

Bless those who have once served you and release them to spirit.

Soul Life Path Number 4

The urge for spring cleaning may be on the back of your mind. You could definitely make more room for new beginnings to emerge in long sought out areas of your life.

Take the time to De-clutter your physical surroundings as a symbolic gesture to create new space, plans, and ideas that have been on the back of your mind and are now pushing their way to the surface. Trust your intuition.

You can start an indoor herb garden and ask the nature spirits to guide you to the next best steps moving forward.

You see things clearly on a physical level and this act will help you bridge your inner visions into reality.

Soul Life Path Master Number 22

Have you been feeling in alignment with last month’s number 2 portals?

You are supercharged energetically and must take this newfound vibration to the next level. Keep the momentum going by following through with any networking opportunities that have recently come up for you. Forming these new relationships will challenge you to grow and expand in the right direction.

Soul Life Path Number 5

Have you been experiencing unusual bouts of restlessness and discontent lately? Maybe feeling an urge to do something but you’re not quite sure what it is? We all go through the void phase such as this, but you are a person of action and determination and have a high intuitive nature.

This month will ask that you sit still, wait, and listen for the sign you have been waiting for.

If you jump into a project too soon, you may miss the opening and opportunity that will serve you better in the long run and this detour will add high-risk drama to your life instead of the progress you were hoping for.

Soul Life Path Number 6

With all these new paradigm shifts, you have been busy helping other people get adjusted to balancing their energy.

Make sure you are stabilizing and treating yourself with ultra-sensitive care by allowing others to help you as well.

The number 6 is about balance, love, and harmony. If you are not feeling it, then stop everything and re-adjust your priorities because although you are strong and empathic, it will take time for your own energy field to integrate to the next level and stress will take a toll on your health.

Soul Life Path Master Number 33

You may be called to learn a new modality in the area of self-expression. Channeling all of the new higher light codes that opened up last month shifted your consciousness and perception. How can you manifest a new reality with all the new information floating around in the ethers? Take advantage of this opportunity and trust your inner vision.

You may be called to learn a new modality in the area of self-expression. Channeling all of the new higher light codes that opened up last month shifted your consciousness and perception. How can you manifest a new reality with all the new information floating around in the ethers? Take advantage of this opportunity and trust your inner vision.

Ground yourself daily and be mindful of the new signs, symbols, synchronicity, and opportunities coming into your life.

Soul Life Path Number 7

Integration is a keyword for you this month. Finding ways to merge your spiritual world into your earthly responsibilities is a challenge for every soul seeker but for you, living in two separate worlds just doesn’t fit or feel comfortable. Never has. You don’t have to choose one over the other.

Integration is a keyword for you this month. Finding ways to merge your spiritual world into your earthly responsibilities is a challenge for every soul seeker but for you, living in two separate worlds just doesn’t fit or feel comfortable. Never has. You don’t have to choose one over the other.

Find a way to merge both timelines into your reality. It may start out as forming a new progressive habit or project that eventually turns into a passion and eventually you can share and help others.

Soul Life Path Number 8

Your life can be like a haunted house. There are some rooms you just don’t want to go into in fear of the dark. It’s time to shed some light on the areas of your life that have been blocked off due to past unfriendly encounters.

You can’t live a full life if you are only utilizing a portion of your capabilities. Find a way to gather the courage to confront your demons and take your power back.

Often times the ghosts that haunt you will carry a message leading to Enlightenment.

Soul Life Path Number 9

Global energy is still intense but has shifted its focus. This month offers some relief and points to finding ways to deliver a deeper emotional response toward self-love.

This means finding ways to express and expand your creative process however or whatever it shows up to be. Be mindful to Release any resistance toward taking action. It can be hard to do when you see it in other people but not in yourself.

It is easy to observe and direct others but often times you could easily look in the mirror and take your own advice.

Notice your reflections this month and whenever you are tempted to help someone else, heed your wise intentions and intuitive powers to include yourself.

This concludes the Soul Messages for our Life Path numbers. You can learn so much more about Egyptian Numerology on my website.

I look forward to connecting with you again next week. Blessings, Namaste’

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