October 5, 2024
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How to Live In Alignment?

The changes you’ve been undergoing are due to the process of Ascension. You feel your vibration and alignment rising, bringing you more and more back in touch with your eternal soul’s truth and identity.

The falling away of human identity structures, beliefs, and patterns. When something appears to be falling apart, know that it is making room for a higher state to rise forth. 

Right before a huge shift in your life, the bottom falls out from underneath you. This happens to all of us… even the most enlightened souls, experience a loss of some kind. 

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If you live on this planet, you are prone to Universal laws. Even if we don’t remember that we chose to incarnate into a world that serves duality, darkness, and chaos as well as light, love, and order. 

Once we realize that this was our soul choice, we can begin to seek the reasons why we came to visit planet earth at this time.

Many of us are surprised when we encounter the cruelty and darkness of this world. We can be disillusioned with the outside world and want to disconnect from what we see and experience. 

But if you are a light warrior, this injustice triggers a twinge of service and power deep inside your soul. You seek to discover a Source of motivation to heal yourself and this beautiful planet. Yes, you start to remember that there is a bigger picture that exists within your Soul DNA. 

Any ending is preparing for a new beginning

Your life is going through cycles of transformation, and this is always for your highest good.

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However, it can be challenging – and confusing compared to your earlier life. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your intuition. Perhaps you feel like not being around others as much as you used to. Perhaps your dietary preferences are changing. Perhaps old connections are fading away… These are all signals that your vibration and alignment are changing.

Tune into what feels right and good for you from moment to moment and journal about your experiences. This helps externalize any heaviness and lighten up solutions and positive steps forward. Know above all ‘that you will never be pushed beyond your capacity.

It may feel uncomfortable at times, it may feel beyond your comfort zone… But everything happens in Divine order and timing.

Living in alignment with Egyptian numerology

While Egyptian numerology’s primary focus is on numbers, those who study with me know that to access our highest possibilities, an evolution in consciousness must take place.

In the process of raising our awareness, we are perceptive to signs, symbols, and synchronicities in nature—like number sequencing. We learn to see, hear, feel, and sense other realms because they are doorways into a greater understanding of the dimensions around us.

Our souls crave connection, and we are ultimately pulled in countless directions throughout our lives. What causes our attraction to specific people, places, things, events, and circumstances? Is it random, or are there underlining forces within and outside of us at play?

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Egyptian numerology believes that we all made a contract or agreement in the spirit realm with our guides and angels to achieve specific goals, learn certain lessons, and be of service to humankind. This contract is decoded in the numerology of our birth dates and names. These agreements come with an enormous amount of detail. We all have two guides, or angels, that support us and help keep us on track. One is called the timekeeper, and the other is the record keeper.

The timekeeper ensures all people, places, things, events, and circumstances are orchestrated and met on time. The timekeeper works with life cycles, including the stars, moon, sun, planets, and seasons. The record keeper organizes all our affairs and details, including appointments we make, messages and information we receive, books we read, and important chance meetings we have with others.

We set up timelines (cycles) and circumstances to occur in our lifetimes, and these guides are with us to make sure everything runs according to our plans. This is part of our akashic records, and all this information is in our special book.

We set up everything before we are born, including when we are born, where we are born, what family we are born into, what education and religion we are subjected to, our hereditary illnesses, biology, and culture. We come into this lifetime to undergo specific challenges, clear past karma, learn vital lessons, or teach others. Can we change the plans once we get here? Absolutely! We are born with free will and can choose to ignore the opportunities we have previously assigned to ourselves. Are there consequences? Absolutely! We are given several chances to get back on track once we miss our marks, but ultimately, our lessons and lives will not make sense to us if we reject the paths we have previously laid out to follow. Our lives will just feel off, and we may become restless, irritable, and depressed.

No matter what we choose, our soul learns from every experience, even though the journey back home may take a longer route. There is nothing wasted because ultimately our soul uses every experience for our advancement, and in time, all is used for our highest good.

Being in alignment with our soul-life agreement is a natural wonder. It is compared to the feeling one has when bowling a strike, winning a marathon, hitting the bull’s-eye on the dartboard, winning the lottery, holding twenty-one in blackjack, or striking the target at the rifle range. But the feeling of being in alignment with our soul-life agreements is not a momentary elation. This feeling of euphoria is induced within us every morning when we open our eyes, accompanies us throughout the day, visits every decision we make with confidence, and kisses us gently when we go to sleep at night.

Our soul wants to be in alignment and will send clues and nudges when we struggle to find that balance. Unfortunately, sometimes when we manifest wrong turns, we find ourselves experiencing divorce, unemployment, illness, and depression.

The universe, angels/guides, and our higher selves use all means necessary to lead us back to alignment with our soul life agreement because in essence, these are our road maps, our GPS, and our North Stars to what makes sense to us vibrationally. There are obvious signs we witness when we are in or out of alignment with our sacred treaties.

 Signs of Being out of Alignment

  • fear about the future
  • procrastination
  • addiction
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • insomnia
  • guilt
  • low esteem
  • lack of motivation
  • illness
  • resentment
  • worry about finances
  • fatigue
  • self-centered behavior
  • complaints and unhappiness
  • anger and disappointment


Signs of Being in Alignment

  • security and passion about the future
  • confidence
  • emotional, physical, mental, social, and spiritual balance
  • inner peace
  • lucid dreaming
  • light work
  • clear chakras
  • personal power and boundaries
  • a feeling of being present
  • forgiveness
  • acceptance
  • health/energy
  • resourcefulness
  • manifest abundance
  • generosity
  • bliss

Becoming aligned is not a goal but rather a by-product of right living. Spiritual fitness is a conscious choice we make daily. What we think, do, and say determines a whole series of events. If we lack clarity, direction, and understanding with our purpose in life, we risk becoming distracted and falling out of alignment with our soul-life mission. Being and staying true to our soul-life agreement is possible and achievable. We are changing lives every day.

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