The Asteroid Eros in Astrology has a lot to do with your sexual nature, what you desire, and what turns you on erotically.
In Greek mythology, Eros was the God of erotic love and sexual desire. Eros is also known as Cupid in Roman mythology. The love, passion, and desire you feel through Eros can make you blind and crazy with lust. This asteroid can often show you where you are likely to become obsessed and with what. Eros will also show you what you tend to sexually objectify. It is a single-minded kind of love and obsession that tends to make you irrational.
Having the knowledge of your Eros sign and position can give you a very clear picture of how you express yourself erotically and what your romantic motivations are. It shows you the energy you need to properly express yourself sexually. Here you can find in which sign Eros was when you were born.