Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’d really like to work with the moon, but I don’t know how?” Well, look no further because this guide will help you de-mystify moon magick and get your life in sync with the natural flow of the cosmos. Moon magick is great because it’s potent enough for seasoned practitioners, while still being accessible enough to act as an entry point for beginners.
Cosmic Witchcraft
There are many branches of witchcraft from hedge witches, to grey witches, to chaos witches and beyond! Cosmic witchcraft is the term used for those who work magick in harmony with the movements of the planets and stars. The most widely practiced form of cosmic witchcraft is moon magick.
Even those who don’t consider themselves to be witches often still practice some form of cosmic witchcraft. The practices range from charging your crystals under the full moon, making moon water, meditating or pulling tarot cards under the new moon, etc.
The moon has a 29.5 day cycle. In those nearly 30 days the moon will pass through 4 major and 4 minor phases. The major phases are: new moon, first quarter moon, full moon and last quarter moon. These major phases are what will be discussed and worked with in this article.
For the curious minds, the four minor phases are: waxing crescent, waxing gibbous, waning gibbous, and waning crescent. The minor phases fall after each major (new moon to waxing crescent, first quarter to waxing gibbous, etc).
New Moon
The new moon happens when the sun and moon occupy the same space in the sky. The effect is that the moon is dark since it is too close to the sun to reflect its light.
Astrologically, this means that the sun and moon are in the same sign. For example, if the new moon is in Aries, then the sun must also be in Aries.
Since new moons are the start of the lunar cycle, this is the time to set your intention.
New Moon Magick Practice to Try:
Start by journaling around your intention. Poke around at it, discover how this intention will make you feel, get real about why it is you want it. The more clear you can get as you set your intention, the better your chances are at seeing it come to fruition.
The first quarter moon takes place about a week after the new moon. In fact, all the major phases take place 7-8 days after the last one.
During this phase the moon has traveled a quarter of the way through its monthly orbit. In astrological terms, it has moved 4 signs away and is creating a square with the sun.
Square is the name for when two planets are 90° apart from one another. A square can be a tense aspect because it is so energetically charged. It is because of this cosmic power up that makes a first quarter moon the best time to do spellwork.
First Quarter Moon Magick Practice to Try:
A week has passed since you set your intention–has it changed at all? This is a common and often necessary step of the process. Now that you’ve given your intention some time to marinate, you’re finally ready to cook.
Next after this publicity
Candle magick is good for spellwork that requires a release or an end to something. If you’re looking to gain rather than expel, you might want to create a charm. A charm is a small object imbued with the intention of the spell. Oils, herbs and affirmations can turn a simple quartz necklace into a good luck charm!
Full Moon
Another week has passed and now the moon is completely illuminated. This is thanks to the fact that the moon is now halfway through its cycle and therefore directly opposite the sun.
Astrologically, this moon is now in the opposing sign to the sun. For example, if there is a Scorpio full moon that means that sun must be in Taurus. Opposing signs have a “same same, but different” quality to them. The two signs have the same goal, but are caught into a perpetual tug-of-war regarding how to attain the goal.
There are two things to do on a full moon: release and harvest. Release the idea of what you expected, as well as any limiting beliefs and practices that are blocking you. Harvest that which has already manifested.
My number 1 tip for full moon practices is to get wild. The energy under a full moon is chaotic, so let yourself slip outside your norm and give yourself permission to be wild.
Return to your intention and return to the spellwork. Play with it. Reimagine it. Re-work it. Claim it as yours already!
The moon is now three quarters of the way through its cycle and it carries with it the same brightness as the first quarter moon. This time around the energy is not growing, but fading, as the moon is taking its final steps before it is new again.
The energy is slower and heavier under this lunation, which is why the last quarter moon is all about gratitude. Gratitude isn’t how it’s often portrayed, in white linen pants and sulfate free organic wines. Gratitude is a tool for you to rewire your brain, and eventually create new neural pathways.
Last Quarter Moon Magick Practice to Try:
Let’s say your intention was to get a promotion at work, you did some spellwork around this on the first quarter moon and released your perfectionism on the full moon (something you feared was holding you back from feeling worthy of the job). However, you didn’t get the job and now the last quarter moon is here.
Don’t toxic positivity your way through this lunation. If you’re pissed at your employers it’s best not to ignore it or stuff it down. Gratitude is not a means to negate anger, it’s a way to live beside it.
For this gratitude practice you’d want to first let your anger out. Call your friend on the phone and complain, write out everything you’re mad about and rip the paper into a million pieces. After you’ve let anger (or whichever uncomfortable emotion) have a turn in the spotlight, write out everything good–no matter how small–about this situation. Let both the anger and the gratitude be truthful and real and honest.
Gratitude works best when you slow down. Don’t move on until you can feel the gratitude in your bones.