Numbers reveal themselves when you are in alignment with their energy. They are not always sent from the angelic realm as we are led to believe. They are also sent to us by our higher self which dwells in the same state of consciousness as the angelic realm. Let’s discover the sacred language of numbers!
Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier the author of “Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the Fifth Dimension,” and “The Path of a Wounded Healer; Liberation is for the Asking.”
Be vigilant!
Being vigilant to numbers opens doors to your intuitive process by offering a sense of mystery and magic through your spiritual insight. They act as a universal beacon to get your attention and give you a sense of oneness and connection.
They appear on digital devices, license plates, receipts, dreams, addresses, phone numbers, dice, playing cards, bank accounts, and the number of animals or birds gathered. When you witness their presence, it is never random and always on purpose. You would not be aware of them if it did not have a meaning for you. Sometimes they appear to serve as a reminder that you are connected to the universe at that moment and give you the feeling of awesome that you deserve.
You are never given anything beyond your comprehension and current abilities. This is true with all spiritual paths. If your higher self, angels and guides are sending you a message through the energy of numbers, it is never complicated. It is always simple. It is often the habit of the human mind and ego to make things more difficult than what it needs to be.
When you align with your authentic truth, you see numbers as light codes, and learn to understand and speak the sacred language of numbers.
The meaning of numbers
The meaning of numbers always work in the present “moment.” When you see and feel numbers, ask yourself, “What was I just thinking about?” If you can pinpoint the topic of your current thoughts, you will have the subject matter that you are intended to work with.
They align with your higher self and lead you to what you are doing or perceiving but on a much higher level.
You see numbers from where you are at spiritually and not necessarily how you think things should be. We often project an impossible task from numbers by making things complicated. At this point, you can see and hear your angels shake their heads and say, “Not Again!”
If you don’t know what they mean to you, how can someone else interpret them for you?
Cultivate trust in your ability to understand the sacred language of numbers. Trust your intuition. There are three main avenues that numbers can be perceived. As a warning, confirmation, or guidance.
When numbers come to you as guidance, it is in the form of encouragement. You may have a great idea or new project to work on but let it go because it appears to be too complicated, or maybe you’re not sure how to manifest it in the physical world. Whenever you see numbers as encouragement or guidance, the Universe is giving you a green light to proceed.
When you receive numbers as a confirmation, it can appear a lot like guidance but in this case, it comes to you as a spiritual message that you are getting the thumbs up to confirm that the way you are currently doing something is the correct course of action to take. You may have wondered if you are going in the right direction with your ideas, plans, or goals. The numbers come to you as a spiritual message and confirmation that you are on the right path.
When you receive numbers as a warning, it is more in line with a life challenge. Since numbers are neither good nor bad, but energy subject to your interpretation, you are attracting the energy of numbers as a reminder to get into alignment with your higher self. You may have become side-tracked in an area in your life that has taken up way too much of your time, effort, and energy and you have fallen off balance with your higher self. The numbers in this case are redirecting your course of perception and action. They are telling you that if you continue in your present situation, you will run into problems. The numbers that you see at this point are telling you where you need to establish a healthier balance and focus.
The sacred language of numbers
I have devised a one-word description of each number in hopes to help you de-code their meaning. These are light code words used to trigger the state of consciousness of your higher self and the message is open for interpretation depending on your personal situation.
Number one – Conduit
Number two – Unity
Number three – Messenger
Number four – Order
Number five – Transformation
Number six – Boundaries
Number seven – Integration
Number eight – Balance
Number nine – Wisdom
Number 11 – Transcendence
Number 22 – Endurance
Number 33 – Healing
Number 44 – Invention
Number 55 – Seeker
Numbers are energy, light codes, and vibrations. They carry a unique frequency that is universal in nature. As you evolve higher into the dimensions, you will be able to determine which message is meant for you… is it a warning/ challenge, confirmation/ spiritual message, or guidance/ encouragement and how to utilize it to your advantage.
As you learn to vibrate on a higher frequency, synchronicity follows you. You are able to materialize your thoughts almost instantly and you are aware of your light and power.
This is why it is important to establish a quality of living that reflects integrity, compassion, and honesty. We have all spent lifetimes where we dabbled in negativity and dark magic. But we are now at a turning point to make choices that benefit our connection to a higher Source and leave the lower self behind.
Now is the time to gratify your personal power for the greater cause. Now is the time to wield your spiritual abilities to go beyond magic and demonstrate miracles.
We all carry the potential to achieve greatness and produce never seen before perfection. It takes practice, experience, courage, and conviction to be our higher self in action.
Raise your awareness to allow numbers to guide you forward and onward towards your true life path.
To re-cap, you will always attract the meaning of numbers from where you are currently and spiritually. Your higher self, angels, and guides will not give you a message that you do not intuitively understand. They work in simple ways and never beyond your comprehension.
The meaning of numbers come in 3 forms of acknowledgement:
Warning / life challenge
Confirmation / spiritual message
Guidance / encouragement
Utilize your intuition to choose which of the 3 categories you are receiving. For instance, if you are working on a plan to save money and you are seeing the number 2 (Unity), it could be encouragement and spiritual guidance. Ask yourself, “how can this plan serve the greatest good for all? Do I need to Tithe or donate money to demonstrate my ability to attract abundance?”
Will my plan bring people together or separate them?
Now if you are diligently working on a project and things are going well but you may have some doubts and wonder if you should involve others to help you achieve your plan. Then you find yourself attracting the number 7 (integration). You may perceive this as a confirmation and spiritual message that you are correct and proceeding perfectly in harmony by integrating more people in the process of finalizing your project.
Or, If you have been staggering on a particular situation that is not emotionally healthy and you are not really focused in the present moment and you keep seeing the number 5 (transformation), it may come as a challenge or warning signal. It may be telling you that if you continue to proceed in the direction you are going, there may be problems ahead. At this point, ask yourself, “how can I raise my vibration and energy to transform confusion into clarity?” Wait for the answer and do the next best right action.
Now you know everything about the sacred language of numbers!
I’ve given you some thoughts to ponder upon and I hope this article has been insightful. If you would like to learn more about Egyptian Numerology, you can reach me at And you can subscribe to my newsletter and join our Community Facebook Group.
I hope you have an amazing month full of health, peace, and joy!
Namaste’ Sara
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