September 26, 2024
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Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo Horoscope – The Trails of Aztec Astrology

There is something special about Cinco de Mayo. It is a day of joy and fraternity between two great nations. But most important, Cinco de Mayo is a date to discover the wonders of the Mexican traditions and their ancestral culture, in which astrology plays a crucial role.  

It is no secret that the most relevant prehispanic civilizations of Mexico had a particular fascination for astrology. For example, the Aztecs carved the Sun Stone, a monolith that was not only used to count the days, but also to know when to perform the rituals or the best moments for the harvest. But the Sun Stone is much more complex than this.

It is indeed a kind of calendar; however, it is filled with references to Mexican cosmogony and the different eras of time. The Sun Stone also contains the different signs of the Aztec Horoscope. This horoscope is composed of 20 signs, each of which covers a cycle of 13 days. 

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More about the Aztec Zodiac Signs

The importance of Astrology within the Aztec civilization was so high that each of the 20 signs represents a god or a goddess of the Aztec religion, that considered animals and elements of nature as deities. Discover the 20 signs below.


The crocodile is the animal that represents this sign. Cipactli is a sign of knowledge. The persons under this sign are famous for their determination and their logical way of thinking. The planet ruling Cipactli is Venus, and the divinity associated with this sign is Tonacatecuhtli.


The wind is the element that represents this sign. Ehecatl stands for agility and versatility. Those born under this sign have the quality to overcome any difficult situation. Venus is also the ruling planet for this sign, while the divinity associated with Ehecatl is Quetzlacóatl.


The icon of Calli is a House, that is why it is no surprise to see that Calli stands for charity and welcoming someone. People born under this sign are very sociable and friendly and with the ability to stand out from the crowd. The ruling planet of this sign is Saturn, and the divinity associated with it is Tepeyolohti.


The lizard is the animal that represents this sign. Cuetzpalin is known for its exuberance. People born under this sign are very resistant and can recover quickly from any setbacks. Saturn is also the ruling planet for this sign and the divinity associated with it is Huehuecóyotl.

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The snake is the animal that represents this sign. Coatl has the virtue of being spontaneous, but also very impulsive. People under this sign are known for their apathy, even though they are very lively. The ruling planet of Coatl is Saturn and the divinity, Chalchiúhtlicue.


This sign is represented by a skull or death. However, it is somewhat associated with social skills. The people belonging to this sign are shy and introverted and have some difficulties of showing their real being when they are among others, especially strangers. The Moon is the ruler of Miquiztli, and in this case, two divinities ruled over this sign: Tecciztécatl and Meztli.


The deer is the animal that represents this sign. It is a sign for dreamers but also carries an element of shyness. People of this sign know how to make themselves notable and are kind of rare but in a positive sense. The Moon also rules over Mázatl, and the divinity associated with this sign is Tláloc.


The rabbit is the animal that represents this sign. It is a sign focused on the pleasures of life. People born under Tochtli are hardworking and friendly. The Moon also rules this sign and the divinity associated with it is Mayáhuel.


Water is the element that represents this sign. Atl is linked with desire and fertility. People belonging to this sign are incredibly sensible, to the point in which they can get easily anxious. The ruling planet of this sing is Mars, and the divinity associated with it is Xiuhtecuhtli.


The dog is the animal that represents this sign. Itzcuintli is a sign of generosity. People born under Itzcuintli are brave and intuitive. Mars is their ruling planet, and the divinity associated with this sign is Mictlantecuhtli.

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The monkey is the animal that represents this sign. Ozomahtli is a sign of charm. People born under this sign generate a unique attraction and are blessed by beauty. The ruling planet for this sign is Mars, and the divinity associated with Ozomahtli is Xochipilli.


Grass represents this sign. There is a big aura of mystery surrounding Malinalli. Those who are born under this sign are considered fragile, even though that doesn’t stop them at the time to succeed. The ruling planet for this sign is Jupiter, and the divinity associated with Malinalli is Patécatl.


Reed represents this sign. If there is something that characterizes this sign is joviality. Acatl is very optimistic. As Malinalli, Acatl ruling planet is also Jupiter. The divinities associated with this sign are Tezcatlipoca and Itzlacoliuhqui.


The jaguar is the animal that represents this sign. Ocelotl is strong and resistant, but it can also be a bit aggressive. The people born under this sign have their minds fixed on what they want and know how to get it at all costs. Jupiter is their ruling planet, and the divinity of this sign is Tlazoltéotl.


The eagle is the animal that represents this sign. Virility is the main characteristic of this sign. People born under Cuauhtli are filled with courage and are built to go through the worst storm. The sun rules over Cuauhtli, and the divinity associated with it is Xipe Totec.


The vulture is the animal that represents this sign. Longevity and health are the main qualities of this sign. People born under Cozcaquautli know for their ability to being very sharp. They are quick with analyzing and can give fast and effective solutions. The sun also rules this sign and Itzpapálotl is the divinity associated with it.


An earthquake is an icon that represents this sign. Ollin is known for its sense of beauty. But also because of the level of imagination of the people born under this sign. The sun is the celestial body that represents this sign and the divinity associated with it is Xólotl.


An obsidian knife represents this sign. Tecpatl stands for respecting the rules. People born under this sign can be authoritative, but always just. The ruling planet of Tecpatl is Mercury, and the divinity associated with this sign is Chalchiuhtotolin.


This sign is represented by rain. Quiáhuitl is a sign of passion. People born under this sign are free spirits, that can quickly change their minds and focus on new things. Mercury is also the ruling planet of this sign, while the divinities associated with it are Tonatiuh and Chantico.


A flower represents this sign. Xochitl stands for artistic skills and sensitivity. It is also a vivid sign and full of energy. Venus is the ruling planet of this sign, and the divinity associated with it is Xochiquetzal.

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