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Chinese New Year Superstitions – Everything You Need To Know!

Chinese New Year Superstitions – Everything You Need To Know!

When the New Year starts people tend to believe a lot of things that may help them in the coming year. Everyone is wishing for a good fortune and the year filled with opportunities and new chapters. But some people believe in superstitions that doing certain things can bring bad luck and they tend to avoid it.

The spring festival for the Chinese people is considered to be the start of the New Year. They have numerous Chinese New Year’s superstitions which they believe may bring bad luck if not done. Here is a list of some of the New Year’s superstitions and taboos. 

Don’t take out the garbage

One of the Chinese New Year’s superstitions is that the demonstration of clearing garbage on this day is said to be related with clearing riches away. Taking out refuse symbolizes dumping out the good fortunes or favorable luck from the house.

Avoid eating meat and porridge

Chinese people also avoid eating porridge as its viewed as an awful sign because the needy people have porridge for breakfast and people don’t want to start off the new year ‘’poor’’ by eating porridge.

In addition, people also refrain from eating meat for breakfast keeping in mind the (Buddhist) Gods (who are known to be against murdering of creatures), as all divine beings are expected to be out gathering and wishing an upbeat New Year to one another.

Don’t take medicines

Another one of the Chinese New Year superstitions is that it is totally unthinkable for an individual to blend homegrown prescription or take medication on the main day of the lunar year. If not done so then it is believed that the individual will get sick for an entire year.

In some spots, after the New Year is announced at midnight, people who are sick tend to break their medication bottles with the belief that this act will push the illness away in the coming year. This is believed to be another Chinese New Year taboo for the Chinese people.

Avoid washing clothes and hair

As the birthday of Shuishen (the Water God) is celebrated on these two days, individuals avoid washing garments on the first and second day.Hair also must not be washed on the principal day of the lunar year. In Chinese dialect, hair (发) has similar elocution (and to be sure is a similar character) as fa in facai (发财), which signifies ‘to end up rich’. Thusly, it is viewed as not something worth being thankful for to “wash one’s fortune away” toward the start of the New Year.

The use of needles should not be done

The utilization of blades and scissors is to be maintained a strategic distance from for any mishap, in the case of hurting an individual or apparatus, is thought to prompt foreboding things and the exhaustion of riches in the coming year. Another one of Chinese New Year’s superstitions.

Married girl not to visit her parent’s house

Also, being one of the Chinese New Year’s superstitions is that a wedded girl isn’t permitted to visit the place of her folks, as this is accepted to convey misfortune to the guardians, causing financial hardship for the family. Customarily a wedded girl visits the place of her folks on the second day of Chinese New Year.

Chinese Taboos

Here is the list of some of the Chinese New Year taboo considered by Chinese people:

Call of a kid

The call of a kid is accepted to convey misfortune to the family, so guardians do their best to shield youngsters from crying by whatever implies conceivable.

Visit to the Clinic

A visit to the clinic amid this period is accepted to acquire disease to the individual inquiry for the span of a coming year; in this manner visits to the doctor’s facility are maintained a strategic distance from, aside from in instances of outrageous crisis.

Breaking Devices

Breaking devices or other gear amid this period is related with lost riches for the coming year; along these lines tradesmen and businessmen when all is said in done avoid potential risk to avert it.

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Harmed garments

Do not wear new garments that are harmed. In the event that kids particularly wear such garments in the main lunar month, it is said to bring misfortune.


Do not give other individuals a chance to take objects, including cash, from your pocket amid the Spring Festival, and take care not to have your pocket picked, as this is accepted to forecast your entire riches in the coming year being stolen.


Money ought not to be loaned on New Year’s Day, and all obligations must be paid by New Year’s Eve, and, in the event that somebody who owes you cash, don’t go to his or her home to request it. Any individual who does as such it is said will be unfortunate all the year.

The Rice Container

The rice container ought not to be permitted to end up the void. This causes grave tension, as the suspension of cooking amid the New Year time frame is an evil sign.

Avoid Blood

Blood in the Spring Festival ought to be maintained a strategic distance from as blood is viewed as an evil sign, which will cause setbacks, for example, a blade wound, or a ridiculous debacle.

White or Dark Garments

Try not to sport white or dark garments as these two hues are related with grieving generally.


Try not to give certain endowments, similar to tickers, scissors, and pears, as they have an awful significance in Chinese culture. Peruse more on what not to give at Chinese New Year


Well, Chinese people have their own Chinese New Year’s superstitions which is a way of bringing good luck into their lives in the coming year that involves what not to do on Chinese New Year. Most people might consider it weird, but it’s okay everyone has their own beliefs.

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