September 30, 2024
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How to Use your 4th Chakra: Anahata Chakra

How to Use your 4th Chakra: Anahata Chakra

Anahata chakra lets you cultivate your self-love and bolster your confidence.

Develop your self-love

One of the main problems that many people who want to succeed have to face is a lack of self-love that prevents them from putting their own merits under the spotlight, depreciating their own worth instead more often than not.

Self-love is not a form of arrogance but consists in, granted, recognizing your own flaws but also to tap into your genuine merits. First, you need to accept yourself just as you are.

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Whether you want it or not, you have flaws, but everyone else does too. You need to accept them just as you accept your merits. This will make your life easier.

  • Take 5 or 10 minutes just for you.
  • Move to a quiet place that you like where no one will disturb you.
  • Sit down on a chair in a comfortable position, with your back straight, hands flat on your thighs, palms turned up to the sky.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your abdominal breathing. Start breathing in through the nose while inflating your abdomen, then block the air for 2 to 3 seconds. Then breathe out through the mouth by contracting your abdomen and block your breathing for 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle of abdominal breathing for 5 minutes or 50 full abdominal breathing cycles in a row (at a pace of 10 cycles per minute).
  • By the end of this exercise, you should feel less tension, less anxiety, less fear, and feel more optimistic and healthier.

Anahata Chakra

  • Visualize or focus on the image of your 4th chakra for 5 minutes or 50 abdominal breathing cycles, recognizing that you have flaws and making a promise to work on dealing with them.
  • Say, for instance:

“Let the visualization of my Anahata chakra help me recognize my own flaws and work on them in order to improve my self-love.”

  • While you keep focusing on the image of your chakra for 5 minutes or 50 abdominal breathing cycles, visualize yourself without your flaws, as someone with a lot of self-love.
  • Finish this problem-solving exercise by saying in a firm voice:

“My Anahata chakra has now been activated in order to dissolve my flaws and enhance my self-love.”

  • Repeat this ritual at least once a week until you manage to get rid of your flaws and feel the growth of your inner self-love.

Useful advice

This visualization exercise won’t be enough on its own to overcome your problem or make your dreams come true, but it will facilitate the process.

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You still must play your part by tapping into the creative ideas that will come to your mind in order to feel or rekindle your great self-love.

Boost your confidence

Confidence is essential to see your projects through, make your dreams come true, and lead the life of your dreams.

If your confidence is lacking, you will dream your existence away without ever being bold enough to start the actions you need to perform in order to take your life in your hands.

  • Take 5 or 10 minutes just for you.
  • Move to a quiet place that you like where no one will disturb you.
  • Sit down on a chair in a comfortable position, with your back straight, hands flat on your thighs, palms turned up to the sky.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your abdominal breathing. Start breathing in through the nose while inflating your abdomen, then block the air for 2 to 3 seconds. Then breathe out through the mouth by contracting your abdomen and block your breathing for 2 to 3 seconds.
  • Repeat this cycle of abdominal breathing for 5 minutes or 50 full abdominal breathing cycles in a row (at a pace of 10 cycles per minute).
  • By the end of this exercise, you should feel less tension, less anxiety, less fear, and feel more optimistic and healthier.

Anahata Chakra

  • Visualize or focus on the image of your 4th chakra for 5 minutes or 50 abdominal breathing cycles, thinking about yourself as an extremely confident person.
  • Say, for example:

“Let the visualization of my Anahata chakra help me to access the confidence that will help me see my projects through and make my dreams come true.”

  • Finish this problem-solving exercise by stating in a firm voice:

“My Anahata chakra has now been activated so that I might develop great confidence!”

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  • Repeat this ritual at least once a week until you genuinely feel extremely confident.

Useful advice

This visualization exercise won’t be enough on its own to acquire stable and long-lasting confidence, but it will facilitate the process. You still must play your part by tapping into the creative ideas that will come to your mind in order to be more confident.

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