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Psychic Readings Guide

How to Get Psychic Reading

When you think about the sorts of psychics that you see in movies, what comes to mind? A mystical, scarf-wearing woman with a crystal ball who hides away in a dark tent that is lit by only one or two tiny candles?

Of course, as humans advance technologically, our approaches to interacting with one another advance with us. Where we once sent letters as a means of communication, this was largely replaced by the telephone.

Yet how many people use landlines these days? Almost everyone can send e-mails, pictures, videos, and instant messaging with the tiny and portable phones they carry around with them wherever they go.

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In this article, we will explore some of the modern methods used when receiving a psychic reading and the pros and cons of each.

Psychic Readings in Modern Times

So, if you don’t have to attend bizarre-looking fairs or track down gypsy caravans in order to receive a psychic reading, where can you get one?

Well, if you have a smartphone or a laptop then you already have access to several different options when it comes to psychic readings.

We’re going to look at apps, phone calls, and e-mail, and finally, we will take a look at the less common but certainly the most traditional method: in-person psychic readings.


When it comes to psychic readings, you may have forgotten just how advanced some smartphone applications have become. With apps such as Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp, and others appearing to dominate the industry, you may never have considered receiving a psychic reading via an app. So, what are the pros and cons?

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Pros: There are three significant benefits to this form of communication. Firstly, it’s safe. You don’t have to meet anyone in person, there’s no risk of downloading a virus to your phone (provided you use the Play Store or App Store), and there’s never any need to give out any personal information beyond what you feel comfortable with.

Secondly, most apps of this nature will also include other information that is available to more general groups (e.g. horoscopes or information on star signs). Thirdly, you can take the information with you wherever you go.

Cons: Many people, particularly of older generations, find these forms of communication rather complex. However, this depends mostly on the service you use. There are apps that have a very clear design and is very easy to navigate.

Phone Calls

Of course, we’re all familiar with how to use a phone, and psychic reading via this method isn’t something new.

Some people will use a service that allows for appointments to be made with specific psychics via assistants and operators, while others will be more direct between you and the psychic. So, let’s explore the pros and cons.

Pros: Similarly, to the app method, receiving psychic readings over the phone keeps you out of harm’s way. You can often call at a time that is convenient to you and since most people own a cell phone, you can take that call on your way to work, while sitting in the park, while visiting family in another country, or even while you’re on holiday.

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Where this method differs from the app is the personal touch: being able to hear someone speak to you and interact with you live can be comforting.

Cons: The phone call approach isn’t without its flaws though. It’s rare that readings of this type are free which typically means giving out your credit card information over the phone, to a faceless person.

Despite many companies being reputable, you never really know for sure who to trust and if the company isn’t trustworthy, then there’s no guarantee you’ll see your money again.

The benefit of using an app is that any complaints can be taken up with the Play/App Store and published publically.


E-mail psychic readings are very popular. You can always be in contact with the clairvoyant that you are consulting, even when you are on holiday or on a business trip.

They are very accurate, and you can receive information that is very relevant to your interest, for example, when requesting a priority quantum reading.

Pros: Similarly, to using an app or phone calls, receiving psychic readings via e-mail allows you to remain safe. If you have a smartphone then you can access your readings wherever you are and can archive those that are meaningful to you.

Cons: Sometimes the e-mail you are expecting will land in the spam box and if you don’t notice this, you may be under the impression that they didn’t send you anything.

So, if you are waiting for some reading, the best is to check your spam box, just in case there is nothing in your inbox. Or directly, make sure that you add the e-mail address of the clairvoyant to your contact list.


As we reach our final method for receiving psychic readings, we reach the most classic option: in-person psychic readings. Nowadays, these often take place at somebody’s home (either yours or the psychic) or in an office building.

This approach stands out from the rest in terms of its pros and its cons.

Pros: Person-to-person contact is a major benefit to a psychic reading. When you’re talking to someone on the phone, via an app, or through e-mail, they are simply taking information and working with it.

They can’t get a feel for your energy and they certainly can’t get a sense of your soul. Readings that take place in-person also allow for a deeper relationship to form which leads to more trust and better and more accurate readings.

Cons: Unless you know the person or the company well, there is always a risk attached to meeting a stranger. However, provided you don’t take any silly risks, there’s no reason that you can’t decide for yourself whether someone is to be trusted or not. Some people also find meeting psychics a little intimidating which is why they may choose to receive readings over the phone.

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