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soul life path messages for April 2022

Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of April 2022

Are you ready for something new and exciting to blast its way into your orbit? Need a little pick me up after months of winters slumber? 

This month promises to deliver an electric shock treatment to get you started. All you have to do is awaken and revitalize your kinship with nature. 

Universal Number One Month

It’s time to open up the windows and doors and air out the house and the same goes for your psyche. 

April is a Universal number one month in our calendar year and reminds us to be grounded and firmly fully rooted in nature. It is our first month in springtime and symbolizes rebirth, gestation, and the beginning stage of Creation. 

Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier with Egyptian Numerology bringing to you the Soul Life Path Messages for the Universal number one month of April 2022.  

Passion starts to bubble up out of the stagnant ponds of winter moss and a new life begins to take shape in the forms of butterflies and new blossoms. Our anticipation of warmer weather gives us permission to pack away our winter coats.  We’ve had all winter to rest, hibernate, and participate in the silent void of our ever-evolving soul. We are now moving from the north of the medicine wheel to the East. 

The seasons of Nature help us to have and keep balance, healing, peace, and joy if we look to the lessons of each season, understand them, and apply them to our lives. 

The Universal number one month and the season of spring both represent the place of new beginnings, the dawning of a new day, and birth. This season is represented by the sunrise, innocence, trust, vulnerability, wonder, and curiosity. 

Seedlings are pushing their way up through the Earth striving to be tended, nurtured, and free to grow. The same holds true for any dreams, plans, ideas, or seedlings from your imagination that you are hoping to give birth to and grow this month. You will see more number synchronicity in the form of 11, 111, 11:11, 1010, 444, and 666. 

We are in the phase of new beginnings, and all beginnings start with an awakening, an epiphany, or a startling revelation. 

Everything around us supports this inward growth of rebirth and renewal. 

If you had to choose one thing to manifest this month, what would it be? 

For me, I am going on a solo spiritual retreat. I’m going to unplug from my daily routine and responsibilities and take a road trip to somewhere I’ve never been. The only thing I’m bringing is my availability to be present. I have not done this since I wrote and published both my books. 

So, what new plans, ideas, or dreams from your imagination are you going to awaken?  What would you love to plant, tend, and nurture for yourself this month? Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and put your hand over your heart. Ask yourself “What seedling would best serve my highest good? 

Next after this publicity

The very first image or thought that floats to the surfaces is the right one. Now visualize yourself already embodying this outcome and then let it go. 

The Messages for April 2022

You don’t have to do anything but make a decision. And for those over-achievers, make sure you just choose one thing. Let’s take a look at the Life Path messages for the Month of April. 

Soul Life Path Number 1

Courage is a strong word that has the potential to change your life this month. There is something that you have been wanting to do that you probably have not shared with another person. It is something that you know you are capable of, but it would require some extra effort in order for it to unfold. You get comfortable in your routines and you’re not sure how this change will affect everything and everyone around you. Don’t procrastinate! The message for this month is “Go for it!. Give it all you got because the courage that it will take to pull it off will be the energy that you are looking for to succeed in future projects. Evolution only moves in forward motion, and this is the perfect time to make necessary changes.

Soul Life Path Number 2

Balancing energy is your forte but the harmony that you seek this month is between your logic and your intuition. Trust this oblation and know that there is a way to give equal attention to both without tipping over in dismay. There is a time and place for each of these abilities to surface and your message for this month is to not get them confused. Give equal credit where credit is due and learn how to shift from one to the other without getting attached to the outcome. Logic is the gift from the mind and intuition is the gift from the heart. If you are relying too much on one over the other, you will know because an underlying feeling of frustration will crowd your consciousness until you find symmetry again.  

Soul Life Path Master Number 11

It is time to unplug from everything and allow the natural current of your life force to find a corresponding rhythm to the peaceful flow of your sacred void. Even if it is for just a day or two, you need to find yourself again without identifying with an outside image. Allow yourself to rest and let go of all your expectations. After you have done this successfully, you will be re-energized and flooded with new ideas, plans, and creations.  It is easy for you to be an open channel but sometimes you need to reassure yourself that the quality of your life force is more important than the work that you do 

Soul Life Path Number 3

You really thrive with the onset of warmer weather and the scent of spring flowers in the air. There are so many new projects coming up to the surface that are begging to be explored. Don’t get overwhelmed by all your enthusiasm and cut yourself short when it comes to following through with the completion of each task. Take one thing at a time and savor the exploration, thoroughly enjoy it, see it through, and share it with another person. You will have plenty of time to seek out all your creations. The message is to enjoy yourself and set yourself up for success by noting and writing down the steps that it takes to bring it all into fruition. You have a large capacity to fulfill your desires and nurture your imagination.  

Soul Life Path Number 4

Ground yourself in nature this month and take advantage of the seasonal change. Plant your garden, hang a bird feeder, or build that water fountain in the backyard. Go outdoors and inhale the new air the wind is blowing through. Notice how everything is different on the outside and then bring that realization within and notice how much you have changed. Before you move forward this month, give yourself gratitude for all that you have done to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Once you pay homage to all of the things that are going right in your life, more positive energy will flow to nurture and support everything you are planning to do in the near future and beyond.  

Soul Life Path Master Number 22

Don’t hold back the energy that has been building up. You have come a long way to get where you are now, and you must put one foot forward in getting ahead of yourself. You have things you want to do that you have never done before and maybe nobody has ever done before. Don’t be afraid of your innovative ideas. Deep down you know that you are divinely inspired and that you have what it takes to make your dreams a reality. You do not have to do this alone. There are others that are waiting to help you and all you have to do is ask. You may be afraid that others may not understand the long-term goal that you carry but that is okay, they don’t need to know. You believe in yourself and that’s all that matters. When you dare to reach for your goals, the whole universe conspires to support you. Trust and take the first step forward.   

Soul Life Path Number 5

Everything about you tells a story of how you use your vivacious energy to move in the world and oftentimes helping other people. There is a quiet place within you that not very many people know about because you keep it hidden. It is a soft, gentle, and vulnerable nature that you explore only when nobody is looking. It is important that you honor this side of yourself this month. This is your intuitive and creative center, and it needs to be acknowledged and filled so that you can recharge your batteries before you go out to explore the world again. So much has happened on the outside of your life lately that it has taken your attention away from this reservoir of pure spirit and who you truly are. If you can find one person that you can share your hidden nature with… then allow yourself the comfort of the company that really understands and gets you. It will help multiply the cohesiveness that love has to offer and it will reassure that you are not alone. 

Soul Life Path Number 6

It is time for you to get moving and break out of the old routine of winter isolation. Plan a party, social event, or gathering that will bring people, ideas, and energy together. You love your solitude, but it is important that you generate some motion by celebrating those you hold close to your heart. You have some stored up energy that needs to be expressed and released and what better way to uplift your spirits than to share it with others. This will guarantee joy and laughter while rekindling a new daily program of exercise, creativity, and a healthy way of living.   

Soul Life Path Master Number 33

This month suggests that you try a new approach to your relationships. You’re trying to put a square peg in a round hole and getting frustrated when it doesn’t fit. The old ways of relating to the outside world have not been working out for you. Try listening to the things going on around you that are being expressed but not said in words. Trust your intuition and lead with your inner guidance. When you do this, it will open doors and show you a new way of being in the world that will help you communicate and create more flow. 

Soul Life Path Number 7

What spiritual practices need to be initiated to aid in your vulnerability this month? How authentic can you become when you drop all pretenses and speak your truth? 

You live in a superficial world where you have to filter out the nonsense and although you know this to be true, you sometimes get caught up in the game of life that does not feed your soul. So, with loving compassion… treat yourself to some nature time out in the wilderness and ground yourself in the reality of self-nurturance. This will help you re-connect with your soul power and balance out the nagging suspicion you sometimes carry between what is true and what is false. 

Soul Life Path Number 8

Explore your inner terrain and let it guide you to discover a new vortex, opening, or doorway to treasures that excite and exhilarate your creative mojo. 

Your inner child is calling for attention and is luring you out to play to get a little dirty or messy this month. Put your play clothes on, pack a lunch, tuck in a few toys, and go for an adventure. Clear your mind, open your heart, and get lost in the wonder of the world while you expand on the horizons of the unknown. Let this process free you from the confines of creative stagnation and allow your inner child to be your sacred teacher and guide.  Make sure you leave your electronic devices at home.  

Soul Life Path Number 9

This month is a calling to express yourself in deep and creative ways. This could be in the realm of writing, singing, dancing, cooking or even photography. 

This process is not so much about being an outlet to direct your energy as it is a procedure to channel higher forces to run through your body, heart, mind, and spirit. Energize your soul through the creative juices that flow when you are inspired. 

So much transpires when you turn off the chatter in your mind and allow the spirit to sit in the driver’s seat. Your destination is always in the hands of unpredictable divine planning and timing. In other words, it’s the process that brings you the best results and not the product or the destination.  

So, this concludes the life path messages for the month of April. I am so excited to share with you the link for My free Masterclass called Unlock Your Superpowers where I talk about three of the most important numbers that reveal your inner magic and how to calculate them. 

You can also learn more about Egyptian Numerology from my website

Have a blessed week.  

Love and blessings… Namaste ? 

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