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Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of May 2022

Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of May 2022

The month of May 2022 is a Universal master number 11/2. The Master number 11 is the higher manifestation of the number two and depending where you are on your spiritual journey, you will either be under the influence of the number two or working your way up into the higher octave frequency of master number 11.

Hello and Welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier with Egyptian Numerology bringing to you the Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of May.

Spiritual Meaning of the Number 2 and 11

The number two Soul Journey travelers are working with balance. Two is the number of duality; the split we perceive in life between light and darkness, inside and outside, yin and yang, masculine and feminine, good/ and bad, life and death, mind and heart, logic/ and intuition, and so on.  The number 11 is also working on balance, but it is in the realm of harmonizing heaven on earth through expressing your enchanting messages conjured from the heart.

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“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”.

Yes, you were born heroes with supernatural powers and all the work you have been doing has been in the process of uncovering the reality of who you truly are & delivering your inspirational epistle to the world.

We each have a unique story to tell and a vital potion to impart. Part of what I do is help people remember.

I encourage, confirm, and challenge you to unravel the layers of illusions and come into your true self… your authentic self, … your higher self. Through my work and especially through chart readings, I am able to interact and translate your personal numbers as light codes to deliver clarity and perspective not always clear in the mundane world.

The Messages for May 2022

What is your Journey statement?

If you don’t believe how powerful you are, I am here to remind you that  “We are the messengers” and this month is about getting clarity on what your personal legacy entails. Once you have clarity, the delivery becomes effortless.

A fun way to get in touch with your personal legacy is through music. What songs touch, inspire, and move you emotionally? What was the first song you can remember that you resonated with on a spiritual level?

For me, it was Bridge over troubled water and Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel. I know that dates me but when I still hear those songs, I feel that they call to me on a soul level. Their message is my message.

May is a number five calendar month and this energy is about Transformation. Our Universal year is a number 6 and this is about balancing heaven on earth. Together they create the magic and mystery of our Master number 11 which promotes the illumination of your soul.

It asks you to really think about the solid anchor of your truth and   –  What you are doing with your light.

You have gifts, abilities, talents, and potential to do whatever you feel called to do and be who you know you are. The messages for this month are:

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Soul Life Path Number 1

How easy is it for you to let go of what you consider to be your past mistakes? If you could magically pull out all of the lessons that you have learned and put them in a box.. would there be a common theme?

These lessons are what you are here not only to learn but to teach others.

Once you see the value in every mishap, they no longer live to haunt you but rather to remind you of just how truly creative and powerful you are when co-creating with Source.

Soul Life Path Number 2

Often times you feel as though you don’t do enough for the people you love and serve. The truth around self-realization is honoring the depth of beauty you see and feel about others. Holding space requires no physical action but can be more effective because it cannot be manipulated into something it is not.

You simply focus your attention on the person and send them positive confirmation that all is well. But in order for this to work, all must be well within yourself.

Soul Life Path Master Number 11

With the impact of the last Libra full moon, the veils of illusions have been lifting rather rapidly. If you are ready to let these illusions go, then this energy brings ominous omens and offers the process to lighten your load, but if you still need your illusions because, on some level, they are serving you, a struggle must come to the surface….. if only to show you where you are still holding on.

This month, the energy is here to serve you by giving you the intuitive insight needed to step into your brilliance. There is nothing more fulfilling than stepping into the light portal of divine solutions. You are encouraged to conjure your magic and deliver your message of illuminating healing guidance to uplift humanity.

Soul Life Path Number 3

This month, investigate all the ways you are shielding your heart and notice how the effort of blocking your emotions is more troublesome than the process of letting them go. Once you recognize where your emotional growth has been thwarted,  you will have an opportunity to tear down the walls and receive more blessings.

Your creative nature depends on your relationship with your heart and in order to express your inner masterpiece, you must have clear communication and access to all the love you have to give.

Soul Life Path Number 4

Your unique message this month rides on the tailwinds of achievement. Think of all the things you have accomplished that at one time were merely a dream. Sometimes you expect a lot of yourself and although this system might work to keep you motivated, there comes a time when acknowledgment is in order. This is important because this month you will be asked to reach higher than you ever imagined, and you need to know that success is imminent. Instead of fulfilling several small things, you will pursue a larger challenge, and this is needed for your spiritual growth.

Master Number 22

Allow your inspiration to come from mother nature this month. Receive your ideas by listening to the wind, stabilize your emotions within the flowing waters, ignite your creativity with the fire of your passions, and ground yourself to the sands of the earth. Getting back to the basics are vital to your spiritual growth this month. You are galvanized to do great things, but restlessness can sometimes overpower your senses and tip you off balance. Reset your energies and become a channel for spirit to move through you, let go of the mental chatter and become one with the elements.

Soul Life Path Number 5

You have been putting off some vital action and getting distracted by the outside world. This month, it is time to settle the differences that have been weighing you down. Take the time for yourself and do the inner work necessary to balance your mind and your heart. Find a quiet place to communion with your heart and ask it what it is feeling. Your heart will never lie to you and once it is heard, it will direct you back on your path with a conviction to always be true to yourself.

Soul Life Path Number 6

This month is pointing to your personal power and finding ways to strengthen your personal freedom. What responsibilities can you let go of this month in order to explore the horizons of your dreams? Do you feel guilty when you take personal time? Can you overlook the guilt and see the benefits of the long game? Step out of the box and do something out of character that serves only yourself and don’t tell anyone else about it. Explore your feelings and discover new ways to extend the boundaries that you place around your sense of obligations.

Master Number 33

This is a very powerful time for you, and I know you can feel it on a deep and profound level. You are sensitive to the new energies coming through the cosmos, but sometimes you get conflicted by the response of others who don’t quite understand the magic of our times.

It is important to distance yourself from the normal crowds you participate with. Get quiet and channel the pure light codes that are now available. Learn to balance the frequency of information you are receiving with your life purpose. You may lose some friends along way, but you will gain the momentum of the masters.

Soul Life Path Number 7

It is time for you to find a way to teach others what you find in your heart to be true. Keep your truth alive by sharing it with others. This does not need to be in a conventional school setting. It could be through writing, spending time with children, or volunteering in your community. On the same note, it is important that you keep learning. If there is a subject that you have been interested in but have not found the time to explore it in-depth, this month offers you the encouragement to keep your intellectual doors open and your curiosity fed.

Soul Life Path Number 8

On a soul level, you are able to manifest in a whole different way this month. Creating and exploring the depths of your imagination will be effortless and encouraged. All systems are on a green light and point to innovative possibilities. This could mean a new modality or exclusive connections. Stay open, fluid, and mindful of these opportunities. If there is anything blocking your light, clear it quickly and stay on the path of least resistance and you will attract the magic of the cosmos.

Soul Life Path Number 9

Exciting waves of brilliant light pillars are shooting down from the spirit realm to inspire and encourage you to move forward with your goals. I see an enormous collaboration of spirit guides awaiting permission to assist you in manifesting your heart’s desire. This is a highly energetic spiritual month that wants to be used for everyone’s highest good. Get clear on what you desire to create and allow it to release on the wings of the angels. Put aside any fear, doubt, and expectations. Fall in line with divine will and allow the unfolding of sacred mystery, magic, and miracles.

This concludes the Soul Life Path Messages for the Month of May. If you want to learn more about your Soul Life agreement, schedule a private reading with me, Join our Monthly Group coaching program, and visit my website.

I hope you have an incredible month full of blessings and revelations!!!



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