Star Wars is one of the greatest cinematic franchises in history, filled with many iconic characters who exhibit the strongest traits of particular Zodiac signs. This article will connect your Zodiac sign with the Star Wars character who best exemplifies the qualities of each sign.
Rugged, independent, and a maverick are all adjectives for Aries and Han Solo. A smuggler by trade, who prefers to keep his head down, ends up being a key hero in freeing the galaxy from the clutches of the Empire. Even his name, Solo, matches with Aries, the individual, who prefers to do it his own way. Good in a fight, loyal, and a swashbuckler; who better to represent the first sign of the Zodiac.
Chebacca, the Wookie, and loyal friend to Han Solo is often depicted as stubborn and consistently trying to avoid rushing into danger. He is the “down to earth” counterpart to Han. And he is also the physical embodiment of the sign, imposing and naturally super-strong. He is the steadfast companion who will never leave your side.
The droid that only speaks in clicks and bleeps is a perfect representative for Gemini, the sign that rules communication. And like curious Gemini, he finds himself in all kinds of unexpected situations. And he is the ultimate communicator when it comes to talking with other droids and computer systems. For a character with no face or much physical articulation, he is by far one of the most expressive and amusing.
Just like a Cancer woman to put the fate of the galaxy on her shoulders. She goes toe-to-toe with Darth Vader in the opening sequence of Star Wars and ends up leading the rebel alliance by the end of the first movie. She is the epitome of the “fierce mother” who will do what is necessary to do what is right for everyone she cares about, which is pretty much anyone in need.
Lando is a swashbuckler and pirate like Han, but he does end up as the leader of Cloud City, making him more Leo than Aries. Leo enjoys the stage and being front and center. Lando is much more concerned about appearance than Han, and his suave nature makes him a perfect representative for the fixed fire sign of the Zodiac.
R2D2’s ever present companion and fellow service droid C3PO is a perfect representative for Virgo, critical, rule driven, and a “worry-wort.” Maybe not the most positive traits of the sign, but accurate qualities nonetheless. Even so, he is an honest and supportive companion, ready to help in any situation, while complaining the whole way through.
Obi Wan Kenobi is the mentor to Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, doing his best to keep the force in balance. He tires and fails to keep one student on the heroic path, and succeeds with the other. Like a true Libra, he understands that each individual must find his own path. He lives long enough to become the “wise old man” who is the perfect teacher for the brash young student, who would become the most powerful Jedi of them all.
Vader is the epitome of Scorpio in Star Wars, one who goes into the darkness, and may or may not come back to the light, but has the emotional conviction to pursue power at any cost for the cause of love, even if it ends up misguided and ultimately destructive. Vader’s journey into the depths of the dark side and his return to the light makes him the perfect, imperfect representative of Scorpio.
At the heart of Luke’s character is a desire to see the galaxy, to get away from his “hum-drum” life. Along the way he becomes a master Jedi, excelling in the ways of the force. His desire for adventure, and a cause greater than himself, are perfect qualities for a Sagittarius. From humble beginnings to greatness, Luke charges into the unknown with a sense of destiny.
Boba Fett is a ruthless mercenary who always gets the job done, just like a Capricorn, who knows what needs to be accomplished and makes it happen. He is capable as a fighter, pilot, and survivor, making him a great example of Capricorn. If you want results, Boba Fett is the man for the job.
Aquarius is an idealistic sign, regardless of the ideology. In Star Wars, Tarkin displays the ruthless detachment of one who is disconnected from the basic emotions that cloud the ability to see a grand plan come to fruition and be maintained. While he leads the forces of the Empire to crush the rebellion, he does so from the cold logic that order is best maintained by tyranny and control.
Yoda is the embodiment of the positive side of the force, who understands that everything is connected, just a Pisces would. His ability to tap into the force and know that it is “all around us” makes him the perfect representative for the sign Pisces in the Star Wars universe.