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Healing a Broken Heart: The Role of Esoteric Practices in Emotional Recovery

There are some guarantees in life, such as death and taxes (in most countries). However, there is another guarantee that very few discuss when it comes to being human, as that you will inevitably experience heartbreak after loss. Every human on this planet will grieve for one reason or another, and those reasons always go beyond losing a loved one or a good friend.

Broken dreams, breakups, and even minor disappointments will cause grief and heartbreak. However, the thing is, you want to ensure that you can move through the heartbreak and grief, which in many cases will stay with you, depending on how impactful the loss was. But to move forward while you can live with the baggage from what happened, you must find ways to create emotional balance within, which can be used with talk therapy or alone. Let’s discuss methods to heal a broken heart by utilizing esoteric practices in emotional recovery. One standard method is yoga, so let’s discuss how this practice can be helpful.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga can be quite healing for many reasons. This practice can help you balance your mind, body, and spirit so you are in harmony by using yoga poses and breathwork. The reason that yoga is healing is that you do breathwork to help release toxins, which is known as pranayama. As you do your yoga poses, you chant, which helps to release negative energy as your mind, body, and soul are purified. Chanting also enables you to reduce stress and anxiety.

Yoga also allows you to balance your qi or energy within your body by joining various combinations of the thumbs and fingers, known as yogic mudras. There is also another yoga healing practice known as trataka, as it is a purification technique that involves you staring at a flame or a point as it promotes energy to your Third Eye Chakra, which will help you develop your intuition and psychic ability.

There are so many yoga techniques that can help not only heal from emotional heartache but can help you manage physical pain and addictions. Physical pain and addictions will also cause emotional heartache, which is why you will want to look into yoga therapy to help you achieve emotional equilibrium. If yoga does not seem to impress you, there is good news, as there are other esoteric practices to heal emotionally, and one is taking salt baths.

Pranic Healing Salt Baths

When you are in emotional distress, all other areas of your body are out of balance, which is why you will often have physical ailments such as reduced appetite (or increased appetite), headaches, pain, and insomnia. It affects your mental health, which will bring anxiety and depression, as it harms your spirit. Therefore, it will show in your aura as an unhealthy dark color, or sometimes you will have a black aura.

Often, when you cleanse your aura, it can help you create balance within, but you will have to work on yourself and get the support you need as you do this. A pranic healing salt bath is an excellent way to cleanse your aura. These salt baths will help cleanse the negativity from your aura, and you will need to do them daily.

These salt baths are easy, as all you need to do is rinse your body whether you take a bath or a shower. Then, step out of the tub or shower, apply salt on your body, and allow it to stay on for a minute as you allow your tongue to touch the roof of your mouth the entire time you do this.

Take deep breaths within that minute, and after the minute is up, go back to the bath or shower and rinse your body. You will feel much lighter after doing this, as you will find that if you incorporate this pranic healing salt bath daily, you will feel more balanced and more lightweight emotionally. There are other esoteric therapies you will want to try when it comes to finding emotional equilibrium after heartbreak, and a great one is crystal therapy.

Read more about how to heal a broken heart…

Crystal Therapy

Crystal therapy is an excellent esoteric practice that can help you reach emotional equilibrium after heartbreak. Crystals are high-vibrational rocks that can radiate their healing properties if you keep them close by you, whether you wear them as jewelry or keep the stones in your pocket, by your bed, or by your workplace.

Different crystals can help promote healing, protection, or prosperity in various areas. Suppose you want to utilize crystals to help heal your heart after a disappointing or devastating situation. In that case, you want to utilize the ideal crystals that can help promote emotional healing. Not all crystals can do that, but below are the perfect crystals to use for crystal therapy when it comes to helping with emotional healing:

  • Amethyst – Here is a powerful stone that promotes emotional balance as it can help soften sadness and grief and help you release fear, anger, and anxiety. This stone can help you connect your mind, body, and spirit, as it is an excellent aura cleanser. Everyone should have this stone to help promote emotional balance.
  • Calcite – This stone comes in various colors, as it helps to promote emotional balance. Black calcite helps to soften and release depressive feelings, and the blue version can help release negative feelings and anxiety. Orange is also suitable for helping to remove depression and overcome fear, and the pink one can help promote trauma healing and unconditional love. Red calcite can help you release fear, create empathy, and raise positive emotions.
  • Agate – This stone is an excellent aura cleanser as it can help you work through the trauma you have endured and promote courage and love. It is also perfect for creating emotional balance and flexibility.
  • Rose quartz – This stone is known to promote love for oneself and others, and when you are dealing with heartache, this stone can bring you a soothing and loving feel, which will help lessen the sting of the heartache you are feeling. This stone is known for helping to open up the Heart Chakra, as you can wear it as a charm for a necklace.
  • Hematite – If you are struggling with negativity from others while facing your own emotional turmoil, this stone can help ward off the negative energy that others may be sending you. That way, you can focus on healing and working through your emotions.

Many other excellent stones can help with emotional healing, but those are the main ones that are excellent for crystal therapy. It is essential to cleanse your crystals once a week as you can place them overnight in a bowl of sea salt or on the window sill for a few hours in the day to soak up sunlight (don’t leave them for more than three hours as the UV rays can alter them), or overnight during a New or Full Moon. There are other esoteric healing practices that help alleviate the sting of heartbreak.

Guided Meditations

One of the best ways to achieve emotional equilibrium after dealing with disappointment or devastation is by utilizing guided meditations. Many apps, such as Headspace, The Mindfulness App, or Healthy Mind Program, are free and paid and offer many excellent guided meditations to help you achieve emotional balance. Studies show that spending about 15 minutes meditating daily can help reduce blood pressure, slow heart rate, and clear your mind. Therefore, it can help you manage your emotional pain and promote emotional healing.

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You can use guided meditation in many ways, as you can find a quiet space and get comfortable without any distractions. You can only use your smartphone or tablet to utilize the app for guided meditation and listen to the instructions. Meditation may work better for some people by doing chores or walking outdoors. Everyone is different when it comes to their preference regarding meditation. Several other esoteric practices can help you attain emotional recovery.

Read more about how to heal a broken heart…

Music and Sound Therapy

Music and sound therapy is a type of guided meditation as the music can help address any emotional, social, and cognitive needs. Studies have shown that music and sound therapy not only help you reach emotional equilibrium after going through any emotional distress.

Still, it can help lower blood pressure, help improve your cardiac, immune, and respiratory functions, and is helpful for your mind. This therapy can also help you reduce any tension and stress you store in your muscles by helping you release it. You can find healing sounds and music in guided meditation apps if this is the route you want to go. There is one more common esoteric practice that can help with emotional healing after heartbreak.

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is an esoteric Japanese healing practice that many people utilize for various reasons, and the desire to heal from emotional pain and to find emotional equilibrium is a common reason that someone may want Reiki. Regarding Reiki, the belief system is that the practitioner that performs the healing is not the source of healing energy as they are a channel for the energy instead. It is the same idea as a garden hose being a channel for water. Therefore, if you are going for a Reiki healing session, the Reiki master will channel the healing energy they get and send it over to you through movements of their hands.

Reiki can help individuals with many ailments, especially emotional pain, trauma, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. If this is the route you would want to take when it comes to energy healing, you would need several sessions to help you find emotional equilibrium after pain.

When it comes to life, you already know there are two guarantees, which are death and taxes in most countries, but there is another one, which is experiencing heartbreak at some point in your life for one reason or another. The problem is that once you experience disappointment or devastation over a loss or something going very wrong in your life, the emotional sadness and grief can become trapped in your body, which can lead to other ailments of the mind, body, and spirit. You may never move away from grief, but you want to live with it and be at peace with it as you move forward in your life.

There are many forms of treatment for emotional healing, such as talk therapy. However, there are also many esoteric practices that can help you with emotional recovery, and you can utilize all of these practices on the list or only one as you use other forms of therapy, such as talk therapy. You deserve to be healthy and happy, and this is why you want to take advantage of the best esoteric energy healing practice that you feel will help you the best.

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