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Reiki Healing is aiming to balance or restore balance to the universal energy that exists in all of us. This Japanese discipline enables inner harmonization allowing for a more dynamic state of mind, a better physical condition, and a long and healthy life.

This is what makes Reiki a wonderful method of spiritual healing!

What is Reiki?

Reiki philosophy refers to the Chinese tradition of Qi. It is the Japanese version. On this page, you will find many simple tips to synchronize or restore your life energy.

The upside of this therapeutic and spiritual method is that you can learn it and practice it on yourself or on other people.

Reiki can be compared to a laying on-hands technique because, in order to rebalance your vital energy, prevent or help cure diseases, you need to lay or impose your hands on the body (or on a specific body part), whether it’s yours or someone else’s.

As such, Reiki is not a strange technique in that the practice of laying on hands has been practiced in all major spiritual paths and many therapeutic disciplines and traditions.

In Christianity, the most famous example is that of Jesus Christ who healed through laying on hands. This spiritual and therapeutic mode of laying on hands can be found in many cultures since the dawn of time. This is how healers, practitioners, and other psychics still operate in the European countryside, among others, but also on every continent.

The Origins of Reiki

Reiki originated from a Japanese Buddhist monk called Mikao Usui (1865-1926) who supposedly converted to Christianity, although this is not certain.

He developed a comprehensive practice, both spiritual and medical, designed to harmonize your life energy with the energy of the universe that the Japanese call the Ki (Chi or Qi in Chinese).

In Reiki, “Rei” means “universal,” so Reiki can be translated as “universal energy” or “the flow of universal energy.”

For other traditions claiming to descend from Reiki, this word supposedly means “willpower” or “mind energy.”

It is said that Reiki is the modern form of a spiritual healing art whose origins are lost in the dawn of time. You can find it mentioned in Hindu manuscripts in India dating back more than 3000 years.

japanese landscape


Mikao Usui is said to have found enlightenment with the revelation of Reiki in a Japanese Buddhist monastery. In there, he supposedly had an intense vision in which the principles, techniques, and secrets of the spiritual healing art he called Reiki were unveiled to him.

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Originally, Reiki hence has its roots in Buddhism, which like many spiritual paths posits that there is supreme energy running through the universe.

This notion can be found in Hinduism with “prana”, in Christianity as the “divine light”, or as the “pneuma” of Ancient Greece.

What makes Reiki stand out is that it is not only a spiritual practice that lets you connect to the energy of the universe but also a therapeutic discipline.

It can help prevent and contribute to the healing of physical and psychological illnesses and ailments. On the upside, it is possible to use Reiki on yourself quite easily.

The Chakras and the Philosophy of Reiki

Reiki is deeply rooted in Buddhism but also in Eastern spirituality, which is based on balancing or rebalancing your internal energy through connection and harmonization with the ambient energy of the universe.

7 chakras of the human body

The main Reiki techniques focus on the seven chakras that are recognized in both Hindu and Buddhist therapeutic practices.

The seven chakras are seven energy centers also called vortexes. They are located along the spine from the genital area to the forehead where the most important chakra can be found, known as the third eye or eye of knowledge.

Chakras are traditionally considered to be the entry points of universal energy into the human body. They are like charging stations for energy. That is why they need to be balanced.

When the chakras are unbalanced, the body and mind enter a state of disharmony with the supreme energy that runs through the universe. The chakras then become open doors where both physical and psychological problems can break in.

This translates into illnesses, accidents, negative emotions, irritability, nervousness, anger, fears, anxieties, a drop-in vitality and so many other ailments that would take too long to list right now!

How Can You Use Reiki Healing?

Before embarking on a Reiki career and practice, it would be good for you to try a Reiki session with a specialist, whether you suffer from a specific disease or not.

Indeed, Reiki might be an energy-based practice that helps to cure illnesses, but it can also prevent diseases and rebalance energies.

During a session, the practitioner obviously uses Reiki-specific hand-laying techniques but also powerful spiritual symbols that can help with meditation and therapeutic sounds.

They use this therapeutic arsenal (symbols, therapeutic sounds, and the laying on hands) to bring our bodies back in harmony with the energy running through the universe.

Everything mostly happens through energy channeling, but it does not necessarily require actual contact. Hands usually remain above the painful area or sweep over a wider zone around that area.

Before you actually practice yourself, you’ll have to train yourself in Reiki techniques, but it only takes a few weeks.

Any motivated person can learn Reiki, as long as they are open to alternative medicine and spirituality.

How to Unlock Your Chakras with Reiki

You might not realize it, but every day many internal and external causes put your chakras at risk and are potential causes of imbalance and blockages for them.

The dangers are both psychological and physical. This means that your chakras are constantly trying to maintain their balance to protect your body and mind. So, your chakras are in a state of unstable balance!

unlock the 7 chakras

Even though the chakras guard our body and mind, you can also influence their functioning.

Your living conditions, state of mind, hygiene, physical activity, and thoughts all contribute to the harmonization of your chakras. By doing so, you take an active part in your overall evolution.

Even if you plan to call on a Reiki practitioner, initiate yourself, or don’t practice Reiki now, you can help restore harmony to your chakras by following these instructions. This will prepare you for your next Reiki session and facilitate chakra rebalancing during that session.

The nature of your thoughts, the food you eat, the people you meet, and the emotions you express can all disrupt your chakras.

Chakras react quickly to negative emotions and external stimuli. They are extremely sensitive to slight variations in your state of mind or body functions.

Cultivating positive thoughts and emotions can harmonize your chakras. In contrast, negative emotions are great disruptors of their proper behavior.

How to Develop and Use Your Intuition According to Reiki

Using your intuition allows you to no longer depend on conditioning and make quick, fair, and effective decisions. Moreover, intuitive decisions often seem surprising or even contradictory to those based on usual logical reasoning.

Do not be surprised. Dare to apply the ideas that come to mind because they come from your unconscious mind. Your true nature can inspire you with the best decisions to solve problems and fulfill your desires.

Indeed, intuition’s advantage is that it gives clear and precise answers when you seek solutions to worries. It tells you what you need to do to solve them.

Likewise, you will instantly know how to get out of a difficult situation. You will also know what to do to achieve a goal or grant a wish.

The most important effect of developing your intuition is restoring your chakras to harmonious functioning. This aligns with Reiki principles and prepares you for future Reiki sessions. Whether you rely on a Reiki practitioner or practice Reiki yourself, intuition enhances your readiness.

The Triple Reiki Technique: The Secret Behind its Efficiency

Reiki is generally described as a laying on hands technique. It activates, unlocks, or reactivates your inner energy, known as Ki.

This special technique, called meditative touch, involves passing your hands over or making slight contact with the painful area. It targets parts of the body where a lack of Ki circulation is detected or near a malfunctioning chakra.

The name “meditative touch” is given because it combines three personal development techniques: laying on hands, relaxation, and meditation.

In general, meditative touch involves a phase of relaxation, followed by meditation, and then laying on hands.

reiki session


Most of the time, the Reiki practitioner triggers this phenomenon. They first cause these states of relaxation and meditation within themselves.

Then, they spontaneously share this mental state or induce it in their consultant. You can also trigger these states at home if you train in Reiki.

Remember, simply training in Reiki does not give you the ability to relieve others’ ailments, only your own.

If you wish to help others with Reiki as a spiritual healing technique, follow training at an official Reiki institute.

We will now describe what happens during a Reiki session, at least in theory.

Similarly, if you’ve never eaten pistachio ice cream, no matter how accurately I describe the impressions, you won’t fully understand the taste until you’ve tried it. You can imagine another flavor if you don’t like pistachio.

Likewise, if you want to know exactly what happens during a Reiki session, it is better to experience one live.

What Is Happening During a Reiki Healing Session?

During a Reiki session, the person receiving it does nothing. The practitioner first enters a meditative state, triggering meditation and relaxation in the patient.

In traditional Reiki, the person undergoing the session enters a state of meditative relaxation by resonance.

Once in this state, the person often notices their mind calming down. They are no longer drawn into the flow of their thoughts like a twig over water.

People also notice their physical pain disappears or is relieved. They feel a state of inner peace and well-being settle in.

Follow the guide!

Meditative touch is a triple technique that involves meditation, relaxation, and the laying of hands. This is why it’s effective.

In short, during a session, you will first go through a relaxation phase, then through a meditation phase. Finally, the practitioner or you will move on to the third phase called meditative touch.

To understand the importance of all these phases, follow the guide!

Depending on which Reiki school you are listening to, you will certainly find some differences in the procedure and the initiation of the different phases, but in general, the sessions include the following three phases in succession:

  • The relaxation phase
  • The meditation phase
  • The laying on hands phase

In some practices, the relaxation and meditation phases may be simultaneous, but this does not change the following detailed explanations. Indeed, relaxation mostly focuses on the body while meditation focuses on the mind, but both aim to relax the two main elements of your being: the body and the mind.

It should be noted that the benefits of meditation and relaxation on the body and mind have been proven by many scientific studies that you will easily find if you look for them on the Internet.

Why anyone could use laying on hands

The principle of healing through laying on hands is very simple. We all possess powerful inner life energy. This energy keeps our metabolism in order and has healing power for the body and mind.

In the West, people hardly accept or even massively reject this notion. However, it is considered obvious in many Asian philosophies, medicines, and spiritual practices.

This state of mind is so natural for Asians that it stands at the core of many spiritual and therapeutic practices.

This philosophy explains the rise of Chinese medicine and life disciplines with spiritual and therapeutic dimensions. These include Tai Chi, yoga, shiatsu, and Reiki.

An experienced Reiki practitioner can activate their inner energy and channel it into their hands. They use this energy to heal the body and mind.

What Makes Reiki healing Stand Out?

What makes Reiki healing stand out, and makes it very effective in many cases, is the combined (simultaneous or consecutive depending on the schools of Reiki) use of relaxation, meditation, and touch.

stand out

The practitioner puts their patient, which can be themselves, into a state of relaxation that they trigger using special techniques.

They do not require an exceptional gift or extrasensory abilities but can be learned with training in many places around the world, even in Western countries.

Reiki allows you to trigger and combine the use of relaxation and meditation through touch

This special touch through laying on hands around or on the sick part of the body causes an identical state of relaxation and meditation within the patient, conducive to the healing of psychological and physical problems. It is a practice that is effective with lasting effects.

Trust your body

We still have a long way to go to know all the wonderful properties of the body. Our body is not just a pile of flesh, bones, muscles, and fluids.

Our body has its own intelligence, different from our mind. The mind is usually recognized as the seat of thoughts and intelligence.

Thanks to this intelligence, our body regulates its functions in its own way. It organizes relationships between tissues, organs, cells, and the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems.

Our body ensures the proper functioning of these systems. It also has the ability to heal and protect itself from stress.

Reiki meditative touch is based on this principle. It is one of the best psychotherapeutic ways to help the body accomplish its mission for the greater good of both body and mind.

Reiki healing contributes to the instinctive need for reliance between body and mind. This reliance guarantees health and vitality while allowing anyone to find inner resources to help them grow and live the life they truly wish to live.

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