Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, made his first appearance in Captain America #1, which was published on December 20, 1940, with a cover date of Mar 1941.
He is one of the best-known superheroes worldwide.
This article will explore his numerology to see how he expresses his numbers.
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Life Path Number
The Life Path is the total of a person’s birth day (mm/dd/yyyy). Captain America’s birth day was December 20, 1940, so 12/20/1940, which totals 1972, which totals to 19, which totals 10, which reduces to 1. If the numbers are added sequentially, the total is 19, which totals 10, which reduces to 1.
An individual that has life path number one is a natural-born maverick. Therefore, they have passion and energy to become a pioneer of a better world. Their personality manifests with ease as they will have a strong desire to be authentic.
As determined people, they embrace what is new and create what is new in life. So, they quickly become successful and easily fail. Since they drive hard in life, they overcome challenges thrown in their way through resilience and will get back up quickly when life knocks them down.
Captain America is famously known the 1st Avenger even though he “came back to life” Avengers #4 in 1964, twenty-four years after leading the way for Marvel Comics in 1940. Even though the Human Torch is the first super-hero to appear in the Marvel Comics line, in Marvel Comics #1, 1939, Captain America is really “#1”.
Destiny Number
The Destiny Number is the total of the full birth name. In the case of a fictional character with a superhero name and a secret identity, we will look at both. Captain America totals 60, which reduces to 6; and Steve Rogers totals 54, which reduces to 9.
Numerology of Captain America (6)
An individual that has life path number six is nurturing and supportive. Therefore, they have the passion and energy to help others, support their community, and teach. Their personality develops through their efforts to learn about the world by being of service to others.
As service people, they embrace compassion, empathy, and attentiveness. So, they become successful through the support of others as matter of course and in times of need. Since they serve to succeed in life, they overcome challenges thrown in their way by helping people who can overcome the challenges and provide assistance to others.
Steve Rogers (9)
An individual that has life path number nine is generous and compassionate. Therefore, they have passion and energy to help the wider world and take on the largest human problems. Their personality develops through their efforts to see the flaws in humanity and heal them.
As the people of the people, they embrace charity, altruism, and healing. So, they become successful through networking the disparate parts of society into a whole. Since they choose to lift those who are downtrodden, they overcome challenges thrown in their way by peaceful protest, patience, and forgiveness.
In short, Captain America (6) is a name for service, and Steve Rogers (9) for compassionate leadership. These two numbers are ideal for a character who embodies the best version of the American spirit, through a dedicated soldier who is also an individualist.
Active Number
You lead into life with your first name, which is why its numerical value is your Active Number. Some people use their given first name, some take on a nickname given to them by a family member or peer, and some people choose a nickname or even an alternative name.
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The “true” active number is the given birth name. Even if you legally change your first name, the core Active Number is the birth name given to you by your parents. A legally changed name is more powerful than a nickname. And any name used to identify a person in the world is a variation of an Active Number. In Steve’s case, his active number is 17, which reduces to 8.
An individual that has an Active Number 8 is a natural-born leader. Therefore, they like to take charge, direct others, and set lofty goals. A child with an 8 first name will initiate games, enjoy competing, and look for new challenges. First name 8 individuals appreciate rules and structure as components that help their drive to successfully grow.
Hereditary Number
Essentially, you inherit numbers from your parents. Most often, the father’s surname is the one that dominates and is known out in the world. The mother’s surname often becomes the middle name for a woman after marriage, when she assumes the surname of her husband. In Steve’s case, his last name Rogers totals 37, which totals 10, which reduces to 1, the Pioneer.
An individual that has a Heredity Number 1 inherits individuality from one or both parents. The person must determine how to understand number 1 energy through the influence of the parent. That influence may manifest as support or suppression. In other words, the child gets encouragement to be independent or must fight for his or her independence. Either way, the child learns the lesson of independence from the parent or in spite of the parent with last name that is the number 1.
Soul Urge Number
The Soul Urge Number is the total of the vowels in a name, specifically the full birth name. The Soul Urge is like an energy charge within the numerology of a person. The number of the Soul Urge “powers” the Destiny Number. In Captain America’s case, the number is 27, which reduces to 9.
An individual that has a Soul Urge Number 9 draws energy from a love of life. Therefore, they operate with a need to unlock wisdom to generate energy. These individuals are often patient, observant, and introverted. Accepting that you need to open and generous to get what you want and to get things done will help you be more successful in your relationships and endeavors.
In Steve’s case, his number is 21, which reduces to 3. An individual that has a Soul Urge Number 3 draws energy from creative effort. Therefore, they operate with a need to create to generate energy. These individuals are often imaginative, visionary, and clever. Accepting that you need to be creative to get what you want and to get things done will help you be more successful in your relationships and endeavors.
Personality Number
The Personality Number is the total of consonants in the name, specifically the full birth name. The Personality Number is how people encounter someone and interpret them. It is like the clothing you choose when you plan to go out in public, which causes people to react to you a certain way. For Captain America, the number is 33, a master number, which reduces to 6.
An individual that has a Personality Number 6 presents as helpful to others. Therefore, others see them as either nurturing or passive-aggressive. People who value caretakers will expect a Personality 6 to fulfill that role in life. Do not be surprised if people treat you as someone who is always there to support them, even if you want to have your own life.
For Steve, his number is 33, a master number, which reduces to 6. The same result as Captain America.
Service is clearly a dominant theme for this character!
Soul Purpose Number
Your Life Path Number reveals your numerical engine; it is the energy that drives you. Your Destiny Number reveals the numerical energy the world wants from you. When you combine them, you get your Soul Purpose Number, which reveals the “why” of your existence in this lifetime.
In Captain America’s case, his Soul Purpose Number is the total of his Life Path Number 1 plus his Destiny Number 6, which totals 7. With a 1 + 6 combination, he is here to “understand through service”.
In Steve’s case, his Soul Purpose Number is the total of his Life Path Number 1 plus his Destiny Number 9, which totals 10, which reduces to 1. With a 1 + 9 combination, he is here to “assert by sharing”.
Captain America’s total numerology is:
LPN = 1
DN = 6
SUN = 9
PN = 33/6
SPN = 7
Steve’s total numerology is:
LPN = 1
DN = 6
AN = 8
HN = 1
SUN = 3
PN = 33/6
SPN = 1
It is most interesting to see the repeating numbers throughout both names: 6 (four times) and 1 (three times). The “American Spirit” is a strange mix of individualism (1) and service (6), which this popular culture character captures well.
I am a spiritual adviser located in Cary, North Carolina. I earned my PhD in English from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 1996 and had a career in academics until 2007, when I retired to become a stay-at-home father. In 2013 I “hung out my shingle” starting my business Black Unykorn Enterprises, LLC. I provide spiritual guidance using different tools: astrology, tarot/oracle cards, numerology, and past life regression (using muscle testing). With a home office, Zoom, WeChat, and WhatsApp, I work with local clients in person and distance clients from around the world. You can read about my practice and contact me through my website:
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