The new year has arrived and with it comes a rush of excitement and the will to change, but did you know that the secret to mastering 2024 lies in a few tarot cards?
Every year there are a few tarot cards that can give you deep insights into your blessings and challenges over the next 12 months, so let’s find out your 2024 tarot cards so that you can start this year off with a bang!
To find the tarot cards that represent this next year of your life all you need to do is add the numbers of your 2024 birthday together.
Write down the numbers of your next birthday but add a + in between each one like this 1+1+2+0+2+4, which, for this example, adds up to 10.
You need to get a number between 10 and 22, but if you do get a number higher than 22, you’ll simply need to add the numbers together until you get a number that is less than 23. For instance, if you get the number 31 from adding up the numbers in your next birthday, you’ll add 3 into 1 and your 2024 tarot card number would be 4.
Your yearly cards are composed of the heavy hitters in tarot, the major arcana.
There are two arcana in a full tarot deck: major and minor. 22 of the 78 tarot cards are major arcana cards while the other 56 are minor arcana cards.
The major arcana deals with huge life altering themes while the minor arcana is the minutiae (which adds up to the big stuff). While the minor cards might best describe an afternoon or weekend of our lives, the major cards tell heroic stories of things that take months or years to learn and integrate.
The major arcana is as follows.
0 the Fool
1 the Magician
2 the High Priestess
3 the Empress
4 the Emperor
5 the Hierophant
6 the Lovers
7 the Chariot
8 Strength
9 the Hermit
10 the Wheel of Fortune
11 Justice
12 the Hanged Man
13 Death
14 Temperance
15 the Devil
16 the Tower
17 the Star
18 the Moon
19 the Sun
20 Judgment
21 the World
Some of the cards of the major arcana have ominous names like Death and the Devil, but these are simply titles from a bygone era and are not to be taken literally… most of the time. None of these cards are meant to be an immovable omen. In fact, I think it’s important to remember that you have free will.
A whole world is opening up before you and all you have to do is take that first step. There is a bit of luck and naivete that comes with this year regardless of your age. Don’t worry about playing it safe, you’ll always land on your feet and even if you stumble a bit, you’ll find that you have exactly what you need to get back up. Travel, explore, do a complete 180 this year.
This year is all about fresh new starts, action-oriented thinking and divine selfishness. You have everything you need right at your fingertips, so take a leap of faith and dive into new and exciting journeys this year! There are higher powers working in your favour, so this is a great time to self actualize. Be the truest, most honest version of yourself and watch as all the pieces fall into place around you.
This is a deeply spiritual and intuitive year for you. Don’t be afraid to take things slower, in a faced paced world your gift this year is your ability to move at your own pace and bear witness to the details others miss. Your powers of intuition and observation are going to be at an all time high, so learn to trust yourself more so that you can use these powers to their fullest potential. This is a great year to work on setting boundaries.
This is a big year for growth and learning. You’ll have more space in your life for friends, hobbies, social events and things of the like, so get into a creative craft or hobby because it is going to feel really good to be able to create a unique piece of art. You’ll want to welcome new friends and confidants on this journey this year because you’ll find that there’s room at your table for so much more than you originally thought.
You’ll feel like more of a homebody this year, needing more time and space for quiet and solitude than usual. It’s likely that you’ll go through a pretty big transformation regarding who you are and who you want to become. There are past versions of yourself that you no longer need on this leg of the journey. You’re like a plant that needs pruning before it can grow bright and bold.
The goal of this year is to become your favourite version of yourself. We all have an era of our lives that stands out as the best version, and if you haven’t met them yet then 2024 is going to be your year! Be cautious of falling prey to others ideals, the best way to live out this year is to stay true to yourself.
The theme of your year is relationships and the tangled web they weave. While your love life may certainly draw your focus this year, relationships come in many shapes and forms. Your relationships with friends and family members may come under scrutiny or blossom into something beautiful and life long. All relationships change this year, that may even include the ones you have with your career or the city you live in!
You’ll be waking up to some harsh truths and stark realities this year, so buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride! If you’ve been building your life on faulty foundations, you’ll find that this year is particularly tough, but even those of you who have been living authentically may find that this year moves fast and takes no prisoners. The good news is that only the truth can set you free, and the truth is what you’ll find this year.
This is a big year for manifestation and getting clear on what the path forward looks like for you and your goals. There is a sense of power to be gained throughout this year as you learn to clean up your messes and be more direct with what you want and need from others. It won’t always be easy, but as you continue to learn how powerful you are, this year will bless you with everything you need.
This is a year for deep contemplation and divine alone time. You have much to learn, much to think about, and a good deal of shadow work to do before you move onto the upcoming phase of your life. This is a solitary year where your only task is to sift through the past few years of your life in order to discern what can stay and what must go. You’ve reached a certain peak in life and now that you’re here you can see all the different possible paths for what comes next.