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The Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald

Tarot Deck Review: The Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald

Every month, Amazon, Etsy, crowd-funding platforms, and bookstores release numerous tarot and oracle decks. There are now thousands of decks available, ranging from new releases to out-of-print ones. Reviewing a deck helps readers decide whether to purchase it, focusing on factors like card quality, artwork, and guidebook usefulness. This month, I’ve chosen to critique The Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald.

The Cards



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From the Marvel Website:

Marvel’s most iconic heroes and villains leap from the pages of the comics to the world of tarot in this enchanting take on a traditional 78-card tarot deck. Written by Syndee Barwick, and illustrated by Lily McDonnell, the Marvel Tarot Deck and Guidebook re-imagines your favorite Marvel characters as tarot archetypes, with characters ranging from Ms. Marvel to Daredevil to Black Panther and many more.

Featuring both the Major and Minor Arcana, this stunning deck comes with an instructional book with explanations of each card’s meaning and unique tarot spreads. Packaged in a sturdy, gold-foiled decorative gift box, this officially licensed tarot deck makes the perfect gift for any Marvel or tarot fan.

Card Stock and Shuffling

Printed on medium to thick card stock, these cards feature a matte finish and rounded corners. They are easy to riffle shuffle, even for those with small hands. And, the medium thickness allows them to flex well. The matte finish prevents the cards from sticking together when first removed from the box. With their high-quality card stock, these cards are durable and will last for many years, even with extended use.

Artwork and the Visual Accessibility of the Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald

The artwork for this deck is a nice comic book style and visually appealing. Lily McDonald has an excellent eye for heroic poses and the Marvel look. Unfortunately, the deck’s visual accessibility is limited if you do not know Marvel characters or stories. Therefore, you will need to learn the meanings of the cards if you are not familiar with the Marvel Universe. Additionally, you will be lost if you do not know the many items that make up the Minor Arcana images. Since the cards do not have any keywords on them, the booklet is necessary. However, if you are Marvel fan and collector, then you will appreciate the symbolic choices for the cards.

The Hierophant – Professor X




Mentor, teacher, founder, protector, and leader of the X-Men, Professor X is the Hierophant. As with any great teacher, he helps students unlock their gifts and talents. Mentors guide their pupils, show them the way, demonstrate by doing – and rarely telling. Because how many of us listen when told?

Upright: Schools mean rules. Teachers can be enforcers – right now, this exactly what you need. Study your situation. Break down the chaos.

Reversed: Be open to knowledge from unexpected people and situations.

(Pages 34-35)

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Ace of Coins – Small Groot



The Ace of Coins indicates a variety of situations planted into the fertile landscape of your life!

Upright: Sow your earth and nurture those ideas, opportunities, and new beginnings. They’ll take root, grow, and yield abundance. Take time to invest your energy. Be patient, yet excited – bounty is headed your way!

Reversed: Keep your eyes, mind, and heart open. You face squandered chances and missed opportunities, leading to scarcity. Instead of disappointment, embrace openness and seek advice from those successful people you trust.

(Page 115)

Six of Cups – Lucky the Pizza Dog



The Six of Cups says: Enjoy life!

Upright: Run in the sun! Roll in the grass! Unleash joy! Look at your childhood: What did you like to do, watch, listen to, play the most? Dwelling in the past isn’t necessary to appreciate its gifts in the present. Time to play again! And eat lots of pizza.

Reversed: Reminisce with wonder and love, but don’t get stuck in the mud of the long gone. The past is a new path into the future. In the meantime … a big, beautiful present awaits! When you let go of obsessing about the past, you’ll get a new leash on life!

(Page 93)

Explanation of the Cards

The deck comes with a very nice, well-written guidebook. It has five sections: Introduction, Understanding Your Tarot Deck, Tarot Readings & Spreads, the Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana. Along with the artwork, the booklet is a nice addition to this deck. The Major Arcana cards get two pages of description, including upright and reversed meanings. The Minor Arcana cards get a one page description, limited to upright and reversed meanings.

Usefulness of the Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald

The Marvel Tarot works well once you learn the cards. If you are Marvel fan and comic book collector, you will certainly enjoy this deck. Positively, this makes the cards accessible for fans. Negatively, it is not so easy to learn for newbies to the Marvel Universe. Suitable for public and private settings, the deck is a fun collectible set of cards. And, its engaging art ensures a memorable experience when using the deck. Therefore, the deck works for personal growth and professional use alike.


I rate the Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald 4 out of 5 stars for its excellent artwork and knowledge of Marvel Comics mythology. And, it is a fresh take on the Tarot. The card stock is of high quality, ensuring durability and a great feel during readings. Additionally, the accompanying guidebook is outstanding, providing helpful guidance and smart interpretations. However, a beginner, to both tarot and Marvel, needs to learn a lot to read with these cards.

Where to Buy this Deck

If you like the Marvel Tarot by Syndee Barwick and Lily McDonald and wish to purchase a copy, you can do so online or in a major bookstore.

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