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Oracle Routine

Oracle Routine: Start Your Day Right with the Morning Tarot

Everyone should know that rituals are something constant and composed of multiple elements. Oracle routine reading is not just pulling out some cards and trying to interpret them. It can include many little things that you like to do to get into the right mindset. Setting the intention, color of the day, and choosing an oracle deck already establishes the general topic you want to explore and connect to.

Oracle reading can be enjoyable and different from tarot, which has a set system. Tarot never changes except for the illustrations, oracles are very diverse. Here, we have many different types of decks, intentions, and realms.

Today, we’re going to dive into the oracle morning ritual and how to start your day. Considering a few key elements, can serve as the foundation for developing more personal tactics and habits that you can naturally include in your morning routine to create a personal flow with these key elements.

1. Oracle Routine: Connect with YOUR Nature

Talking about elements, we begin by aligning with the elements we are made of and working with them. Start by taking a few deep breaths to connect with the air element. Then, drink some water to align with the water element. You can extend this by watering your houseplants, or taking a bath for purification. Light some candles to focus on the warm aspect of the fire element, rather than the consuming one. Ground yourself with your own techniques to connect more with the earth element. While there are more than just these four elements, we’ll focus on these for now.

Whatever you feel is a fundamental element for you, connect with it before starting your oracle morning ritual. Burning incense is essential for me personally. It purifies the air and replaces negative energy. For example, sandalwood provides grounding energy; if I want to work with the water element for emotional healing, i use sea breeze incense.. My favorites include sun, black opium, and Ojas bojas sandalwood.

For deeper purification with a lot of smoke, I burn coal and then use frankincense or three resin. The best ones I’ve had come from the Himalayas. As you can see, I’m passionate about pleasant scents. An example of taking these key elements further is making your own candles, adding a few crystals, and combining ingredients that fit together to serve a common goal.

2. Finding out the Focus or Intention of the Day

Once connected with nature and the elements, set an intention for the day. If you’re unsure what to focus on, sit for a few minutes, take deep breaths, and ask for guidance. Even if you don’t get immediate answers, sit quietly and see where your energy pulls you. If you feel drawn to a specific color in your wardrobe, it might be a sign from the Universe. For example, if you’re attracted to red, you might want to work on grounding. Use crystals or incense that support the root chakra. 

Everything can be a ritual. The guidance might not come directly, but will reveal itself gradually if you stay open and connected. Colors can be a good guide. If yellow feels right, wear yellow, sit in the sun, and burn sun incense. Let these elements guide you; they may bring insights you wouldn’t otherwise receive.

3. Oracle Routine: Time to get Answers

Once you’re connected and have a sense of direction, start your oracle ritual. Take your favorite oracle deck and connect with it. Feel it and remember why you chose it, and intuitively sense what answers it might give you. You can place some crystals in a circle or spiral for a flowing, feminine energy. Use the elements from point one, placing them around your space. When asking for guidance from the oracle, it’s important to already be connected. You don’t necessarily need to hear voices; just feel connected to what you’re creating and the flow of the ritual. A few spreads I like to use include:

   – Pull a card asking, “What do I need to hear right now?”

   – The second card asks, “What is my challenge?”

   – Place the third card under the first two, asking, “What is hidden from me, or what do I not see yet?” This helps reach the knowledge of the first card.

   – The fourth card, placed behind the first two, asks, “What should I leave behind?”

   – The fifth card, placed over the first two, asks, “What’s coming out of this situation in the near future?”

Next after this publicity

   – Finally, place the last card in front of the first two to represent the outcome.

A Three-Card Tarot Reading Explained

Here’s another simple example with only 3 cards.

Oracle Routine 3 cards

– The first card represents your goal. You pulled “Recognize Your Spiritual Authority”. Connect more to your mission as a spiritual being.

– The second card represents the missing element. You pulled “CEREMONY” with the message “Honor how far you have come.” You might be forcing intentions without having all elements together. Perhaps you need to slow down or focus on self-healing.

– The third card represents the outcome. You pulled “CAT” with the message “Take care of yourself.” Trust that you’ll always land on your feet. This card suggests trusting yourself more to recognize your mission. It helps to feel complete after your rituals.

4. Symbols as dear memories and Key Points

To receive guidance from the oracle, you need to prepare yourself internally. Preparing yourself before pulling the cards ensures that the message will be clearer. Routines are essential, and my ritual elements might help you form the basis of your own routine. With time, you will let yourselves be guided by the elements you connected with previously. You will see, you form a connection which develops by being shown more and more of their secrets. Maybe you connect to the spirals that water forms. The color purple may make you attentive to all its mysterious meanings, it is about simple things. Simple but complex, so do not take any little blessing for granted. Have fun, witches!

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