July 26, 2024
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There are numerous types of relationships to explore when considering compatibility between two signs. We grow up in a parent/child dynamic. Outside our family, we form friendships with other children and eventually other adults. We look for and find love. And, we go to work and have careers, interacting with employers and co-workers.

Each sign-to-sign interaction guides our behavior in every relationship. Read through this section to find out how each of the above dynamics works astrologically so you can experience the optimal way to communicate and get along with your sign and all the other signs.

Generally Speaking

The Capricorn-and-Pisces interaction can be very fulfilling for both signs. Capricorn is the “I produce” sign of the Zodiac and is responsible, goal-driven, and practical. Pisces is the “I dream” sign of the Zodiac and is intuitive, visionary, and imaginative. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) is possible, mainly because the natures of the signs complement one another. Capricorn is a cardinal sign that prefers to lead, and Pisces is a mutable sign that prefers to follow and adapt.

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Capricorn Parent/Pisces Child

The Capricorn parent and Pisces child can have a special bond if they can see the value each has to offer with their very different types of energy. Pisces needs a container, and Capricorn, like Taurus and Virgo, makes a great one. The Pisces child will have plenty of imagination and creativity that the Capricorn parent can both enjoy and direct. Big dreams can manifest in the world with practical solutions and leadership, which the Capricorn parent will know all about.

Pisces Parent/Capricorn Child

The Pisces parent and Capricorn child can be a bit more challenging depending on the nature of the Piscean parent, which can be very invested or so free-flowing as to be rarely “present”. If the Capricorn child gets a Piscean parent who is engaged and tuned in to them, it can be a wonderful relationship.

However, if the Pisces parent is “lost in space”, the Capricorn child may end up looking to other adults for parenting support and lessons. The Capricorn child can still be a container for the Pisces parent, it’s just a role they should not take on until they are adults.

Capricorn Friend/Pisces Friend

Capricorn and Pisces can be good friends. Mostly Pisces will appreciate the driven and goal-oriented nature of Capricorn and Capricorn will need to accept the intuitive and “full of faith” way the Pisces individual moves through the world. Also, the Pisces friend can be one of the few people a Capricorn will confide in and allow themselves to share their emotions with. And, as a result, the Capricorn friend can be very protective of the Pisces friend.

Capricorn Lover/Pisces Lover

This romance, love, and sex combination can be enjoyable and long-lasting. Capricorn will provide the boundaries for the relationship and Pisces easily adapts, so they can have a reliable and enduring relationship, supported mainly on the shoulders of the Capricorn. If they are both strong and healthy individuals, the connection can be very intense, and feel very comfortable at one and the same time.

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Capricorn will make every effort to see the relationship succeed in practical terms, making sure the finances are in order. And Pisces will make every effort to see the relationship succeed in spiritual terms, making sure the romance and love get expressed and enjoyed.

Capricorn Employer/Pisces Employee

The Capricorn employer and the Pisces employee can work much in the same way as the Capricorn parent and Pisces child. Capricorn wants all his or her employees to succeed and help the company perform optimally. Pisces, in the employee role, will want to adapt and support his or her boss, regardless of sign, and will do so using intuition.

This approach will work fine for Capricorn, since, as an employer, he or she wants each member of the team to help the company operate at the highest levels of performance. Pisces needs a reliable and demanding leader, which Capricorn can certainly be.

Pisces Employer/Capricorn Employee

If the employer is a Pisces and the employee is a Capricorn, this combination is not as straightforward as the reverse, but it is not problematic. The Pisces employer will appreciate and value the Capricorn employee who does great work by striving to advance. A Pisces manager can be very adaptive with his or her leadership, following his or her intuition in each situation to make the best business decisions.

They can trust that Capricorn employees will be responsible and productive if they are given plenty of chances to be promoted and grow their value as an employee and eventual business leader.

Capricorn Co-worker/Pisces Co-worker

This combination works fine, and much in the same way as the Capricorn and Pisces friendship. The Capricorn co-worker wants to get the job done at a high level and will discover the Pisces co-worker ready to help. The Pisces co-worker will intuitively sense that the Capricorn co-worker is a good person to team up with, who will help them and make sure they succeed at work.

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Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility
This is an indicative score from other readers. For a more accurate match, it is necessary to do a synastry compatibility calculation.
What percent do they match?218 Votes
Extremely supportive relationship
Passionate and loving
Make impromptu decisions
They have clashing interests
Too blunt and offensive at times
Their mindset and ideologies differ
Zodiac signs compatibility
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