April 29, 2024
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The twelve signs of the Zodiac have numerous classifications, including elements, masculine/feminine, and qualities. This section explains the zodiac qualities. There are three qualities that apply to the signs: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. These qualities are also called Quadruplicities, and they have a significant effect on a person’s general outlook and attitude and indicate how they function in their daily life.

The qualities represent how a person with a certain sign interacts with their environment, how they respond to situations, and how they interact with other people. Every person plays a different role on a team, some are starters or initiators (Cardinal), some are the hard workers (Fixed), and some are the networkers (Mutable). Each quality has its defining features, strengths, and weaknesses that influence each of the zodiac signs.

Cardinal Energy

Cardinal energy initiates. The signs with this energy are the pioneers and visionaries; they are the ones to get things moving. The Cardinal quality represents new beginnings and brings fresh energy to every situation. Cardinal signs move extremely fast with assertiveness, and they do not let opportunities pass them. Obstacles and challenges are easier for them to overcome than other signs, and they need to feel a constant sense of direction in life, and cannot stand feeling lost and not having a goal.

They need to know they are making progress. These people are straightforward and hands-on when they want to get something done, and you will rarely find a lazy, slacking Cardinal sign. They want to be ahead in the race and in front of everyone else. Other people can sometimes perceive their energetic spirit as pushy and overbearing. There are four Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Visit our Cardinal signs page to learn more about how this quality expresses itself through each sign.

Fixed Energy

Fixed signs establish. These natives support the foundations of society. They are the builders and the preservers. Fixed signs take the ideas initiated by the Cardinal signs and create something physical and substantial out of them. Their natures are reliable, persistent, and consistent. They have the patience to complete tasks until they come into full form. The Fixed signs are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. 

Visit our Fixed signs page to learn more about how this quality expresses itself through each sign.

Mutable Energy

Mutable energy adapts. They are the ones to change, refine, and adjust the projects initiated by the Cardinal signs and established by the Fixed signs. They go with the flow and use their energy to make ideas, projects, and services work with different circumstances and needs. Extraordinarily open-minded and flexible, these signs gather information, pay attention to the details, learn, and experiment. The Mutable signs are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. 

Visit our Mutable signs page to learn more about how this quality expresses itself through each sign.