March 9, 2025
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The Astrological Associations with the Swords Suit

The Astrological Associations with the Swords Suit of the Minor Arcana

The Swords suit is the suit in the Minor Arcana that deals with the mental level of consciousness that has to do with the intellect and the mind. It indicates the beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts you have. This suit is one that is not welcomed whenever a card from this suit comes up in a reading.  

That is because it forces you to think, it is a suit that represents truths which can be uncomfortable. The element that is associated with this suit is Air, which means the signs that are associated with swords are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Let’s take a look at the astrological meaning of each card in the Sword suit.

Ace of Swords

When the Ace of Swords comes up in a reading it is not a bad thing at all. It represents new ideas, clarity that you have been needing, as well as success and other breakthroughs. If you have a new idea and this card comes up, this is a good sign and you will want to see what the surrounding cards say about how it will go. All of the air signs are represented by this card.

When it is in reverse, it can indicate clouded judgment and having to think about the idea a second time around.

Two of Sword

This card is associated with Libra in the first decan which is the Moon. When this card comes up it can indicate a hard decision that you have to make which will require you to weigh the pros and cons. This card can trigger a lot of anxiety because when it shows up, it means it is time to make the decision.

When it comes up in reverse, it can represent too much information such as being overloaded, confusion, and not being able to decide at all.

Three of Swords

This card is associated with Libra in the second decan which is Saturn and it is most definitely one of the toughest cards in the deck. This card represents sadness, heartbreak, sorrow, and grief. That means if this card comes up after the Ace of Swords, it will most definitely not work out in your favor which will be upsetting as an example.

When this card comes up in reverse, it means overcoming the sadness and forgiveness. It can also mean being too hard on yourself and not saying kind things about yourself.

Four of Swords

This card is associated with Libra in the third decan which is Jupiter. This is the easiest card in the Sword suit because it is associated with rest, recuperation, as well as contemplation. Whenever this card comes up, you know that it is going to be time to take a mental break.

When this card comes up in reverse, it can represent exhaustion, stagnating, and burnout.

Five of Swords

This card is associated with Aquarius in the first decan which is Venus. When this card comes up, it represents conflict, defeat, as well as not being able to agree, even in a disrespectful way. It can also indicate competition so you will want to step up your game. It is similar to the Five of Wands.

This card in reverse shows that you have been able to make up with who you were fighting with, as well as forgiveness.

Six of Swords

This card is associated with Aquarius in the second decan, Mercury. This is one of the more positive cards in this suit as it represents removing and getting rid of baggage, making a welcomed transition, and sometimes traveling by water is associated with this card.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can indicate a business that is unfinished and being very resistant to change.

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Seven of Swords

This card is associated with Aquarius and is in the third decan, the Moon. When this card shows up, it indicates deception and betrayal, as well as cunning behavior and someone getting away with something and not getting caught.

When this card shows up in reverse it can be an indication of not being truthful to yourself or having imposter syndrome.

Eight of Swords

This card is associated with Gemini in the first decan, Jupiter. Whenever this card shows up, it is an indication of not being able to shake negative thoughts, having the feeling of being trapped, feeling stuck and having the victim mentality.

When this card comes up in reverse, it shows that the limiting thoughts have been expanded and releasing the belief of being trapped.

Nine of Swords

This card is associated with Gemini in the second decan, which is Mars. This is the card that represents worry, anxiety, being kept up at night because of it, fears, and nightmares. This is not an indication that something will necessarily go wrong. It is all about your mind playing tricks on you that is making you anxious.

When this card comes in reverse, it represents that you are either releasing worries or you have fears that are very deep-seated.

Ten of Swords

This card is associated with Gemini in the third decan, Mercury. This is the card that indicates endings that are painful. It can even represent betrayal and wounds that are deep. When this card comes up, it means that something is most definitely over.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can indicate recovery after a loss or the resistance to an end that is inevitable.

Page of Swords

This card is only associated with the air element, and when it shows up, it indicates that there are new ideas and a thirst for knowledge. The Page of Swords also indicates curiosity and new communication methods.

When this card shows up in reverse, it shows that someone is full of talk but never takes action. Or, it can indicate someone who acts before thinking.

Knight of Swords

This card represents both the air and earth elements, and when it shows up in a reading, it is an indication of someone who is ambitious and driven to do well. It can also represent someone who is a quick thinker.

When it shows up in reverse, it shows that there is someone who has restless energy that is not focused. It can also be indicative of burnout.

Queen of Swords

This card represents both the air and earth elements, and when you see the Queen of Swords in a reading, it represents someone who is direct, detached, unbiased, and independent.

When it shows up in reverse, it is indicative of someone who is cold-hearted, overly emotional, and someone who does not think for themselves.

King of Swords

This card represents both the air and earth elements, and when you see the King of Swords, it shows someone who has mental clarity, authority, it is a card that represents truth as well.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can be indicative of the misuse of power or someone who is weak-minded.

Now when you learn about the astrological associations with the Swords suit, it can also help you understand how the meanings of the cards were influenced. The next suit that will be picked apart will be the Cups suit in this series. Stay tuned.

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