Autumn Equinox 2023 new season, new cycle, new life
September 22, 2023 | Sara Bachmeier
If you are in tune with the cosmic calendar, then you would have felt the beginning of our new year ignite in alignment with the Lions Gate activation that occurred on August 8, 2023. September is the number nine month of our calendar year, symbolizing endings, and new beginnings. This is when we start winding down from the year 2023 and the energy of 2024 starts to emerge. With the September EQUINOX coming into play, we will experience major change stepping forward as the Ascension energies begin to rise. Hello and welcome, I am Sara Bachmeier, the author of “Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the Fifth Dimension” and “The Path of a Wounded Healer; Liberation is for the Asking.” The Stargate to the Autumn Equinox for Northern Hemisphere & Vernal/Spring Equinox for Spring Hemisphere is now open, with the Equinox happening on September 22nd & 23rd 2023 as the Sun crosses the celestial equator.
Equinox, a moment of closing and rebirth…
It is a Sacred Moment of Stillness, when everything is being brought into Equilibrium, and into Oneness. These energies are helping us embody the Integration between our Inner Feminine and Masculine Energies. It brings our physical energy in Higher Alignment with Divine Energy.
We are closing out Old Timelines. Our Consciousness is infused with new purpose and new insights. The Equinox is the preparation stage for entering a New Cycle that brings change and New Beginnings. This is the time to let go of self-imposed limitations, fears, doubts, and reconnect to our True Powers and Light.
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The astral trinity is merging the Divine Feminine, Divine Masculine, and Christ Consciousnesses. When this takes place, we find Higher Energy Fields merge into multiple dimensions of Being. This rebirth is called the Sacred Phoenix Energy. As this Magical Bird dies by bursting into Flames, it is Reborn from the Ashes, to start a New Life, symbolizing Transformation, Death, and Rebirth.
This Equinox Energy encourages us to be Reborn and embrace new clarity, new ideas, and new beginnings.
There are Ascension Plasma Waves pouring into the Earth through the Gateway of the Sun, helping us to integrate these Powerful Energies of Light and Transformation into our life, as we move into this New Energetic Cycle.
The energy influx is powerful and has been building since 8/8. It is preparing us for a spiritual seasonal shift.
Traditionally, the Autumn equinox is the time to honor the harvest. Metaphorically, it refers to the harvest of the goals and intentions you set or planted last year at this time, and you can now see how well you have evolved and spiritually grown throughout the past year.
The energetic changes that you can expect are around rebirth, ascension, awakening, growth, and light. Embrace the end of the current annual cycle and welcome new beginnings because magical things are happening and there is so much more we can ever imagine with our human mind.
Close your eyes and feel the energy of transformation, equilibrium, inner balance, and harmony taking place within your field of awareness.
September is a number 9 calendar month reflecting beginnings and endings. We need this shift to be able to create a balance between the death of what no longer serves us and the rebirth of new levels of consciousness. Expect the unexpected and know that Everything is happening exactly as it should.
If you look at life from the perspective of your higher self, you will enjoy this refreshing energy that carries its own magic and the transitioning into a new cycle, and a new season.
Trust your intuition. Know that you will intuitively know what steps to take because you have already succeeded in getting where you are today. You are planting the seeds for your bright future right here in this present moment.
The Autumnal Equinox is the time of balance between day and night.
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The duality between light and dark exists within humanity, and in the personal work of spiritual transformation. All things must die before they can be reborn, all spiritual ascent requires descent first, and all those who long for light must first face their own inner darkness.
The Autumn Equinox symbolizes a stage of inner preparation toward the process of enlightenment. We are making way for the Sun to be born within us during the preparation for winter solstice.
The energy of the Fall Equinox is about gratitude, balance, harmony, harvest, and the calling forth of abundance into your life. An attitude of gratitude will energize the arrival of abundance in your life.
It is not how much is owned or possessed, but one’s attitude of gratitude; one’s ability to be thankful for what is given, that which is received.
During the fall season, the harvest is brought in from the fields, as many prepare for the winter ahead, and a sense of gratitude for receiving that which has already been given, will prepare one for the times ahead.
There are monumental events directly ahead in the coming months that will test one’s faith, one’s conviction, one’s trust in the greater powers, and it is important to hold gratitude in one’s heart.
Abundance is an attitude. Gratitude is an attitude, and faith and trust are also attitudes that help us through and cope with the upcoming transitions.
The true meaning of Harvest is often forgotten in these modern times…but these principles should always be remembered.
This is the perfect time to get a jump start on manifesting your goals for the upcoming year. I encourage you to review this past year with me and find how you are supporting your dreams through the energetic current of numbers.
I was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. Being a small and conservative tourist town, I felt most comfortable being a “Closet Spiritualist.”
I have a teaching degree and the birth of my daughter inspired me to follow my passion to create and open a pre-school called “Readiness Daycare” under the Waldorf philosophy.
In 2016, I took an intensive course in Egyptian Numerology taught by Dr. Sharon Forrest. I have always been drawn to Astrology & Numerology and this modality connects the two as a metaphysical and esoteric science and philosophy.
After the course, I spent a year to advance my spiritual directive and wrote the book “Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into The Fifth Dimension”. I offered Chart Readings and started a 90-day online program called “Uncover & Discover your Soul Life Agreement with Egyptian Numerology”.
I am publishing my second book this year called “The Path of a Wounded Healer; Liberation is for the asking”.
My goal and Mission is to help individuals awaken to their unique gifts and abilities, point in the direction of their “North Star” which guides them on their path to explore, expand, and evolve into their Soul Life Purpose in this incarnation. Namaste 🙏
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