Have you ever experienced contact with gardian angel? Angels are beings of light recognized in several, especially monotheist, religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and a certain number of other traditions. Angels are part of a complex hierarchy that includes several types of divine beings.
The highest rank in this angelic hierarchy is not occupied by archangels and angels, contrary to what might be believed. The latter, which are commonly referred to as Guardian Angles, have many missions to carry out, many of which concern human beings.
The notion of angel can already found in Assyrian civilization dating from 2BC. The world “angel” comes from the Latin word angelus which literally means “messenger”. This Latin term, itself, comes from the Greek word γγελος: ángelos. In Hebrew, in Judaism, the word mal’ākh is used to refer to these divine messengers.
When can my guardian angel help me?
It is possible that your Guardian Angel does not help you when you need it or when you want it because, according to the heavenly calendar, it is not the right moment to help you at this specific time.
Indeed, angels, being omniscient, know all about your past, your present, and your future.
They know how and when they have to intervene so that you are can enjoy the very best conditions for solving a problem or fulfilling one of your wishes.
Therefore, you must not be impatient if you do not see any results immediately after your request.
If you have asked your Guardian Angel for assistance with conviction and your aim is positive and pursues the goal of Good in the world, no doubt it will answer you one way or another.
How to get answers from your Guardian Angel?
When you ask your Guardian Angel a question, do not expect a stunning beautiful winged being of light to appear in a halo of light to talk to you in a bewitching voice and provide you with an instruction of the utmost importance! This can happen, but rarely, and usually for major causes or for fundamental spiritual messages.
Most of the time, your Guardian Angel will use visible or perceptible human means that are easy for you to understand. Also, once you have made your positive request to your Guardian Angel, watch out for any slight sign that it might send you.
Watch your thoughts and your dreams. Pay special attention to what people you meet will say to you because they may say things that contain clues or advice that answer your request. Also, if you see people change opinion suddenly, support you whereas before they were against you, go back on their decisions in your favor, it is highly likely that it is the work of your Guardian Angel!
They may appear to you in many ways: in songs with words or as angel numbers which have special meaning for your; in articles, you read in newspapers or magazines, TV programs or films you see! This does not mean that they will create articles, songs, TV programs, series, or films to answer you but that they will consciously or unconsciously guide you towards human resources able to help you to achieve your goal!
An example of Guardian angels’ powers!
A few years ago, one of my friends decided to tackle the problem of his lack of confidence in himself. He asked me for help about how he could go about it. At the time I was on the other side of the world, so I suggested that he request the help of his Guardian Angel. He did so enthusiastically.
Over the following days, he had a dream in which one of his deceased parents gave him the secret to being strong and sure of himself in all circumstances. He bought his favorite magazine at a newsstand containing a special report on… “strengthening your desire to succeed!”
Next after this publicity
Shortly after, he received an email from a personal development specialist that offered him training to… increase his self-confidence!
All his replies were not a matter of chance: if he had received just one reply, we might have talked about coincidence, but three replies in a row, that is not luck but the materialization of a deliberate wish.