March 4, 2025
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Psychic Archetypes Healer

Psychic Archetypes: The Healer

A psychic archetype represents a core energy expression that we feel defines our psychological and spiritual journey, in this, previous, and future lifetimes.  While we may engage in various forms of life practice, like being a soldier or a doctor, we may realize we are one particular archetype, which may be the Warrior or the Healer.

This article will explore the psychic archetype of the Healer.

One Archetype, Many Guises

History is replete with warrior priests and soldier healers (medics).  Educators can be athletes and athletes can be educators.  We can wear many guises over the course of our lifetimes, but we most often operate from a single psychic archetype.

Sometimes necessity and circumstance can force us into a guise that is far away from our spiritual purpose, or so it will seem.  If we look closely enough at our actions within any circumstance, we will be able to see the consistent psychic imprint of our representation.

I have a varied work history, which includes construction, website design/management, teaching (college English), and now spiritual advising.  Through each iteration of my work opportunities, I found myself in the same role repeatedly … as a spiritual and emotional advisor to the people around me.

The Healer

I have had my fair share of experiences with doctors, nurses, nutritionists, spiritual advisors, and so on, but only a rare few were Healers.  True Healers have tremendous compassion, extremely high intelligence and intuition, intensity, and gentleness.  Their ability to understand illness and vulnerability are some of the very traits that define their type.

Healers exist outside the healing profession and can be found in any profession, just like all the archetypes.  Their ability to manage pain, cure illness, and restore health applies to the physical body, emotions, and the psyche.  When we need any form of healing and we cannot achieve the state of equilibrium on our own, Healers provide the energy, knowledge, and action to help us.

Each archetype travels through lifetimes to gather experience inside and outside its ideal representation to enjoy and understand the full range of human experience while learning lessons associated with completing his or her work and/or being kept from being able to complete his or her work.  Lessons cut both ways, but they do not have to.

The Ideal Society (Utopian Vision)

It really is not hard to imagine an ideal society in which each person discovers their psychic or spiritual archetype and is given a way to express that archetype through work and interactions with the other archetypes in the world.  Bringing such a world into existence would require a large-scale and comprehensive acceptance of balance between science and spirituality, between creativity and necessity, and between compassion and integrity.

Reality is an ebb and flow of balance, imbalance, and re-balancing, which is where all the learning for the spiritual soul occupying a human or animal body learns lessons that cannot be found in utopian visions or the spirit realm.  We choose to be here, and psychic or spiritual archetypes indicate that we choose to be a role so we can experience true mastership.

Are You a Healer?

Each archetype has definable and distinguishable traits.

Drawn to Illness

Illness is a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind.  And a disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

Healers “move” towards the ill; they are not repulsed by them or afraid of them.  They are drawn to these people, animals, and environments.  Healers try to heal other people, animals, and the land. They do not fear death or illness; rather they respect and honor them, both as necessities of the life cycle and the energy for their purpose.

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Drawn to Injury

Injury is suffering physical or emotional harm, either from external causes or self-affliction.  The healer moves through the world and “gets activated” when a person who is injured comes into their proximity.  As a society or community, we want Healers to be known and placed, physically, in locations of great access and centrality, so people in need can find and access them.

Are Scholars and Intuitives

Healers are both scientists and shamans, which is how they are distinguished from other archetypes who may perform the same practices, but not from the same place of soul and spirit.  A surgeon can be a Healer or a Mechanic, and both can heal an injured or sick person, but for very different energetic reasons.

The best Healers master healing knowledge; they study the science of healing, which includes natural and synthetic forms of healing work, tools, and techniques.  Healers are learned people, who benefit from scholarship as well as trial and error.  Sometimes what is known provides a clear solution, as it did in past cases.  Sometimes there is a need to experiment, in controlled ways that can add to existing scholarship.

The intuitive part of the Healer is the defining quality that separates him or her from other archetypes that perform the same duties.  The motivations are different and unique to each archetype more so than the practices.  All archetypes can learn how to apply a splint to a broken arm or leg or what medicine to prescribe and take for certain illnesses, but their motivations will be different.

The Healer is motivated to connect with the fear, worry, and anxiety that comes with illness and injury to help ease those attributes of illness and injury, which are just as important to the ill or injured as the actual illness or injury.  Healers understand the power of positive thinking as a component of the healing process that can be aided by them emotionally as much as the medicine or actions can do the physical work of healing the body.

Are Empathic

Sympathy is largely used to convey commiseration, pity, or feelings of sorrow for someone else who is experiencing misfortune.  It is this form of energy that all other archetypes transmit when performing the actions of healing to help someone who is ill or injured.  Empathy is now most often used to refer to the capacity or ability to imagine oneself in the situation of another, experiencing the emotions, ideas, or opinions of that person (

The Healer can experience the emotions of the sick or injured person as well as perform the healing actions.  This connection is fundamental to helping the injured or sick person recover faster, take the healing and recovery work “to heart”, and accept all aspects of the sickness and injury lesson.

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