September 30, 2024
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Psychic Archetypes Warrior

Psychic Archetypes: The Warrior

A psychic archetype represents a core energy expression that we feel defines our psychological and spiritual journey, in this, previous, and future lifetimes.  While we may engage in various forms of life practice, like being a soldier or a doctor, we may realize we are one particular archetype, which may be the Warrior or the Healer.

This article will explore the psychic archetype of the Warrior.

One Archetype, Many Guises

History is replete with warrior priests and soldier healers (medics).  Educators can be athletes and athletes can be educators.  We can wear many guises over the course of our lifetimes, but we most often operate from a single psychic archetype.

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Sometimes necessity and circumstance can force us into a guise that is far away from our spiritual purpose, or so it will seem.  If we look closely enough at our actions within any circumstance, we will be able to see the consistent psychic imprint of our representation.

I have a varied work history, which includes construction, website design/management, teaching (college English), and now spiritual advising.  Through each iteration of my work opportunities, I found myself in the same role repeatedly … as a spiritual and emotional advisor to the people around me.

The Warrior

I have had my fair share of experiences with police, lawyers, bouncers, military personnel, and so on, but only a rare few were Warriors.  True Warriors have a tremendous sense of duty, extremely high combat intelligence, and intuition, intensity, and courage.  Their ability to know how and when to fight are some of the very traits that define their type.

Warriors exist outside the combat professions and can be found in any profession, just like all the archetypes.  Their ability to act directly, decisively, and aggressively applies to the physical body, emotions, and psyche.  When we need any form of protection and we cannot achieve the state of safety on our own, Warriors provide the energy, knowledge, and action to help us.

Each archetype travels through lifetimes to gather experience inside and outside its ideal representation to enjoy and understand the full range of human experience while learning lessons associated with completing his or her work and/or being kept from being able to complete his or her work.  Lessons cut both ways, but they do not have to.

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The Ideal Society (Utopian Vision)

It really is not hard to imagine an ideal society in which each person discovers their psychic or spiritual archetype and is given a way to express that archetype through work and interactions with the other archetypes in the world.  Bringing such a world into existence would require a large-scale and comprehensive acceptance of balance between science and spirituality, between creativity and necessity, and between compassion and integrity.

Reality is an ebb and flow of balance, imbalance, and re-balancing, which is where all the learning for the spiritual soul occupying a human or animal body learns lessons that cannot be found in utopian visions or the spirit realm.  We choose to be here; and psychic or spiritual archetypes indicate that we choose a singular type of role so we can experience true mastership.

Are You a Warrior?

Each archetype has definable and distinguishable traits.

Drawn to Competition

Competition is a situation where we strive to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others who are trying to do the same.  Warriors love to test themselves against other warriors.

Warriors “move” towards conflict; they are not repulsed by it or afraid of it.  They are drawn to and invite challenges to find the measure of themselves and the other person.  Warriors do not fear death or failure; rather they respect and honor them, both as necessities of the life cycle and the energy for their purpose.

Drawn to Training

Training is the action of learning a skill or type of behavior.  The Warrior moves through the world and “gets activated” when they can hone their combat skills and knowledge and test their strength.  As a society or community, we want Warriors to be battle-ready and placed, physically, in locations of great access and centrality, so people in need can find and get help from them.

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Are Scholars and “Do”ers

Warriors, like all archetypes, work to master their craft, which is how they are distinguished from other archetypes who may perform the same practices, but not from the same place of soul and spirit.  A surgeon can be a Warrior, who sees disease or injury as the enemy he must fight and defeat.

The best Warriors master action knowledge: they study the science of doing and acting decisively under high stress, which includes training in many forms of warrior work, tools, and techniques.  Warriors are “doing” people, who benefit from a clear direction in situations that demand action, not discussion (unless it is combat conversation). 

The “willing to act” part of the Warrior is the defining quality that separates him or her from other archetypes that perform the same roles.  The motivations are different and unique to each archetype more so than the practices.  All archetypes can learn how to defend themselves and fight to help others, but their motivations will be different.

The Warrior is motivated to connect with the fear, worry, and anxiety that comes with threats to safety and use their skills and drive to protect others and triumph over those who would harm them or those they protect.  Warriors understand the power of confident thinking as a component of the fighting process; doubt and hesitation can get you killed or injured, so acting with confidence serves and defines this archetype best.

Are Direct

Outcomes matter to the Warrior class; they work best with objectives.  They know they are weapons and want to be used or act as such.  In their highest manifestation, they can be understood as the moral soldier, working above and beyond any nation’s patriotism.  In times that are peaceful, they will train and compete so they can be ready to act when real-life moments call for their skills. 

The Warrior can show others what is necessary and how to take action when there is a threat or “no other choice”.  This way through the world is fundamental to helping them understand their place in the scheme of the community of archetypes.

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