March 13, 2025
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Synastry Astrology Venus to Venus

Synastry Astrology: Venus to Venus – Will We Get Along?

Astrology has many uses and techniques; one of the most popular uses is synastry, which is the term to describe how two charts interact with each other.  We all have the same points in our charts: the Sun in a sign, the Moon in a sign, Mercury in a sign, and so on.  When we get together with someone our energy designs (our charts) interact.

This article is one of a series to look at the interaction of points between two people and explain how to interpret the dynamics between the same point in different charts.  This article will look at Venus, which rules communication.

What is Synastry Astrology?

It is probably easier to show it visually rather than write a lengthy explanation.  Below you will see a single image of two charts, one on the inside and another going around the outside.  There are two images to show what the relationship looks like when person A is on the inside and person B is on the outside, then the reverse.

Relationship B to A chart
Relationship A to B chart

These were randomly generated charts. As you can see all the same points appear in different signs throughout the two charts.  When we look at them together, we have the chance to see the kinds of energy dynamics that will take effect when they form a connection, whether as lovers, friends, or family members.

Reading the Synastry of Two People

A fair amount of my work as a professional astrologer involves relationship charts reading, and I always start with the Moons and work my way through the other points.  Often clients or people I meet in public, who find out I am an astrologer will say something like, “I am a Leo and read somewhere that I should never date a Scorpio” or “I am a Leo and should only date fire and air signs, like Aries or Gemini”.  Then they ask, “Is that true?”

While it is true that some signs challenge one another and others flow, any sign can “get along” with another sign depending on the maturity of the individuals.  There are certainly plenty of examples of successful and happy Leo/Scorpio couples and failed Aries/Leo couples.  The signs do not guarantee success or failure, they just reveal how energy will generally interact in any relationship.

Please keep in mind that flowing energy is not the same as positive energy.  Flow occurs when two points aspect or align with each other in certain ways and close to the same degree.  For example, if I have my Mercury in Leo at 12 degrees and you have your Mercury in Aries at 13 degrees, our Mercurys will trine and easily flow since they are both in fire signs. 

That is great if we communicate well and positively with our fiery approach, but not so great if one or both of us chooses to be argumentative all the time, picking verbal fights constantly.  And no matter how problematic the communication energy between us, the flow will keep us communicating and trying to “win” our points on whether the relationship is healthy or not.

The Aspects to Consider

The most powerful aspects are the conjunction (in the same sign and near the same degree), the square (three signs apart, in conflicting elements, and near the same degree), and the opposition (in opposite signs, and balancing elements, and near the same degree).  Additionally, and worth discussing in a synastry reading are the trine (four signs apart, in the same element, and near the same degree), the sextile (two signs apart, in complementary elements, and near the same degree), and the inconjunct (five signs apart, in compromising elements, and near the same degree).

My Venus to Your Venus and Your Venus to My Venus

Below I have marked Venus from the two charts:

Relationship B to A Venus To Venus

The Mercury for Person A is in Taurus and the Mercury for Person B is in Scorpio.  They oppose each other by sign, but not degree.  To oppose by degree they would need to be within 4 degrees of the exact opposition and they are over 4 degrees apart. 

Orbs of Influence

Let me break the “4th Wall” for a moment and say that Astrology is not an exact science, or really a science in any rigorous, mechanistic Newtonian sense.  Some astrologers will give points a 6-degree orb.  I prefer to use more points in the charts I cast, so I use smaller orbs.  Hellenistic (classical) astrology would disregard the orbs of influence and just say these points oppose.  I do think proximity by degree matters, but I also use quite a large number of points (23 in the examples here) in my charts, so I prefer to tighten the orb of influence for all the points.

Since Venuses for these two people are in opposition, they will need to find balance in how they relate to one another.  The Taurus Venus person prefers to relate by establishing stable and secure connections with another person while the Scorpio Venus person prefers to relate in an intense, emotional way. Both of these signs can be possessive and “all in” regarding their relationship energy.

I like to describe the opposition as a seesaw, which is either trying to find a nice steady up and down rhythm or perfect balance.  Either equilibrium represents the best outcome and use of the opposition aspect.  If one or the other partner is unhealthy, then the opposition cannot achieve its positive results and the relationship imbalance will eventually destroy the relationship.

Next after this publicity

Consider something as simple as going out to dinner.  Taurus will prefer a rich and full-flavored dining experience; Scorpio will enjoy the experience so long as there are many choices and the opportunity to be in an intense environment.  The food quality will matter most to the Taurus, while the performance of the restaurant and staff will matter most to the Scorpio.  Together, they can find the best places to eat anywhere.

This relating energy, when it works, works deeply and persistently.  Taurus/Scorpio energy is some of the strongest and most enduring, no matter which points are involved.

Finding your Venus in your Chart

You can certainly contact me for a chart reading and I can give you a comprehensive reading of your entire chart and tell you where Venus is in your chart.  But you can also find it by going to an online ephemeris and looking up Venus by sign on the date and time of your birth. 

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