March 12, 2025
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It’s Cuffing Season, Who Are You Going to Fall for

It’s Cuffing Season, Who Are You Going to Fall for?

In the words of SZA, it’s cuffing season! Ah, the time of year when everyone collectively wants to stay home and cuddle instead of hitting the town looking for adventure. Sure, there’s winter sports that can entertain some, but for the rest it’s the time of year when we look for a partner to face the harsh cold of winter beside. So, who are you going to fall for this season? Make sure to read for your rising sign for the most accurate reading.


There is certainly love in the air for you this month after Venus moves into Libra on the 8th of November. Things should be smooth sailing between you and your current partner(s) until the end of the month when Venus gets into some conflicts with Chiron and the nodes of fate. What this means is that you’ll have some deep insecurities to face in order for this relationship to continue to grow.

You’re likely to meet a new love on a dating app this month.


If you’re single you might not be for long! The 6th of November brings on an extra burst of passion and a desire for commitment, so that situationship might be looking more like a serious relationship near the start of the month. Do your best to let things move slowly because there’s a bump in the road from November 22nd through the 28th where you’ll have to come to terms with the fact that this relationship might be a band aid for a bigger issue in your life.

You’re likely to meet a new love at work or at the gym this month.


November is looking like a fun, flirty month for love and dating once Venus moves into Libra on the 8th. However, by the 22nd you may feel like you’ve gotten in over your head with this relationship. By the 28th of November you’ll be feeling ready to cut ties, so maybe this cuffing season is better spent with friends and family instead of lovers.

You’re likely to meet a new love out at the bar or club this month.


You’re probably already in a relationship, so whether it’s a new one or something more long standing it will become much more committed around the 6th of November. This relationship might feel ready to make a big step after the 8th when Venus moves into Libra, but try not to move too quickly because you’ll be feeling pulled in two directions near the end of the month.

You’re likely to meet a new love through a family friend this month.


Be cautious of the sticky sweet words whispered to you on and around November 3rd because these are promises that hold more baggage than you’ll want to carry. When Venus moves into Libra on the 8th you’ll be ready to flirt and have some fun, but not in any kind of serious way, so don’t make any rash plans for cuffing season just yet.

You’re likely to meet a new love on the bus or train this month.


A simple crush develops into something a lot more steamy on and around the 6th of November. Then, Venus moves into Libra on the 8th after having moved through your 1st house the past month. This means you’ll be feeling more sensual and open to a new partner that you can explore some desires with.

You’re likely to meet a new love on a dating app this month.


Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will move into Libra on the 8th of November. This is great news for Libra risings since you can expect an onslaught of love and attention while Venus moves through your 1st house. The relationship you’ll be locking down this November is the one you have with yourself. Getting attention is great, but put yourself first this month!

Next after this publicity

You’re likely to meet a new love when you look in the mirror this month.


You might find that a crush on a friend develops into something bigger on the 6th of November, but with Venus moving into Libra shortly after on the 8th of the month it’s gonna put a big hold on any romance progressing. Be careful of illusions of grandeur and flights of fancy when it comes to love and dating for the rest of the month. Then again, life is boring without a delusional crush every now and again!

You’re likely to meet a new love in a book or movie (sorry, IRL love is a bit tricky for you this month).


Venus moves into Libra on the 8th of November which promises lots of good times with your friends and other members of your community. A crush may arise after Venus moves into Libra, but by the 22nd there’s a big crossroads you’ll be facing. You’ll be stuck deciding between gifting your love away to others or focusing your energy on yourself.

You’re likely to meet a new love at a party, work event, or any big social gathering this month.


There’s someone making a very public effort to be with you this November after Venus moves into Libra. This could be someone you know from work, or who works in a similar field to you. By the end of the month you’ll be feeling pulled in two different directions–do you give this person a chance and make things serious, or do you focus on your goals and leave love and romance for another day?

You’re likely to meet a new love at a convention or work event this month.


Cuffing season starts out kind of hot and heavy. If you already have a boo thang right now, chances are that around the 6th of November things are going to get pretty intense. This might feel really good, but it also might feel insecure and insatiable. It’s best to take things slow and cautious with this current lover.

You’re likely to meet a new love while traveling or at school this month.


You probably already have a partner going into this month, so it’s not a question of who you’re cuffing, it’s more so what is the cuffing going to look like? Things get very serious this month whether you’re building up a new love or reigniting a long standing one. Be ready to take the next step on the 6th of November and prepare for things to grow in intensity from there!

You’re likely to heat things up with a lover from your past this month.

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