October 18, 2024
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The Suit of Pentacles represents the material world, work, and finances. The Fool’s journey through this suit begins with the “discovery of physical world” in the Ace of Pentacles and concludes with the need for security and abundance represented by the Queen and King of Pentacles.

The Pentacles Cards in a Reading

When a card from the suit of Pentacles appears in a reading, it directs the querent and reader to address material concerns (finances and work/career). Like all human experience, there are positive and negative moments. These cards address the positive and negative security and physical needs archetypes we all pass through at some time or another in our life journey.

Pentacles Tarot Cards and Astrology

The court cards in each suit represent the element and three of the signs. The Page of Pentacles represents the element of earth and the unfocused, but powerful energy of human existence in the physical world. The figure in the card is often depicted as an adolescent, and rightly so, since adolescence is filled with a strong energy that is “all over the place”.

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The Knight of Pentacles represents Virgo, which is the mutable earth sign of the Zodiac. Practical Adaptable Earth energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best when they get all the details in order; they must learn to “see the forest for the trees” to manifest their best results.

The Queen of Pentacles represents Taurus, which is the fixed earth sign of the Zodiac. Persistent Stable Earth energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best when they feel secure; they must learn some degree of adaptability to manifest their best results.

The King of Pentacles represents Capricorn, which is the cardinal earth sign of the Zodiac. Ambitious Active Earth energy fuels their Primary Drive. Their Life Path energy operates best when they are setting and achieving goals; they must learn compassion to manifest their best results.

Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles represents new manifestation, bringing something real into the world. This card is the archetype for planting a seed, which will one day become a plant or tree. When this card appears in a reading, it is time to act to get a result that you and others can tangibly produce and experience.

Two of Pentacles

The keyword for the Two of Pentacles is change. Energy is always flowing, never stagnant. When this card shows up in your reading, you need to think about a change you need to make or address. Perhaps you need to move or change jobs; maybe you need to redecorate or get a new wardrobe. Whatever you need to do, the result should be easily noticed.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles represents a desire to build something that will stand the test of time, something larger than what the Querent or subject of the reading might achieve on his or her own. If you draw this card in a reading, know that hard work will get you the result you want.

Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles represents savings and financial stability. When you see this card in a reading, you need to be careful with your money and your resources. Do not take any rash action; in fact, you should consider reviewing your finances to make sure your money is safe and your budget is manageable.

Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

The key phrase for the Five of Pentacles is “material difficulty”. This card is the archetype for financial and physical hardship. Drawing this card is never easy because it means you must find a way to endure and persist, especially if you cannot find the help you feel you need.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles represents exchange between those with wealth and power and those in need. If this card appears in your reading, then first you must decide if you are the figure giving support to those in need or the one in need of support. Deeper in the meaning of the card is the concept of “worthiness”, which is why the wealthy figure carries the scales. He will judge if the people asking for help are worthy of receiving it.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles represents excess and investment. The figure has successfully cultivated his crop, producing what is needed and some extra. The question you face when this card appears is, “should I put the excess back into what I am doing; or should I look for a new investment?”

Eight of Pentacles

The keyword for the Eight of Pentacles is expertise. When this card appears in your reading, you need to think about what skill you have mastered and be sure you are being properly compensated for your expertise. Often this card appears to get you thinking about your value, as measured by how much money you make and the usefulness of your talents.

Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles represents individual achievement and personal success. If you draw this card, assess where you are in life, materially. Do you have the job you want and is it providing you with a successful life? You want to be abundant so you can feel and be safe. If you are “not there” yet, what will it take to get there?

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles represents an abundant life, where you can measure success across the generations of your family. This card captures the archetype of society, where one generation has helped another generation succeed, and that generation will use its success to help the next one. If you draw this card in a reading, are you able to see this archetype happening in your life or do you need to be making strides to achieve this result?

Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents experimentation. Like all Pages, this one is excited to be trying new actions, but may struggle to settle on a clear path that will lead to better and better outcomes. This card is the archetype for the “raw material” in human potential. Should you encounter this card in your reading, what experiment do you need to focus on and have ready for the Knight of Pentacles?

Knight of Pentacles

The keywords for the Knight of Pentacles are goals and achievements. This Knight quests for results; he, or she, gets things done! If you draw this card in a reading, it is time to buckle down and get the work done. You need to see your efforts through to completion.

Suit of Pentacles

Suit of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents order and tradition. When she appears in a reading, you need to get your house or career or relationship “in order”. If there is a repair that needs to be done, do it. If someone needs to be fired or hired, act to get the needed result. This card is the archetype for stability and persistence.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles represents success at the highest level. When this card appears in a reading, you may find others are approaching you for financial advice or you need to seek out someone to give you financial advice.

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