October 22, 2024
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In Astrology, the different planetary bodies have a unique influence on our lives. Most people are aware of their Sun sign, which is responsible for our awareness and consciousness. The Moon has an equally important role and influence over us in astrology; however, this influence is much more subtle and less visible as the Moon represents our inner emotional world. As we do not always display our inner emotional world to the world and others as we do with our Sun sign, our Moon sign does not always show as apparently as the Sun sign; however, it has an equally important influence.

Moon and Astrology

The Moon governs all our emotions and inner feelings. Like how we all have different Sun signs, which consists of the 12 signs of the zodiac, we also have a unique Moon sign, which also includes one of the 12 zodiac signs. Our Moon and Sun sign can be two different signs, and in essence, they both represent two completely separate parts of our personality and awareness. The essential function of the Moon in astrology is governing our inner emotional world. The Moon also represents a facet of our souls’ imprint, and the essence our soul consists of. Our emotions and our soul are inherently linked, as our emotions are our souls’ expression. The Moon also has a link to our childhood experiences because our childhood experiences usually govern our emotional responses as adults.

The Sun changes signs every 30 days, and the Moon changes signs every 2-3 days. The Moon moves quite fast throughout the zodiac signs each month, taking around 28 days to complete a full cycle. The rapid speed at which the Moon moves through the zodiac is a perfect representation of how our emotions are consistently changing throughout the month, and they rarely remain consistent. On the other hand, the Sun represents our conscious self-expression, which does not change every few days and remains more constant.

The Moon represents the side of ourselves that we are not too aware of and not in touch with. Our Sun sign behaviors and traits are pronounced and evident in us, and that is why we can connect with our Sun sign and understand it much easier than what we can understand our Moon sign. The Sun, in essence, represents our conscious, and the Moon represents our subconscious. When we are in public, we usually display our Sun sign. When we are in privacy, and when we are in the company of our closest loved ones and those we trust, it is our Moon sign that we usually display.

What are the Moon phases?

The Moon orbits around the earth at a 28-day cycle. As the Moon moves around the earth, the shape displayed from where the light is reflected from the Sun onto the Moon changes. The shape that forms when the Sun’s light reflects onto the Moon represents a specific Moon cycle. As the Moon approaches the side of the earth that is facing the Sun, the Moon becomes darker, and its illumination disappears. This is known as the “New Moon.” During the New Moon, you usually are unable to see the Moon, and the night sky is darker than usual, as it lacks the sizeable solar body, which is the Moon illuminating the skies. The New Moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, and when a New Moon occurs, the Moon moves into the same zodiac sign as which the Sun is located in. The Moon does not have its own light source, and it is illuminated by the light of the Sun, and these different stages of illumination represent the different Moon Phases.

An illustration of the Moon’s location in relation to the earth during the New Moon and Full Moon Phase.

The other important Moon phase to be noted is the Full Moon phase. When the Moon enters a position at which it is at the opposite end of the earth in relation to the Sun, a Full Moon occurs. During a Full Moon, the Moon is at its brightest. The sky is bright and illuminated, and nighttime is not as dark as to when it is the New Moon. When the Moon enters the Full Moon position, the Moon is in the zodiac sign that is opposite to the sign which the Sun is located in.

The eight moon phases are: new Moon, waxing crescent, first quarter moon, waxing gibbous Moon, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent.

Moon phases

Other than the Moon phase, which affects us in astrology, there are also solar and lunar eclipses that happen quite frequently, although not as regularly as the New and Full Moon. A solar eclipse occurs during a New Moon. During a solar eclipse, the Moon blocks out the rays of the Sun. A solar eclipse usually happens when the Moon is at its perigee, which means it is at its closest to the earth. When a solar eclipse occurs, it can appear that there is a “ring of fire” in the sky.

A Solar Eclipse.

A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the earth’s shadow. A lunar eclipse occurs during the Full Moon phase. During a lunar eclipse, one can see a shadow being cast over the Moon as it enters the earth’s shadow, as only some of the sunlight can reach the Moon during a Lunar eclipse, even though the Moon is in the Full Moon phase.

A Blood Moon Lunar eclipse.

Moon Sign Horoscope

To gain a clearer understanding of how the moon affects you, our astrologers have gathered some detailed interpretations for each month and how the Moon’s cycles and positions will be affecting our lives and emotions.

Our Moon sign has a significant impact on how we function within our relationships. It is usually our Moon sign that takes over when we are dealing with those we care about. Each Moon placement has a unique influence on our emotional nature and our behaviors within our relationships.

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