Sahasrara chakra is a chakra that should be used only after having already developed your other chakras and gotten results – even partial ones – for your efforts in that regard.
Once some of your other chakras have already been activated – the other six if possible – you should focus on reaching Supreme Knowledge, the highest spiritual degree any human being can achieve.
This Supreme Knowledge has various names depending on the spirituality or initiatory paths: spiritual awakening, enlightenment, supreme truth, bright light…
No matter how you choose to call it, being able to access Supreme Knowledge will let you see things that normal human beings cannot see, hear, or understand in their ordinary state of consciousness.
You will tear the veil of appearances and access the reality that lies hidden behind appearances, access other people’s thoughts, visions of the past and future, and get the gift of ubiquity…
“Let the visualization of my Sahasrara chakra help me access Supreme Knowledge.”
“My Sahasrara chakra has now been activated so that I might immerse myself in a state of Supreme Knowledge!”
This visualization exercise won’t be enough on its own to access Supreme Knowledge, but it will facilitate the process. You also need to have a healthy lifestyle, eating without any excess, regularly thinking positive thoughts and developing your other chakras.
You should be patient to access Supreme Knowledge as it does not come quickly unless you have properly awakened the other six chakras and used them for quite a while.