Chakras and Sports: Balancing Energy Centers for Peak Athletic Achievement
November 4, 2023 |
With the New York Marathon right around the corner on November 5th and over 50,000 runners and professional athletes participating, we’re witnessing the usual hype and enthusiasm around this yearly iconic event. But it’s 2023. Energy work is trendier than ever. And when combined with physical exercise… the results achieved can be astonishing. In this article, we’ll be breaking down how to properly do energy work, in conjunction with your sports routine. Are you an athlete or someone who understands the necessary energetic components of physical exercise? Well, keep reading, who knows what might click for you. Keep on reading about Chakras and Sports…
What Are Chakras And How Do They Function?
Well, technically chakras are energy itself. Or energy-gathering centers within our physical, biological body. Yes. Chakras aren’t just an abstract concept in the ethers. They can be traced and pinpointed based on the neurological clusters you have in your body. Aka, wherever there is a mass gathering of neurons, that is a primary chakra of yours.
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Because you see, the very definition of energy is information floating in space/time that cannot be seen with your physical eyes. Whether that’s thoughts, feelings, or an intention itself. It is all energy. Energy is the primordial source that makes things go. And it doesn’t always come from the productivity of matter, even though it may seem like so. Energy comes from a rather unseen source, it is information flowing within and throughout you. But you see, this information has to flow through a physical component, it can’t just exist in nothingness.
This is where your neurons come in. The neurons are the holders of your energy. Talking to one another, they send electromagnetic signals from organ to organ, communicating and organizing your cellular structure, without you even noticing it. But what if you do, what if you do become aware of those subtle mechanisms, taking place within you?
According to Hindu tradition, there are 7 main chakra points traced along the vertical central line of the human body. Pituitary gland, pineal gland, throat, heart, diaphragm, stomach, and genitals. These are fine to start with.
However, we will argue here, that our DNA, the human cellular structure, has been greatly involved since this spiritual system was coined a couple of thousand years ago, and we will be siding here with the points presented by Ra Uru Hu, founder of the Human Design system who claimed that since the discovery of Pluto in 1930, the human DNA evolved and became more spiritual, more intuitive and therefore developed 9 primary energy centers or chakras, thus making us more psychic, more connected, and more at ease with life.
He introduced the spleen and the thyroid as 2 extra centers, with their primary functions being a counterbalancing aspect to the logical, survival brain of the human vessel.
But those details aren’t for right now. First one must understand why it is important to work with his or her energy field and of course, how to do this, in a practical, consistent manner… like a pro athlete would.
Why Should I Work With My Energy Field And Chakras?
The answer is simple.
To level up.
All energy, or life force energy if you like (chi), always enters through our creation organs. Our genitals. Sexual energy is creative energy. The energy you use to procreate is the energy you use to run a marathon or write an article. It is all the same. It is all One.
This fundamental concept is unknown to most people. It is why we live in a culture of sexual hedonism, where the genitals aren’t even seen as an organ of procreation, but of pleasure and pure enjoyment. And they are. But not only.
If you’re unable to move the energy from your genitals to other parts of your body, you’ll have no choice but to eventually release it through ejaculation/orgasm. You can only hold so much sexual energy at the base of your spine.
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You can use your conscious will, your willpower, to circulate it throughout your body and strengthen other areas, other organs, that need healing or enhancing.
The doorway for energy is through your sexual organs.
Once energy enters there, it may be moved, with your Willpower, to other organs of your body that require healing and strengthening.
And the best part? There is no ceiling to this. No limit. There’s unlimited energy to collect and transmute inside of you. It’s all a question of:
How much can you take?
How strong can you get?
The denser you become, the more you’ll attract.
The energy field is like a magnet. The strongest magnet will pull all lesser magnets to it. Kinda how in a pack of lions, every lion will gather around its king. Well, this isn’t only in the animal kingdom or within the world of magnets, this is a universal law of harmony.
Energies always move towards the densest, strongest source.
The densest energy body will outpower the opponent in combat or win the so-called energy dance, if you like.
The most energetically dense runner, will champion the marathon.
The energetically “heavier” boxer, will outcompete his opponent.
Simply because the weaker energy is drawn to the strongest.
The energy knows, that the strongest source in the room, is the one to harmonize it and send it back home. It is why the weaker always loses to the stronger.
So naturally, the question arises:
“How do I become energetically denser, stronger?”
How To Energy – The Art of Harmonizing Chakras and Sports
To build energy density within your body, it is done in many different ways.
First and foremost, it starts with the repetition through and into mastery of the desired neural activity. Whether that’s a sport, physical exercise, chess, running, sales calls, or any sort of area where One has the ability to continuously level up with little ceiling, but himself. This is the obvious aspect of building energy density within oneself.
According to influential author Robert Greene, it takes about 10,000 hours of concentrated practice upon one specialty, to become a master or an expert at it. Preferably under the guidance of a mentor or within an apprenticeship, as he calls it, it roughly takes about 7 years of daily practice to reach that 10K hour mark.
This is the primary way of fortification of one’s energy body. The actual practice itself.
Eating healthy nutritious foods, spending enough time in “darkness” for recharging purposes, having fulfilling and enriching social relationships, and receiving and giving affectionate touch, all those things are energy fortification mechanisms.
Because everything is energy. It’s just a matter of perceiving it as such.
Now, outside of all these human activities, which you already know of, there’s one more thing you can do.
And that is to directly work with the experience of energy itself.
Working with the entirety of your electromagnetic beingness or simply like a surgeon, working on a specific blockage at a specific area (chakra). The latter is for later in your journey. To start with, all humans are to connect the Mother and the Father through their breath. To reconcile the opposites within them and bring their being back home.
The Mother represented as the eternal creative life-giving energy that enters the base of your spine, your root chakra.
The Father represented as the masculine mental principle which organizes and forms order and harmony in the world, situated at the top of your spine, the crown chakra.
Gently becoming aware of these two points, top and bottom of your spine, and gently with your breath, following that path.
Breathing in from the Mother, pausing at the heart, and bringing it up to the Father.
And then from the top of your head, the Father, bringing it down to the heart, pausing, and finalizing your breath at the Mother, the root.
Repeating this process, up, and down. From Mother, to Father. Recrystallizing the electromagnetic structure of your being within yourself. Uniting the blue and the red principles within you, into the royal purple, ultraviolet universal law that always is.
Bonus tip: gently squeeze your kegel muscle halfway to enrich the experience of this exercise
The real secret though is oxygen. It is where the energy lies. Where the Ruach (Hebrew for Holy Spirit) or the Agio Pneuma (Greek) is found. Becoming aware of the life force energy existing within every breath, as the gift that it is… is all it takes to refortify the natural electromagnetic crystalline protection that you always naturally had.
To become, polarized.
You don’t have to work with each chakra individually.
All you got to do, at least to start with, and for a large part of your leveling-up practice, is to learn the proper diaphragmatic breath, and combine it with an extra or two spiritual components.
Sit still for 15 mins. Locate your diaphragm. And begin.
“From the Mother.. to the Father.. and from the Father.. back down to the Mother.”
The Two are One. And the One is Two. Always and Forever.