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Guide Automatic Writing

A Comprehensive Guide to Automatic Writing: Unleashing Your Creative Flow

Have you ever wanted to take out your journal, sit somewhere quiet, and start writing? You are not thinking as you do it.  You keep writing and find that your writing words flow through you and you may find yourself in a trance or a daze as you write. After you finish what you write, you read what you have written. You will be amazed at what you put down in your journal. What you did was known as automatic writing. Automatic writing is a powerful technique for accessing the subconscious mind, expanding creativity, and receiving guidance. It can be valuable for personal growth, self-expression, and spiritual exploration. Keep on reading about Automatic Writing Guide…

What Does Automatic Writing Entail?

Automatic writing is a technique for connecting with the subconscious or spiritual realms by channeling and recording information through writing. This practice is a form of divination and a helpful way to tap into your intuition and inner wisdom. During automatic writing, you enter a relaxed concentration, allowing thoughts and ideas to flow freely without conscious control or censorship.

Automatic writing is a practice with many benefits. One of those benefits is that it can help you access deeper layers of your subconscious mind. It lets you gain insights into your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Thus, it can reveal hidden patterns, desires, and fears, leading to personal growth and self-discovery.

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It can also unlock creativity and serve as a tool for artistic expression. By bypassing the conscious mind’s filters, fresh ideas, imagery, and inspiration flow onto the page. Automatic writing can also be a channel for receiving guidance, wisdom, and messages from the spiritual realm. By accessing the subconscious mind, automatic writing can help clarify thoughts, find solutions, and make decisions. It can reveal alternative perspectives on challenging situations.

Creating a calm and focused environment is essential to practice automatic writing effectively. You want to set clear intentions and cultivate a state of relaxation and receptivity. Regular practice, journaling, and reflection on the content can deepen the experience and strengthen the connection with your inner wisdom. I will get more details about that later, but let’s first discuss the history of automatic writing. 

The History

Automatic writing has a long history and has been utilized by various cultures and spiritual traditions worldwide. It became popular during the 19th century, especially within the Spiritualist movement. Spiritualists used automatic writing to receive messages from the spirit realm. Mediums would enter a trance state, allowing spirits to guide their hands to write messages or produce drawings.

It has its roots in spiritual and mystical traditions from the past. An example is the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece, renowned for delivering prophetic messages in a trance-like state. Similarly, in ancient China, oracles used to write messages while in a state of possession.

In the early 20th century, scholars and researchers were interested in psychic phenomena related to automatic writing. The Society for Psychical Research in the United Kingdom was one organization that conducted investigations into automatic writing. They wanted to understand the nature of this phenomenon and determine the trustworthy source of the messages. They wanted to know if they originated from the subconscious mind, spirits, or other sources.

Automatic writing impacted artistic movements such as Surrealism. Artists and writers like André Breton used it to tap into their subconscious minds and express dreamlike images. They believed this form of writing revealed hidden desires, thoughts, and symbols that could inspire their creativity.

Automatic writing has evolved and adapted to different cultural and intellectual contexts. It has been embraced by spiritualists, scholars, artists, and individuals seeking personal and creative exploration. The practice continues to fascinate and inspire people as a means of connecting with the deeper layers of the mind. They love it because it involves the mysteries of the human experience. If you are motivated to try automatic writing, you will want to know how to prepare for it. 

Setting the Intention and Preparing for a Session

You’ve decided to explore your intuition and play with your creative side, so you want to do some automatic writing. Great. Before starting, you must prepare yourself for a session. Proper preparation can create a conducive environment and mindset for the practice. 

Setting clear intentions is essential to beginning your automatic writing session. Take some time to think about what you hope to achieve or explore through this practice. You may be looking to gain insight into a specific issue, seek guidance, or allow your creative flow to emerge. Whatever your goal is, make it clear before you start writing.

Find a quiet and comfortable space to focus without distractions. Ensure you have enough privacy and won’t be interrupted during your session. If you prefer typing, prepare your writing materials, such as a journal, pen, or computer. Use whatever medium feels most comfortable and natural to you.

Prepare for your session by creating a calming atmosphere. You can dim the lights, light candles, burn incense, or play soft instrumental music. Before beginning the automatic writing session, take a few minutes to ground yourself and center your energy.

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Focusing on your breathing, engaging in a short relaxation exercise, or practicing meditation can help you achieve this. These activities help to calm your mind and create a receptive state. Now that you have grounded yourself and are in the ideal environment to start your automatic writing session, great. Let’s discuss what you need to do during the session. 

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What to do During the Automatic Writing Session

The first thing to remember is to avoid having any expectations or judgments. Allow the process to unfold naturally without forcing or censoring your thoughts or words. Maintain an open and curious mindset.

If you have specific questions or areas you’d like to explore during the session, write them down. This can provide a starting point or guidance for your automatic writing. Start the writing process by allowing your thoughts and words to flow freely. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or coherence at this stage. Write without pausing or overthinking, letting the words emerge naturally.

While in the automatic writing session, keeping an open mind and avoiding judgments is essential. If you feel stuck, take a moment to refocus before continuing. Once the session is over, take some time to read through what you have written. Look for any themes, patterns, or insights that emerge. Reflect on your experience and note any emotions or thoughts that come up. Consider journaling about your experience to help you process your thoughts and feelings. If you want to know what other purposes automatic writing can serve, let’s discuss other purposes for automatic writing. 

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Automatic Writing Guide – A List of Purposes

Many people may want to dabble in automatic writing to access their intuition and wisdom, self-exploration, and creative side. However, there are other reasons people want to try automatic writing. Let’s explore some other reasons why you may want to give automatic writing a try:

  • Seeking a spiritual connection – For those who have a spiritual inclination, automatic writing can serve as a means of connecting with higher realms. It is believed to be a channel for receiving messages, guidance, and spiritual wisdom.
  • Problem-solving and decision-making – Some people use automatic writing to clarify specific issues, find solutions to problems, or make decisions. Relaxing and accessing the subconscious mind can assist in problem-solving.
  • For healing and emotional release – Automatic writing can serve as a therapeutic practice for emotional healing and personal transformation. It provides a cathartic outlet for emotions and allows individuals to express and release pent-up feelings, traumas, or unresolved issues.
  • Connecting with deceased loved ones – Automatic writing is a practice that people sometimes use to communicate with loved ones who have passed away. This practice is believed to provide individuals with messages, closure, or guidance from the deceased.
  • Some are curious – Some people are curious about automatic writing to explore their consciousness and experiment with self-expression.

If you want to explore automatic writing, you have the steps to do it. However, remember ethical issues when doing this form of divination. 

Ethical Considerations to Make Before Starting Automatic Writing

When practicing automatic writing, it’s important to consider ethical concerns. Here are some to be aware of:

Consent and boundaries

When engaging in automatic writing with others, it is crucial to seek their permission before attempting to access their subconscious. Respecting personal boundaries and ensuring comfort are vital for participation.

Privacy and confidentiality

Automatic writing is a technique that can uncover personal thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Treating the content that emerges during this practice with respect for privacy and confidentiality is essential. Do it with care if you share or discuss your automatic writing with others.

Interpretation and responsibility

Automatic writing can generate messages that have different interpretations. Interpret carefully and avoid making absolute claims or judgments based solely on the content.

Emotional well-being

Automatic writing can bring intense emotions, memories, or traumas. Prioritize self-care and emotional well-being during and after the practice. Seek professional support if needed.

Spiritual discernment

Use discernment when interpreting messages through automatic writing for spiritual purposes. Not all sources claiming to be spiritual may have good intentions. Trust your intuition to evaluate the authenticity of the messages received.

Integration and action

Automatic writing provides insights but is only a tool. Don’t go by everything you gain from your automatic writing sessions. Don’t take it all as the gospel. Use it to reflect, make decisions, and take action for personal growth.

Be responsible

Remember to be accountable for your actions and decisions when practicing automatic writing. This practice does not absolve you of personal responsibility.

Engage in automatic writing with integrity and respect, and focus on growth and well-being by being mindful of ethical concerns.


The automatic writing guide is an excellent tool for accessing your subconscious, intuition, spiritual realm, wisdom, or creativity. If you want to try this divination process, you should be mindful of a few things before doing it. Automatic writing can bring out old traumas and other unpleasant things. Therefore, you want to do it with self-care and be mindful of what you share from your sessions. Do it with the best intentions, and before you begin, get comfortable and have some fun with it! The automatic writing guide is an excellent divination tool and technique if you do this correctly. 

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