September 27, 2024
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Venus Ingress July 2019

Venus Ingress – Family and Friends!

The month of July will include three ingress changes: Mars leaving Cancer and entering Leo and Venus leaving Gemini, entering Cancer, then leaving Cancer and entering Leo. Ingress results in a change in tone and meaning for a point, which is an energy shift designed to promote and continue growth, as well as change, on a regular and ongoing basis.  Each point moves at a different speed, so the ingress for Mercury, which is faster than Mars, happens more frequently and is part of a recurring cycle in which every point eventually “returns” to the same degree as part of its elliptical cycle around the Sun.  This article will look at Venus ingress from Cancer to Leo.

Changing the Tone, Changing the Meaning

On July 3 at 11:18 am Eastern Standard Time (EST) Venus will leave Gemini and enter Cancer and on July 27 at 9:53 pm Venus will leave Cancer and enter Leo.  Venus is the point associated with relating to others, the care of the body, our sense of beauty, and what attracts us (and makes us attractive).  In Gemini, the “tone” is communicative, interactive, and engaging.  When it enters Cancer, the tone shifts to a more personal and emotional level, seeking closeness with family and loved ones.  With the move into Leo, the tone shifts to something more playful and joyful, like the teenager that wants to go hang out with his or her friends.

Venus in Cancer

After Gemini “gregariousness”, the move into Cancer can help us “get in touch with our feelings”, mainly with the people who make up our family, both actual family members and the people we allow ourselves to be vulnerable with.  Cancer energy activates Venus to want to connect emotionally with others, to share feelings, and feel safe.  When a point moves into a new sign and spends time there, certain actions and choices become emphasized. For the period between July 3 to July 26, it is an excellent time to reach out to family members, especially our primary caretaker (usually, but not always the mother).  This period offers a perfect time to revisit positive memories of your childhood with any and all family members as well as doing something to build new, positive memories.

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As with any material I write about regarding astrology, it is most useful if you know your own chart.  In my case, Cancer rules my 9th House of Mastership and will be passing through an area of my chart that has no energy points.  As a result, I may find myself seeking out other experts or being invited to share my expert knowledge on subjects that I work on. The period from July 3 to July 26 will have a more profound impact through my family because it is the sign of my wife’s Sun and Mercury, so the dynamic is something I will likely experience indirectly through her rather than directly through my own chart.

Because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, it is often associated with the role of the mother, who, in modern times may or may not be the primary emotional nurturing influence on a child. This transit can make us quite reflective about our childhood and how we felt about the emotional experiences that shaped us.  We may find ourselves particularly attuned to the emotions of the people around us, and they will be just as attuned to us. If we feel vulnerable, but not safe, we will huddle in our shell until we feel any danger has passed or defend ourselves with our claws.

Venus in Leo

After Cancer “sensitivity”, the move into Leo can help us “get out and play”, mainly with the people who make us laugh and feel real joy.  Leo energy activates Venus to want to have a good time, create, and find a way to shine in our interactions with others.  When a point moves into a new sign and spends time there, certain actions and choices become emphasized. For the period between July 26 to August 21, it is an excellent time to throw a party (or several), plan a trip with friends to Disneyland, or strike out on an adventure that can connect you with new people and your personal passion.  This period offers a perfect time to try something new creatively with someone or some friends.

As with any material I write about regarding astrology, it is most useful if you know your own chart.  In my case, Leo rules my 10th House of Prosperity and will be passing through an area of my chart where I have the point, Jupiter.  As a result, I could make some very helpful career contacts, especially when Venus and Jupiter align around August 17th. The period from July 26 to August 21 will be a great time to promote my business and seek connections with colleagues for both personal enjoyment and professional sharing.

Because Leo is ruled by the Sun, it is often associated with the role of the father, who, in modern times may or may not be the primary adult leader for the child. But we can feel drawn to interact with the adult how “taught us about life outside the home”. This transit can make us energized when we spend time with others.  We may even find ourselves drawn into new love affairs or recharged for love and sex with our long-term partner (if we could use a boost).  We may find we do not want to spend any time with people who are not fun and excited about life.  This period is a really good time to plan and take an exciting vacation if you can manage it!

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