September 30, 2024
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Attract Love Law of Attraction

Attract Love and the Right Person with the Law of Attraction

You can absolutely create your own reality in love thanks to the Law of Attraction.

You are now familiar with the Law of Attraction thanks to my previous two articles: “Understanding the Law of Attraction and How to use it” and “How to use your Law of Attraction Planner effectively. “

If you have not read them yet or need some more inspiration from them, I invite you to consult them.

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Meanwhile, I will now explain how you can benefit from the Law of Attraction to attract the one you wish to seduce or would like to spend your life with (or a specific type of people). This eternal cosmic law is ideal to do so!

The Law of Attraction Concept

In the first article, “Understanding the Law of Attraction and How to Use it”, you learned the core principles to effectively use the Law of Attraction.

The second article, “How to Use Your Law of Attraction Planner Effectively”, will help you organize yourself to achieve the goals you will set for yourself in loving and caring relationships, and to satisfy your most secret desires.

I would really urge you to read these two articles again because they will allow you to more easily meet your goals in love.

If you don’t have enough time to do so now, don’t worry, just read these articles and pay attention to my advice, but try to do it as soon as you can.

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Indeed, without some proactive effort from you, things will stay the same and you won’t be able to fully enjoy the huge benefits that the Law of Attraction can provide in love!

Setting your goals in love

Using the Law of Attraction consists of focusing your thoughts on a specific goal. This will help you materialize them into words and actions that will get you closer to the goal you are aiming for. Here, this means making your dreams come true in love.

First you need to set your goals in love because, as already mentioned in the “How to use your Law of Attraction planner effectively”, if you do not know how to put the Law of Attraction into practice you will get lost on the way – to paraphrase what Henry Kissinger, a famous American statesman, a few years ago: “If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere.”

So, the first thing you should do when you fill in your Law of Attraction Planner is to describe what you expect from your practice of the Law of Attraction to improve your love life.

For example, do you want to:

  • Find love because you are currently single?
  • Ensure that a new relationship will last?
  • Succeed in your seduction attempts?
  • Get over a breakup and find someone new?
  • Fulfill another specific wish in this domain?

The above list includes the most common requests in love, but you can find some more using your own words.

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It is important to personalize your process as much as you can, anyway, by using these examples to set some goals for yourself or to describe what you are looking for, in your own way.

The more personal your goal will be, transcribed in your own words and idioms, the more motivated you will be to follow your Law of Attraction planner.

Likewise, an increasing number of opportunities will bloom to fulfill your desires and manifest your dreams in love.

Be creative and write the goals you have set for yourself in love on the first page of your planner or personal plan, in a Word file or Excel sheet.

Write them down in ranked order, starting with the most important one for you. Do not spread yourself thin and start using the Law of Attraction on your main goal at first.

Once you have achieved that goal by following your plan below, you can start climbing another mountain, namely: the second goal on your To-Do List.

Allow me to insist: do not spread yourself thin or move from one goal to the next randomly.

Indeed, the Law of Attraction is a mighty weapon of mass wish fulfillment, but you need to use it like a laser beam, focused on a single goal at a time if you wish to be more efficient and achieve it more easily.

Realize your first goal in love

Fulfilling this first goal is more important since this initial success will show you that:

  • The Law of Attraction works,
  • You have managed to use it successfully.

These two statements will strengthen your belief in this cosmic law, bolster your confidence, and let you tackle the other wishes you would like to fulfill in love-related matters.

So, start writing your main goals in your personal planner right away. Your Law of Attraction planner should be used as a reference and as a guide to record and follow the planned method you have drawn to fulfill your desires in love. 

What are your motivations in love?

Once you have written down your main goals, let’s say the first three ones, and ranked them according to your preferences, focus on the first one and describe between two and four sources of motivation that urge you to succeed in this first romantic goal.

Here are a few examples of sources of motivation. While you can use it as inspiration, it is even better to write down your two to four main sources of motivation towards your first goal with your own words, in your own way, but in no more than a single sentence for each source of motivation.

Let’s say, for instance, that your main goal is to “find the person that is right for you!”, your sources of motivation might be:

  • I don’t want to be single anymore,
  • I need love,
  • I have a lot of love and affection to share,
  • I want someone who cares about me and about my desires
  • (Add any other personal motivation, but there should not be more than four in total, though you can freely replace any of the examples above).

This way you have a clear direction to follow: “I want to find the person that is right for me”, as well as your four core motivations.

Use the law of attraction and program your success

Now the only thing left to do is to think about your main goal and speak positively about your motivations at least once a day, and even more if you can.

Then put into practice the four phases of the Law of Attraction:

– Express your dream: falling in love, finding the right person…

– Visualize it: imagine how you could reach your goal,

– Act as if it is your current reality: behave as if you were already in love,

– Take massive action in order to make it happen: do whatever you can to reach your goal.

This is how you will draw positive vibrations to you, which will materialize into ideas that will come to you straight from the universe in order to help you achieve your goal. Put these ideas into practice on a daily basis through your words and actions related to the goal you have set for yourself.

Pay particular attention to any event that happens in your existence and know-how to capitalize on those that favor the improvement of your love life and the fulfillment of your desires.

Focus on people you meet because you will certainly find among them someone that is meant for you romantically, or who will at least offer some advice or help you find true love.

A matter of timing

Likewise, it would be good to set some deadlines for your own goals in order to motivate yourself even more and set up a romantic schedule meant to live the kind of love life you want at any specific date.

Setting these deadlines will be another source of motivation and will discourage any kind of procrastination in your project to find love.

You should, however, consider that these deadlines are relative and flexible, rather than strict limitations.

Sometimes you might need a little more time, sometimes less, depending on your belief in the Law of Attraction and your skill in using it to materialize the results you are expecting.

Don’t be anxious if you overstep your deadlines by a few days or weeks because what matters the most is to set you on the path of happiness, so you can stay there and avoid any kind of distraction on the way.

If you follow these rules, there is no doubt that you will achieve your main goal in love thanks to the Law of Attraction.

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