March 12, 2025
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Libra in Love 12 Love Affairs

Libra in Love – 12 Different Love Affairs

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways.  There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water.  Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action, and water represents emotions.  There are three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.  Cardinal signs lead, fixed signs establish, and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on.  This article will explore the sign of Libra and how it loves and is loved by all 12 Zodiac signs.

Libra: The Cardinal Air Sign

Libra’s most common perception, as a sign, tends to be its shadow expression rather than its most positive traits.  Often known as indecisive, Libra is actually the sign meant to be the most decisive, using intellect and analysis to come to definitive answers.  This sign rules the law and legal matters; it is the sign of judgment.  It also rules such interactions as negotiation, mediation, and contractual agreements.

As the ruler of the 7th House, its energy oversees marriage and all legal agreements that help society function in a civilized way.  This sign wants life to be fair, balanced, and harmonious.  Someone with a Libra Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Moon) will seek to express these energies with the person they love.

Libra and Love

The Libra parent, child, or lover shows and feels love when their relationships handle situations fairly, operate as much as possible in equilibrium, and include choice when deciding matters large and small together.  The Libra individual will want to make sure his or her partner is given the chance to input his or her desires about the toppings on a pizza or what kind of home to buy.

This sign, like all the air signs, is sapiosexual … turned on by intelligence.  They are one of the best and most adept communicators.  The more dialogue they get to have with someone they like, the more turned on they become.  They also like to talk between the sheets, so do not be surprised if they are negotiating all the way through sex, tweaking the moment throughout to get the best experience for themselves and their partner.

Libra, Love, and the 12 Signs


Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love.  This sign opposes Libra, which does not mean it “goes against” Libra, but rather it seeks to balance and get the balance from Libra.  While Libra does love to analyze, and in doing so, can really get caught in a loop that never goes anywhere, Aries will jump right in.  This dynamic can make for a lasting and enjoyable love affair if the right balance between action and consideration can develop.


Taurus is the fixed earth sign that likes to “settle down” in love.  This sign inconjuncts Libra, which means they will have to work consciously to make the relationship last.  Most of the work will fall on Libra because it is the negotiator and Taurus is steady and “hard to move”.  Still, Taurus can bring a sensual element to the love affair and Libra can appreciate and enjoy the stability and security Taurus prefers over the long term.  Once the Libra person figures out what the Taurus wants and the way they want it, they can make all the decisions for the relationship and get the full support of their Taurean lover.


Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn and communicate” in love.  As another air sign, these two signs trine one another, which means their energy flows and collaborates.  These two can get turned on by chatting each other up, in any situation, but especially the bedroom.  Libra will definitely need to take the lead and Gemini will want them to.  Gemini will be full of ideas to give to Libra to decide and Libra can enjoy Gemini’s willingness to give pretty much anything a go if the experience offers something new to learn.


Cancer is the cardinal water sign that likes to “nurture” in love.  As another cardinal sign, these two signs end up squaring one another, which means their energies interact by challenging each other.  Like the inconjunct with Taurus and Pisces, the square relationship requires a conscious effort to succeed.  This really is a love affair that has to reconcile the heart (Cancer) with the mind (Libra).  If they can, then Libra will get to know more emotion than it ever thought possible and Cancer will learn how the intellect can keep it from drowning in its emotionally deep waters.


Leo is the fixed fire sign that likes to “romance” in love.  This sign sextiles Libra, which means its energy complements Libra’s energy.  Leo likes to shine, and Libra can certainly enjoy the Leo light and love shining its way.  Leo will appreciate Libra’s desire to figure out what Leo likes and make choices to help Leo enjoy life, which will, in turn, cause the Leo individual to shine more light and love on the Libra individual.  This can be a truly great match.


Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love.  This sign semi-sextiles Libra, meaning that these energies do not easily “see” each other because they sit “side-by-side”.  But if they do discover one another they can enjoy a great friendship love that may not be high on intense romance energy, but deep and appreciative of the daily little loves that can build a great story over time.  Libra wants a relationship in harmony and Virgo is happy to do the daily maintenance to make that happen.  This can be a very comfortable love affair.


Libra is a sign that matches well with itself, it likes to “harmonize” in love.  As you can guess, two harmonizing energies can create a steady easy flow that loves having a lover that matches their desire to keep the peace as a sign of love between them.


Scorpio is the fixed water sign that likes to “possess” in love. This sign semi-sextiles Libra, meaning that these energies do not easily “see” each other because they sit “side-by-side”.  But if they do discover one another they can enjoy an intense love affair, mainly from the Scorpio side of the relationship.  This really is a love affair that has to reconcile the intense feelings (Scorpio) with the intellect (Libra). If they can, then Libra will get to experience emotional intensity like never before and Scorpio will learn how the intellect can keep it from overwhelming everyone in its path.

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Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that likes to “adventure” in love.  This sign sextiles Libra, which means its energy complements Libra’s energy.  Sagittarius likes to explore, and Libra can certainly enjoy the Sagittarius invitation to explore the world together.  Sagittarius will appreciate Libra’s desire to figure out where Sagittarius would like to go and to help Sagittarius “get there”, which will, in turn, cause the Sagittarius individual to create a story of loving adventure with the Libra individual.  This can be a truly wonderful match.


Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign that likes to “achieve with” in love. As another cardinal sign, these two signs end up squaring one another, which means their energies interact by challenging each other.  Like the inconjunct with Taurus and Pisces, the square relationship requires a conscious effort to succeed.  This really is a love affair that has to reconcile the ambitious goals (Capricorn) with just behavior (Libra).  If they can, then Libra will get to know how to succeed at the highest level in partnership and Capricorn will learn how to be fair, and not ruthless, in its dealings with others.


Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “revolutionize” in love. As another air sign, these two signs trine one another, which means their energy flows and collaborates.  These two can get turned on by roleplay and experimentation, in any situation, but especially the bedroom.  The Libra individual will be able to appreciate the Aquarius individual’s quirks and unusualness and will even find it attractive and interesting.  The Aquarius individual will appreciate the Libra individual’s openness to learn about the Aquarius before making any judgments.  Aquarius can really be himself or herself when first spending time with a Libra.


Pisces is the mutable water sign that likes to “imagine” in love. This sign inconjuncts Libra, which means they will have to work consciously to make the relationship last.  Most of the work will fall on Libra because it is the negotiator and Pisces is naturally adaptive.  Still, Pisces can bring an imaginative element to the love affair and Libra can appreciate and enjoy the spiritual nature of the connection.  If the Libra person expresses their wants and desires, the Pisces individual will work to “fill” the container with love and appreciation.

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