Numerology is the study of numbers as meaningful constructs related to human consciousness. Numbers occupy our lives in many ways, starting with number values associated with the letters of words, especially our names.
We have the numbers of our birthday, month, and year. Most countries have a number sequence for citizens (in the United States, it is the 9-digit Social Security Number or SSN). Most of us have a phone number; if we drive a car, we have a number plate. Each word and sequence of numbers reduces to a number between 1 and 9, and each of those numbers has spiritual meaning.
This article will explore the number meanings for the year 2022.
Welcome, 2022 is a 6 year. The previous 6 year was 2013, and the one before that was 2004. Each number re-cycles every nine years. The number 6 is about service; each 6 year is about finding the best way to serve, learn, and problem-solve.
Clearly, the theme is service. It would be wonderful if progress was always positive, but advances in technology, distribution of goods and services, and increases sometimes lead to setbacks in other areas of life. What we can expect from a 6 year is doing the necessary work to bring order and normalcy to the disruption of the 5 year.
There are six number 6 cards in the tarot. The Major Arcana has two, Love (the actual number 6 card) and Temptation (the number 15 card, which reduces to a 6). There is also a 6 in each suit: 6 of Water, 6 of Earth, 6 of Air, and 6 of Fire. These are some of the more positive cards in each suit. The 6 of Water represents friendship; the 6 of Earth is material success; the 6 of Air is transition, and the 6 of Fire is victory.
There are many ways to look at 6 in astrology. The 6th sign is Virgo, and the 6th House rules health, skills, and day-to-day work. The 6th planet from the Sun is Saturn and the 6th planet in the sequence of points in astrology is Jupiter. Taken together this year will focus on how we problem-solve new ways to live and interact while still dealing with the persistent changes lingering from last year. It will be a year of “eating our vegetables before we get to have our dessert”.
The ruler of Virgo and the 6th House is Saturn, so we will only be rewarded if we act responsibly and dutifully.
Each month I write an article for askAstrology connecting the month and year. Coinciding with this article is one about the numerology of January 2022; it provides an in-depth look at the first month of the year which is a 7.
The beginning of the year is a 7. In this month we will all “need to develop our minds and our intuitive and philosophical side. We must abandon the material world on occasion and learn to go within ourselves, to meditate and ponder upon the substance of our being” (Javane and Bunker, 89).
The second month of the year is an 8. In this month, we will all need to “channel our energies into the material world to attain a position of leadership. Develop our business sense. This number bestows strength and will” (89).
The third month of the year is a 9. In this month, we will need to “become universalist, humanitarians, whose primary concern is for the welfare of others. We should develop breadth of thinking, and universal love for others” (89).
The fourth month of the year is a 1. In this month, we “need to build in the qualities of leadership, courage, and daring. It is important to learn to make decisions and take control of any given situation which requires our effort” (89).
The fifth month of the year is a 2. In this month, we “must learn the fine art of cooperation, tact, and diplomacy. Working in partnership with another requires giving on our part; learn to stay in the background when necessary. When we understand how another person thinks and feels, we can get in touch with our own emotions and feelings” (88).
The sixth month of the year is a 2. In this month, we “need to learn to express ourselves. We need to develop our communicative talents by training ourselves in the art of speaking through acting, elocution, foreign languages, and so forth so that we can be an influence in the lives of others” (88).
The seventh month of the year is a 4. In this month, we “must develop an orderly, systematic lifestyle which produces a structured existence. We must translate our energies into tangible forms through hard work and discipline” (88).
The eighth month of the year is a 4. In this month, we “need to learn to adjust to changes and to become more versatile. We must develop our freedom, physically, mentally, and spiritually so that the more adventurous side of our nature can express itself” (88).
The ninth month of the year is a 6. In this month we will all need to “express more love for others. 6 is the domestic vibration, and the presence of it indicates a need to deepen the ties of affection with those in your immediate family and environment. We should develop a personal sense of responsibility for those who depend on us, and a social sense of responsibility for the welfare of those in our communities” (88).
We arrive again at the energy of the first of the year and the message is the same. In this month we will all “need to develop our minds and our intuitive and philosophical side. We must abandon the material world on occasion and learn to go within ourselves, to meditate and ponder upon the substance of our being” (89)
We arrive again at the energy of the second month and the message is the same. In this month, we will all need to “channel our energies into the material world to attain a position of leadership. Develop our business sense. This number bestows strength and will” (89).
We arrive again at the energy of the third month and the message is the same. In this month, we will need to “become universalist, humanitarians, whose primary concern is for the welfare of others. We should develop breadth of thinking, and universal love for others” (89).