September 26, 2024
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Psychic Archetypes Peacekeeper

Psychic Archetypes: The Peacekeeper

A psychic archetype represents a core energy expression that we feel defines our psychological and spiritual journey, in the current, previous, and future lifetimes.  While we may engage in various forms of life practice, like being a soldier or a doctor, we are one enduring archetype, which could be the Warrior or the Healer.

This article will explore the psychic archetype of the Peacekeeper, which is linked with the astrological sign Libra.

One Archetype, Many Guises

History is replete with warrior priests and soldier healers (medics).  Educators can be athletes and athletes can be educators.  We can wear many guises over the course of our lifetimes, but we most often operate from a single psychic archetype.

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Sometimes necessity and circumstance can force us into a guise that is far away from our spiritual purpose, or so it will seem.  If we look closely enough at our actions within any circumstance, we will be able to see the consistent psychic imprint of our representation.

I have a varied work history, which includes construction, website design/management, teaching (college English), and now spiritual advising.  Through each iteration of my work opportunities, I found myself in the same role repeatedly … as a spiritual and emotional advisor to the people around me.

The Peacekeeper

Every society needs people who are analytical, concerned about justice, and willing to enforce peace.  Many different qualities must blend effectively to represent a true peacekeeper archetype.  In the tarot deck, there are five cards that best represent this energy: Justice, Temperance, Judgment, the Two of Swords, and the Four of Swords. The sign of Libra represents this archetype astrologically.

Psychic Archetypes The Peacekeeper in tarot

Justice is probably the definitive card for this archetype.  The Peacekeeper enforces the law and does so with detached decision-making.  The scales represent analysis and balanced consideration of all the information.  The sword represents the clarity of mind needed to determine the merits of a situation. Once decided, action will be taken swiftly and unemotionally.

Temperance represents balance and equilibrium that has the chance to develop with greater life experience. Temperance, as an archetype, is the fourteenth encounter for the Fool, indicating that we need to step back, from time to time, and assess where we are to determine if we are in or out of balance.  Balance and peace go together.

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Judgment represents significant and life-changing decisions, as well as the judgments from the world around us. Judgement, as an archetype, is the twentieth lesson for the Fool, teaching us the need to use all we have learned through encounters with others, and the lessons we need to make the most important choices in life.  Peacekeepers often end up in the role of judges.

The Two of Swords is a “lighter” version of the Justice card, as it applies to your mundane life and everyday decisions.  The Four of Swords shows an actual Peacekeeper resting on the top of a tomb.  He is watched over by the woman and child in the stain glass, both representing those he protected.

People born between September 23 to October 22 have a Libra Sun sign. The symbol for Libra is the scale.  As the Cardinal Air sign, these individuals initiate through analysis, decision-making, and judgment.  They are at their best negotiating, balancing/re-balancing life circumstances and relationships, and creating harmony where there is disharmony. They must learn to be assertive to manifest their best results.

Each archetype travels through lifetimes to gather experience inside and outside its ideal representation in order to enjoy and understand the full range of human experience while learning lessons associated with completing his or her work.  We learn lessons through support and resistance.  A person learns the many facets of safety by being very secure in one lifetime and unstable and unsafe in another lifetime.

Do You Know a Peacekeeper?

Each archetype has definable and distinguishable traits. The best peacekeepers prefer to be in roles where they must enforce the rules and prevent chaos.  They demonstrate the ability to face down angry people and remain calm in volatile situations.  They work hard to develop their logic, critical thinking, and negotiating skills.  They master fairness.

Keen Observers

Great among their strengths is their keen awareness and observation skills.  They can see the truth and lies rather easily.  Give them enough time and they will get a full picture of any situation or individual; they will know “what is really going on”.  They can absorb large amounts of information and parse it into the important and the useless, what they need to mediate a situation and what is mere distraction.  They do not rush when gathering facts.

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Knowing the Right Questions to Ask

Because they have “sharp” minds, they know which questions to ask and how to ask them to get to the truth, for it is the truth that brings real and lasting peace.  Their questions will often have double intent, both trying to find out a direct answer while discerning who they are dealing with based on how a person answers their questions.  They always have an agenda when things or people are out of balance … get to peace or get back to peace.

Willing to Fight for Peace

These individuals can be tremendous fighters, but they are not aggressors.  They respond to aggressors, and if force is required, they will respond in kind and with the degree necessary to keep the peace.  Once peace is restored, they will return to peaceful ways, until called upon again.  They have no thirst for power, or leadership, only equilibrium. 

Many Styles, One Purpose

Maintaining peace is a constant vigil, so these individuals remain alert, even if they appear relaxed.  They are also ready to act and will keep themselves fit and prepared; peace is often broken or unsteady.  Sometimes the role is diplomatic, and laced with skills in communication, and sometimes the role is physical, requiring the use of force to keep volatility at bay. 

One of the best fictional representations of comprehensive peacekeepers can be found in TV shows like Walker, Texas Ranger, or Law and Order.  The characters in these shows demonstrate skills and mastery of law enforcement, used to make the world safer for the many people who can get caught up in the destructive behavior of greedy, narcissistic, and pathological people. 

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