July 26, 2024
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Welcome to the Tarot Horoscope, a combination of Astrology and Tarot/Oracle Cards. Each month I will draw a card for each sign of the Zodiac. That card represents the meditation for the month for that Sun Sign. The Sun Sign represents your “Primary Drive” in life, how you best manifest your Life Path, and how the light of the Sun energizes you each day. This month I have chosen to use the Sacred Circle Tarot written by Anna Franklin and illustrated by Paul Mason.

Tarotscope for Aries (Mar 21 to Apr 19)


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Maverick Active Fire energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best independently; you must learn self-discipline to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 3 of Swords. The keyword for this card is “discord.”

Message: Meditate on the Three of Swords, which signifies hitting rock bottom as a necessary step to rebuild anew. Embrace the pain as a catalyst for growth and transformation. And, through acceptance and healing, emerge stronger and wiser, ready to embark on a new chapter.

Action to Take: Take time for introspection and self-care. Reflect on past hurts and allow yourself to grieve. Seek support from loved ones, a spiritual advisor, or a counselor. Engage in healing practices such as journaling, meditation, or yoga to process emotions and begin the journey towards healing and renewal.

Tarotscope for Taurus (Apr 20 to May 20)


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Persistent Stable Earth energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you feel secure; you must learn some degree of adaptability to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the Queen of Discs. The keyword for this card is, “expression.”

Message: Reflect on the Queen of Discs, advocating for taking pleasure in your body and utilizing resources wisely. Invest in self-care and prioritize physical well-being. Practice financial prudence, budgeting effectively, and making sound investments for long-term security and stability.

Action to Take: Allocate time each day for self-care activities that promote physical health and well-being, such as exercise, nutritious meals, and adequate rest. Implement a budgeting plan to track expenses and identify areas for saving or investment. Seek financial advice to make informed decisions about managing resources effectively.

Tarotscope for Gemini (May 21 to Jun 20)


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Curious Adaptable Air energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best doing tasks that stimulate your mind in a variety of ways; you must learn how to focus-on-demand to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 8 of Wands. The keyword for this card is, “action.”

Message: Meditate on the Eight of Wands, urging you to concentrate your energy on tasks that have been postponed or require immediate attention. Prioritize responsibilities and eliminate distractions to swiftly accomplish goals. Channel determination and focus to overcome delays and achieve success.

Action to Take: Devote dedicated time blocks to tackle postponed tasks or urgent projects. Eliminate distractions by setting boundaries and creating a conducive work environment. Break down tasks into manageable steps and tackle them systematically. Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance to ensure efficient completion.

Tarotscope for Cancer (Jun 21 to Jul 22)


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Nurturing Active Water fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you care-take yourself and others properly; you must learn “emotional balance” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 10 of Discs. The keyword for this card is, “tradition.”

Message: Reflect on the Ten of Discs, emphasizing the importance of family and generational wealth. Reflect on familial bonds, traditions, and legacies. Consider what values or resources can be passed down to future generations, ensuring continuity and prosperity within the family line.

Action to Take: Initiate discussions with family members about shared values, traditions, and long-term goals. Collaborate on estate planning to ensure the smooth transfer of assets and wealth to future generations. And, document family history and cultural heritage to preserve and pass down to descendants.

Tarotscope for Leo (Jul 23 to Aug 22)


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Strong-burning Stable Fire fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are creative; you must learn structure to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the Ace of Cups. The keyword for this card is, “spirituality.”

Message: Meditate on the Ace of Cups, embracing creative inspiration and the potential for a new and thrilling relationship. Open your heart to love and allow yourself to be receptive to new connections. Explore avenues for artistic expression and nurture the spark of romance.

Action to Take: Initiate activities that foster creativity, such as painting, writing, or music. Attend social events or join clubs to meet new people and expand your social circle. Be open to romantic opportunities and take the initiative to ask someone out or join a dating site.

Tarotscope for Virgo (Aug 23 to Sep 22)


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Practical Adaptable Earth fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you get all the details in order; you must learn to “see the forest for the trees” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 4 of Swords. The keyword for this card is, “rest.”

Message: Reflect on the Four of Swords, advocating for solitude to rest and reflect. Set aside quiet moments for introspection and rejuvenation. Disconnect from external stimuli and prioritize self-care activities. Therefore, allow yourself the space and time needed to recharge and gain clarity.

Action to Take: Schedule regular periods of solitude for relaxation and reflection. Disconnect from electronic devices and create a tranquil environment conducive to rest. Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or journaling to quiet the mind and promote inner peace. Prioritize self-care activities to replenish energy and maintain well-being.

Tarotscope for Libra (Sep 23 to Oct 22)


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Analytical Active Air fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when acting logically; you must learn to mix in feelings to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the Knight of Cups. The keyword for this card is, “movement.”

Message: Meditate on the Knight of Cups, encouraging you to open yourself up to love or reinvest romantically in your current relationship. Express affection openly and pursue romantic gestures to deepen emotional connections. Embrace vulnerability and allow love to flourish in your life.

Action to Take: Initiate heartfelt conversations with your partner to express love and appreciation. Plan surprise dates or thoughtful gestures to reignite romance. Explore shared interests or hobbies to strengthen bonds and create memorable experiences together. Be attentive to your partner’s needs and actively nurture your relationship with affection and care.

Tarotscope for Scorpio (Oct 23 to Nov 21)


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Intense Persistent Water energy fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when bringing or experiencing transformation; you must learn “playfulness or lightness of heart” to manifest your best results. Your card this month is The Green Man. The keyword for this card is, “life.”

Message: Reflect on the Green Man, urging you to explore what is wild and untamed within yourself. Embrace your creative impulse and channel it into productive outlets. Allow your imagination to roam freely and seize opportunities to express your unique creativity without inhibition.

Action to Take: Engage in activities that encourage spontaneity and exploration, such as nature walks or improvisational art. Set aside time for uninhibited creative expression, whether through writing, painting, or dancing. Embrace unconventional ideas and approaches, allowing your wild creativity to flow freely without restraint.

Tarotscope for Sagittarius (Nov 22 to Dec 21)


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Expansive Adaptable Fire fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best exploring openly and trying new experiences; you must learn to map and record your knowledge to manifest your best results. Your card this month is Initiation. The keyword for this card is “beginnings.”

Message: Meditate on Initiation, symbolizing the transition from one phase of life to another, or from one level of understanding to a higher one. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and evolution. Reflect on past experiences and welcome new perspectives with openness and receptivity.

Action to Take: Consider enrolling in a course or workshop to expand your knowledge and skills. Revamp your living space to reflect your evolving identity and goals. Engage in journaling or creative writing to process thoughts and emotions. Connect with a mentor or counselor to navigate transitions and gain insight.

Tarotscope for Capricorn (Dec 22 to Jan 19)


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Ambitious Active Earth fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are setting and achieving goals; you must learn compassion to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 7 of Cups. The keyword for this card is, “delusion.”

Message: Reflect on the Seven of Cups, signaling a need to confront self-deception, broken promises, or unreliability. Take responsibility for your actions and hold yourself accountable for past behaviors. Commit to honesty, integrity, and consistency in thought and deed to regain trust and credibility.

Action to Take: Initiate open and honest communication with those affected by your actions. Apologize sincerely for any broken promises or dishonesty. Take proactive steps to fulfill commitments and rebuild trust through consistent and reliable behavior. Prioritize integrity and accountability in all interactions and decisions moving forward.

Tarotscope for Aquarius (Jan 20 to Feb 18)


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Unconventional Stable Air fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best when you are authentic and unrepentant; you must learn quiet fortitude to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 4 of Wands. The keyword for this card is, “development.”

Message: Meditate on the Four of Wands, emphasizing completion and attention to detail. Focus on tying up loose ends and finishing tasks with precision and diligence. Ensure that all aspects of a project or goal are addressed thoroughly to achieve a successful outcome.

Action to Take: Review project timelines and deadlines to identify outstanding tasks or areas needing refinement. Allocate dedicated time and resources to address any remaining details. Communicate with team members to ensure everyone is aligned on project completion goals. Execute final tasks meticulously to achieve project success.

Tarotscope for Pisces (Feb 19 to Mar 20)


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Imaginative Adaptable Water fuels your Primary Drive. Your Life Path energy operates best connecting with others emotionally; you must learn toughness to manifest your best results. Your card this month is the 9 of Cups. The keyword for this card is, “stability.”

Message: Meditate on the Nine of Cups, urging you to pursue your deepest desires and prioritize emotional well-being. Take proactive steps to fulfill personal aspirations and nurture your inner happiness. Focus on activities and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Action to Take: Set aside 30 minutes each day for activities that bring you joy, such as painting, gardening, or playing an instrument. Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal of things you’re thankful for. Reach out to a friend or family member for a heartfelt conversation or plan a fun outing together.


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