The Reasons Why You Should Make Your Own Tarot Cards
June 7, 2019 | Morgan
There has always been a divided opinion when it comes to man and the metaphysical world. Consciousness and matter are distinct entities. The practice of Kabbalah, numerology, astrology and its practices and tarot cards have existed since the prehistoric era of pharaohs. Yet in today’s our techno-society we have inclined towards such knowledge academically and lack the experiential knowledge about it. Therefore, to make your own tarot cards is a revival of the ancient practices. Besides, it will also help with how to read tarot cards with ease.
Why Try though?
This is a question you might be asking yourself right now? Why indulge yourself in an activity which normally gypsies do. The making of your own tarot cards seems a bit too far off your own spectrum. Well, it’s a very creative way to show your hobbies and interests, it’s a fun way to depict your personality in a good manner too. It can affect you in an excellent way. Furthermore, buying commercially prepared tarot cards is using someone’s else’s idea while creating your own is an original, which is better to use morally.
Knowing the essentials to make better tarot cards
Since the idea of making your own tarot cards might strike you as an immature thing to do but worry not for it isn’t. It is quite a genius thing to do, and many people can’t achieve this properly, so the first step is always necessary to take.
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There surely are premade deck of cards out there made by people, but it is better to go with your own. There are certainly more benefits for self-made tarot cards since when you make your own tarot cards not only does it becomes relatable, but you could find it much easier to interpret your and other’s future with much confidence and ease. Now when it comes to essentials, there are aspects of ‘magic’ you need to know about to step into the trade. The tools are given as follows:
1. Inspiration
Firstly, and foremostly it is necessary to find inspiration. Usually, the idea to make your own tarot cards comes when you have an inspiration. It can be anything a movie you have watched or a novel you read if it resonates with your personality and interest it’s an inspiration. There are many online sites which can also help you decide among their collection of various tarot card sets which can help you get an idea and create your own set.
2. Knowledge
Knowledge is an essential part of this process. You will need to remember and understand every single card you make. There are several online courses about tarot cards which you can take before you set out to make your own tarot cards set. There are about 22 tarot personalities which you will have to learn and understand by yourself.
This will allow you to use creative insight in making your own set of tarot cards by using symbols and images of your own choice. Interpretation of tarot cards is a science. The magic lies in the power of imagination, and if you are imaginative, your dualistic mind can be able to create a real impact on the materialistic reality of this world.
Magic works the same way as our consciousness. And it is this fact which clarifies how tarot cards are handled through interpretation as interpreting a dream but then again how it affects reality is what is important and how it helps us understand it.
Tarot cards have a history tied to them. The essence of it and the prospect it contains. It implies how they function and the meaning they hold is far more valuable. The art on tarot cards has been prophetic and of great worth. Therefore, for choosing one’s images or other techniques to print it on your tarot card, one must keep its essence in mind. You can either paint, draw or even laminate it with a printed image of your choice. Depends on what makes it easy for you to use.
4. Publishing your very own
The final step is to publish your set and put it into use. This usually isn’t easy since it takes months and even years to reach the publishing step. Yet it’s the shortest one. Therefore, one must not get discouraged if it takes time, for it is something that can help you have a better vision about your future.
Tarot Cards and A better Prospect of Future
DIY tarot cards is a must if you want to have a better prospect of the future. The reason being when you make your own tarot cards set it is a rigorous yet creative process. It is usually considered as a labor of love.
You can be a motorcyclist traveling the world and make your own tarot card set with faces of people you have met or even the places you have met etc. add symbols to it for better understanding. Tarot card meanings, which you put into it, will give you a better prospect about your own future.
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You can also make your own tarot card set based on your favorite television series or even of your child’s drawing etc. it shows your need, hobbies, philosophy of life at some points and the way you tend to interpret things.
Making your own tarot card set is exploring your own self and adding better meaning to it. It has been a practice of magic since thousands of years and the mind that conceives its value. Always avail the tidings it brings with itself.
I’m Morgan – a passionate blog writer interested in various subjects linked with astrology, horoscopes, numerology, and lifestyle. I really enjoy digging up libraries and the internet to find useful, funny and enlightening topics to write about. Basically, I cannot stop reading and sharing food for thought. So, if reading my articles makes your day, it makes mine as well!
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