It is that time of the year again when you must begin shopping for the holidays, regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, or anything else. You are entering a time of gift-giving, so you need to make that happen by having gifts to give.
The only way to do that is to either fight the crowds while everyone else is going holiday shopping or avoid the crowds and order your gifts online (thank goodness for technology since, in the old days, that was not possible). Now, let’s talk about what kind of holiday shopper you are.
Aries, you are energetic and passionate, and even competitive. Even though you are not known to be a planner, you may decide to plan a day and reserve it for shopping because you are the one that wants to complete it in one shot.
Of course, you may already do that on Black Friday, but since Black Friday can be a challenge, even for you, you may choose to shop on another day and go on a holiday shopping spree to finish it up and never deal with it again until next year. And if there is an item you want to get for a friend or family member and you fear others will grab it, you will not hesitate to be the first one to grab it.
Taurus, you are the sign that rules love for possessions and luxury, which is what your ruler, Venus, represents. However, you are still practical since you are part of the earth element. That is why you will look for deals before you run anywhere to do your holiday shopping.
There are plenty of deals during the holidays, and once you find them, you will look for the finer things for your friends, colleagues, family, or anyone else important to you. You will get luxurious holiday baskets and fragrances, and you will get children high-quality toys. Those who get gifts from you look forward to it because they know they will get something nice!
Gemini, you are spontaneous and versatile. You will decide to do your holiday shopping on a whim. You will decide to head over to several stores at once. That is why you may prefer to shop at a mall, but a plaza can be just as good. But do not worry about completing your holiday shopping list during those trips.
Whatever gifts you forget to buy, you will buy them online. And you will remember to do that while you are doing your work. That is one of the reasons you have five to ten tabs open at once, as one of those is the online store.
Cancer, you are the one who wants never to leave the comfort of your home because your home and family are the most important things to you. That is why you will be the one to do your holiday shopping online, and you will do so in an organized fashion as you will list the names of those who you want to buy gifts for, and you want them to be practical instead of luxurious.
You find the idea of plopping your laptop on your bed while you are in your PJs, drinking hot cocoa, and doing your holiday shopping. It beats heading out to the plaza or mall to do it.
Leo, you are the one who loves to be in the spotlight and have others notice you. That is why you will want to buy holiday gifts for your friends, colleagues, and family that will impress others to the point they will always appreciate what you got them for their holiday.
Of course, you will ask them what they want, and some may not tell you, but the ones who do will get gifts that exceed their expectations and impress them beyond measure. For those who don’t know what they want, you will get those large and impressive gift baskets that will surprise them. Leo, you are generous; that is how you want others to remember you.
Virgo, you extremely practical and analytical, and you will not be the one to buy holiday gifts that don’t have use for anyone. Instead, you want the gifts to be practical. So instead of buying decorative pieces for a home or a plushie for a child, you will head to places like Home Depot and get valuable gifts such as small appliances or educational items for children such as puzzles.
And you will also want to get items for sale because of being an earth sign; you are practical with money too.
Libra, you love to shop, and when it is the holiday season, you become excited. You can start shopping for your partner, colleagues, friends, and family, and you will be the type of shopper who may go to a department or big box store because you will end up struggling to decide which store at the mall or plaza to shop.
That way, big box or department stores offers everything. You will fill up your cart as you see items you think will make good gifts. Then you will wonder if you should buy all the items in the cart. You buy them in the end and end up with buyer’s remorse.
Scorpio, you are intense, passionate, and prefer to be alone. That is why you dread the holidays, because of the crowds. However, you are expressing gratitude at this time of year for technology which means you can shop from home, away from the crowds.
But you still dread the holidays because if you have to run to the store to grab something quickly, there are crowds to fight. Therefore, you will only do your holiday shopping at a store if it is empty or has very few people. And you will do what you can to make it quick.
Sagittarius, you are the one that loves to stay busy with fun activities as you are the happy-go-lucky type. You are too busy getting into the holiday spirit by going to parties or even hosting some. Shopping is a chore, so that you will leave it all until the last minute.
Unless you did all your holiday shopping on Black Friday, you would keep putting it off because you want to have fun otherwise. When you know you cannot put it off any longer, you will rush to complete it, and you don’t care if you miss any of the sales. You only want to get it over and done.
Capricorn, you are the hard-working, sensible one known to be a goal-setter. It is not a surprise to know you would be a sensible holiday shopper, given your sign is an earth sign as there is practicality tied to it. Not only will you shop when there are sales, but when you do your holiday shopping, you want to ensure that you can get the items your family and friends need.
You do not want to get gifts you know they will not want or use. You will be asking those to who you want to give gifts plenty of questions, such as what items they need so you can get them those gifts. If they don’t know, then you will be the one to get them gift cards!
Aquarius, you are the one who does not conform and is a freethinker and a free spirit. Therefore, you will not buy holiday gifts for what anyone needs. Instead, you will purchase unusual novelty gifts to surprise them. And since you are not particularly crazy about crowds, you will shop from the comfort of your home.
That means, since you are the shopper that buys unusual things, anyone who will get a holiday gift from you should be prepared to get an unexpected present.
Pisces, you are the dreamy, artsy, and nurturing one. When you are ready to do your holiday shopping, you insist on getting self-care gifts for your family, partner, friends, and colleagues because of your empathetic nature. Therefore, you will get facial masks, bath bombs, and spa gift baskets.
You will also be the one to get your friends who love to read more books to add to their collection because that is what makes them happy. You would also be the one to get children of friends and family plushies because that is what gives them comfort. You care more about comfort than practicality.
Then some people, regardless of their signs, will do their holiday shopping as early as October or prior because shopping during the holiday season can be a challenge. And even if you are shopping online during the holidays, the connection may be slow and frustrating because so many people are shopping at once. However, regardless of how and when you do your shopping, the best thing to do is to look at the positive aspects of the holiday season, such as lots of delicious food and gifts from others! It is a hectic time of year.