October 5, 2024
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Taurus in Love 12 Love Affairs

Taurus in Love – 12 Different Love Affairs

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways. There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action; and water represents emotions. There are three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Cardinal signs lead; fixed signs establish; and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on. This article will explore the sign Taurus and how it loves and is loved by all 12 Zodiac signs.

Taurus: The Fixed Earth Sign

Taurus’ most common perception, as a sign, tends to be its persistent and stable personality and its desire for security. Often known as “the farmer”, Taurus “establishes and maintains”, forming the “bedrock” of society. This sign rules personal finances, the body, nutrition, agriculture, and home.

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As the ruler of the 2nd House, its energy oversees the home and the resources needed to survive and thrive. Someone with a Taurus Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Moon) will seek to be secure through tried and true actions and conservative choices.

Taurus and Love

The Taurus parent, child, or lover shows and feels love when they can trust in the loyalty of others and feel physically safe with plenty of resources to spare. There is a deep need to know what and who is reliable, especially at the material level, between any two people, whether a lover, friend, family member or co-worker.

This sign, like all the earth signs, is physical … turned on by touch and physicality. They are one of the best and most enduring lovers when it comes to sex and physical contact. The more reliable, physical, and dependable a person, the more turned on they become. They also like to explore the body and enjoy sex as truly physical pleasure.

Taurus, Love, and the 12 Signs


Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love; it sits “beside” Taurus in the Zodiac. This aspect is known as a semi-sextile, and, like the inconjunct, is a challenging and often incongruent interaction. If these people fall in love, then they will have a lot to learn from each other because their perspectives will be very different. Afterall, Venus rules Taurus and Mars rules Aries, so they really do represent the “odd couple” if they are in a relationship.


Taurus to Taurus relationships can work; doubling down on security is a preference for this sign. But if they are not aligned, they can find themselves in a stand-off that can last an entire lifetime. If they align, then this couple will be able to weather any storm, have plenty of excess for themselves and those they support, and enjoy a stable, lasting long-term relationship.

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Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn and communicate” in love. It “sits beside” Taurus in the Zodiac. This aspect is known as a semi-sextile, and, like the inconjunct, is a challenging and often incongruent interaction. If these people fall in love, then they will have a lot to learn from each other because their perspectives will be very different. Afterall, Mercury rules Gemini and Venus rules Taurus, so they really do represent a strange couple if they are in a relationship. The Gemini will and can adapt to the Taurus, so this semi-sextile is easier than the one with Taurus and Aries.


Cancer is the cardinal water sign that likes to “nurture” in love. This sign sextiles Taurus, meaning that these energies complement one another. Remember that, for Taurus, love is security. In this case, Cancer will be nurturing to Taurus, and Taurus will make sure Cancer’s material needs are solidly met. This can be one of the best combinations, enduring, deeply loving, and loyal.


Leo is the fixed fire sign that likes to “romance” in love. This sign squares Taurus, which means its energy conflicts with Taurus’ energy. Leo likes to shine and perform, and Taurus prefers to plod along well-worn and reliable patterns. Still, as two fixed signs, if they do come together romantically, parting is unlikely. It will just end up as a constant push/pull kind of a relationship. In truth, Taurus can make any relationship last, even with a sign as “flamboyant” as Leo.


Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love. As another earth sign, these two signs end up trining one another, which means their energies interact by flowing into each other. This energy will work well together. The earth signs do the best with each other since all three are practical and concerned with material comfort or success. Like the Taurus/Gemini relationship, this one has the Virgo adapting to the Taurus, which can be a great match if both parties are satisfied with their roles and by the other person.


Libra is the cardinal air sign that likes to “relate” in love. This sign is inconjunct with Taurus and a surprisingly good match since they both have the same ruler, Venus. This is the “beauty” (Libra) and the “beast” (Taurus) combination. Taurus can love the Libra, who is refined and gracious, and Libra can love Taurus, who will be sure they have everything they need for a stable and comfortable life.


Scorpio is the fixed water sign that likes to “transform” in love. This sign opposes Taurus, which means they work to find balance to make the relationship last. This combination can be the most intense and the longest lasting of any combination in the Zodiac. These are two fixed signs defined by perseverance, sensuality, and power. This is a love that can and will endure.

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Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that likes to “adventure” in love. This sign is inconjunct with Taurus and much more challenging to work out than the Taurus/Libra inconjunct. The fire and earth signs must put a lot of effort into working out, but it can usually be done due to Taurus’ persistence and dependability. Taurus can love the Sagittarius, who will “show them the world”, if the Sagittarius is not too pushy about it. And the Sagittarius can love the Taurus individual, who can provide the funds for travel, so long as they are not too miserly with the resources.


Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign that likes to “achieve” in love. As another earth sign, these two signs end up trining one another, which means their energies interact by flowing into each other. This energy will work well together. The earth signs do the best with each other since all three are practical and concerned with material comfort or success. This is probably the most productive and reliably successful combination and has “power couple” written all over it.


Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “revolutionize” in love. This sign squares Taurus, which means its energy conflicts with Taurus’ energy. Aquarius likes to individuate and idealize, especially for the benefit of the community. Still, as two fixed signs, if they do come together romantically, parting is unlikely. Aquarius can more than handle the determination of Taurus because it is equally determined, which in certain ways, can make the pairing endure almost any struggle.


Pisces is the mutable water sign that likes to “imagine” in love. This sign sextiles Taurus, meaning that these energies complement one another. Remember that, for Taurus, love is security. In this case, Pisces will be intuitive and imaginative, which will bring “dreams and visions” into Taurus’s life, and Taurus will make sure Pisces stays connected to the material world, which can help some of its dreams become real. This can be a very interesting dynamic, resulting in beautiful accomplishments together.

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