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The June Full Moon – The Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius

The June Full Moon – The Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius

The phases of the moon are among the most fascinating astronomical behaviors we can observe with the naked eye and deeply rich sources of thought and interpretation in Astrology. Among the 9 phases – New, Waxing Crescent, 1st Quarter Half, Waxing Gibbous, Full, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter Half, Waning Crescent, and Balsamic – the New and Full Moons capture most of the attention. This article will look at the current Full Moon and talk about the kind of “harvest” you should bring in emotionally during this full moon. Let’s have a look at the Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius.


Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius – Reap What You Have Sown!

The Full Moon for June will occur on the 3rd at 13 degrees and 18 minutes in the sign of Sagittarius; in my Eastern Standard Time zone it will happen at 11:42 pm.

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The June Full Moon – The Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius


It takes 29.5 days from one Full Moon to the next, spending approximately 2 and ½ days in a sign. The day before and the day after comprise what would be the peak time of the Full Moon energy. The Full Moon is the time of “the harvest”, when what began with the New Moon reaches full potential before waning, fading, and preparing for a new cycle.

Each month has a certain type of Full Moon; June’s Moon is the Strawberry Moon. Other names for this moon are the Berries Ripen Moon, Green Corn Moon, Mead Moon, Horse Moon, and Hot Moon.

There are also several special types of Full Moons: The Blood Moon, which happens during a total lunar eclipse; a Supermoon, which happens when the Moon is full and closest to the Earth; and the Blue Moon (“once in a blue moon”), which is a second Full Moon in a calendar month (occurring once every 2 and ½ years) or the second Full Moon in the same astrological sign.


Full Moon in Sagittarius – Feeling the Need to Go On an Adventure

This Full Moon will take place in the 2nd decan (middle 10 degrees) of Sagittarius, making it a Sagittarius/Aries Full Moon. The planetary influences involve Jupiter as the ruler for Sagittarius and Mars  as the ruler for Aries. Thus, this Full Moon will be about what we believe that guides us through life (Jupiter) and the actions we take because of those beliefs (Aries).

Since the Moon is in Sagittarius, its energy is expansive, joyful, and seeking higher knowledge. This Full Moon is going to require us to reflect on what we most need to do to live our beliefs. The intensity of this Full Moon around what we need to experience in life to grow cannot be emphasized enough. Thanks to the decan placement, this Full Moon will be about how we need to learn at higher and deeper levels (Sagittarius), in order to communicate with others successfully  (Sun in Gemini) through our need to speak honestly about our feelings (Aries).

With this Full Moon at 13d18m, the Sabian Symbol is 14 Sagittarius, “A widow’s past brought to light.” Jones says, “This is a symbol of an individual agony of soul as the property of all, its public revelation becoming both a personal clearance and an encouragement to others in their own ordeals of the spirit. Here is experience at a climax on the side of self-protection in spiritual or inner realization. The reversed symbolism is an emphasis on the better chance ahead rather than on any present or future penalties to be suffered.” The key word is: RECTIFICATION.


The Numbers of This Full Moon

This Full Moon will occur on 06/03/2023, which totals 16, which reduces to 7. Seven is the number for spirituality, so this Full Moon encourages us to embrace the soul path work needed to understand and act on our destiny. Since the Full Moon happens on the 3rd, we must do this work creatively, persistently, and methodically.

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The Full Moon in Your Chart

The Full Moon will occur in a specific location of your chart and in special relationship with various points in your chart if you have points near the same degree in the same sign, at the opposing degree (180 degrees away from a point in your chart), three signs before or after the Full Moon degree and sign (90 degrees away), or four signs before or after the Full Moon degree and sign (120 degrees away).

Respectively these would be a conjunction (the Full Moon merging with a point in your chart), an opposition (the Full Moon seeking balance with a point in your chart), a square (the Full Moon challenging a point in your chart), and a trine (the Full Moon supporting a point in your chart). It is possible that the degree and sign of the Full Moon may not form any of these relationships and its effect, for this time, would be minimal or difficult to observe.

If you happen to be born during a Full Moon, then you will feel every Full Moon in some significant or acute way because it is consistent with your birth Moon phase. It is well worth your effort to find out the Moon phase at the time of your birth. If you learn your birth Moon phase, you will likely discover that same phase each month has a strong impact on your emotional state.

With this Full Moon, I get the impact of its energy in my 2nd House of Resources (Moon placement on 06/03/2023) and my 8th House of Intimate Partnerships (Sun placement between 5/19 and 06/20), so this Full Moon will energize me to look at my beliefs about what I need to take care of myself (Sagittarius ruling my 2nd House) and how it affects my intimate relationship (Gemini ruling my 8th House).

As this Full Moon approaches, think about what you want to “harvest” regarding what you most strongly believe, at an emotional level, to help you navigate your way through the world (Sagittarius Moon) as you try to understand who you are (Gemini Sun).

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