October 5, 2024
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Your Venus Sign and Venus Retrograde

Your Venus Sign and How This Venus Retrograde Will Affect You

Venus turns retrograde on 13th May 2020, at 07:45 UK time, from 21º Gemini. It will remain in retrograde motion until 25th June 2020; a 6 week period of introspection and reflection covering our love lives, creative flow and areas of finance too.

Where Venus falls in your natal chart (the chart of the time you were born) will say more about what you are going to learn through this period. Geminis and those with Venus or other planets in Gemini will experience this time more than most.

Venus Retrograde

For those of you with unresolved relationship issues, this can be a time of reconnecting and going over old ground. In general, we will all be looking more deeply at our love style and how it can be limiting at times to the true nature of love, which is infinite, unconditional, and part of the ONE consciousness.

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Venus retrograde in Gemini will be about improving communication and approaching any love dilemmas from more than one perspective.  All of us will benefit from taking a step back at this time and learning to truly listen to our loved ones and by doing so, get to know them more deeply and allow them a safe space where they can open their hearts more fully.

If you would like me to look at your chart to help you with any love-related issues at this time, do email me to book a Venus Retrograde reading.

Venus in Aries

Bold and expressive the first sign of the zodiac always brings a burst of energy and with Venus in Aries, your warmth and charisma are your trademarks. Honest and candid you are not afraid to speak your mind whether in love or war, but your natural congeniality creates far more harmony than the opposition. Your innate selfishness is your most attractive trait, others are drawn to confidence and you tend to make clear choices about what you want and don’t give up until you are successful. The fact that everybody knows where they stand with you, means people value you for your truth, conviviality, and wit in the long term, just as much as the short.

Venus Retrograde – with Venus in Gemini operating as the 3rd House

This period will be about improving communication with your loved ones.  You tend to be impulsive and act before you think when it comes to love, at times you also have a quick temper and can flare up when you perceive yourself to be misunderstood or disrespected.  This retrograde period gives you an opportunity to learn to reflect upon your reactive responses.  Perhaps if you learn to stop and think before you react you will find that your close relationships become smoother.  Breathe and consider that what you perceive may not be what is intended by others, and that there could be ways to build closer bonds by learning to truly listen and empathize.

Venus in Taurus

A lover of the earth, you are grounded, stable, and trustworthy in the way you love. You have an affinity with plants and animals and seek security and comfort as a priority.

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Venus in Taurus is often gifted in the kitchen too and with your solid, sensual, and supportive nature, you are a joy to be around.  You have a natural intuition where it comes to the feelings of those you are close to and are a true blessing for others to be around when they are sad.

Often the type who can settle into a long-term relationship easily, your downfall is that you can be indiscriminately loyal and end up being taken for granted and over-looked over time.

Venus Retrograde – with Venus in Gemini operating as the 2nd House

Your lesson is in expressing your true nature at this time.  You are naturally inclined to be tactile and show your love through touch and anything that centers around the tangible senses.  Sometimes this part of your nature may not be supported or encouraged, but there are always ways to reach others through these means.  Whether by sharing food, learning to massage, or using more incense and cushions to enhance your time with those who matter the most, this is the perfect time to get back to your more sensual nature.

Touch is very expressive, it’s amazing how important a hug or a reassuring hand on somebody’s shoulder can be.  This is your time

Venus in Gemini

Easily bored, you like to learn when you love, and thrive in a partnership where the other has wit and fast mind, which matches your own.  Always fun to be around you, thrive off variety, ideas, and exciting exchanges with other smarter than average folk. Mental stimulation is your aphrodisiac and intelligence a powerful draw for you. As somebody who values mental and inspirational activity, it may be difficult for you to stay in one place, metaphorically. Once you find your partner in crime, who doesn’t try to change you though, you will be true and satiated. So long as they don’t decide to stop learning and become dull!

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 1st House

This period will be felt very keenly by you, and those with Venus between 5-21 degrees will find that this is a very deep time of personal growth.  You love to connect with other people’s ideas and minds, and sometimes can be a little over-excited about sharing, forgetting that others’ needs may be different from your own.  It’s time to reflect on how you come across, and whether your priorities the needs of your loved ones enough also. We all have different ways we recognize love and finding out what those we love to need to feel secure and valued, can be even more fulfilling than satiating our own desires.

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Venus in Cancer

Nurturing and warm, you have a very protective and giving nature deep down, no matter what your Sun sign. You are the archetypal homemaker and even if you’re not a gifted cook, you do love to open up your home to people, so long as you trust them. Home is, after all a sanctuary. Tough too though, you are fiercely protective of your clan and extend great loyalty to those who come to matter a great deal to you. You don’t give your heart easily, but you mean it fully when you say I love you.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 12th House

Although Cancer is a cardinal sign –the water sign with the leadership skills – your desire to defend those you love, often includes you putting others’ needs before your own. During this retrograde period, you will be called to look deeper into how you subordinate your own desires to please and cater to those you love.  Are you fully appreciated?  Are you expressing how you truly feel in words, as well as in actions?  Actions can be overlooked by those who have differing approaches.  It’s time to take a little courage to express your own feelings and desires, you may find that it brings you much closer to those who matter most.

Venus in Leo

You need no introduction; you’ve already charmed the room with your presence. Probably the most charismatic of the Venus signs and definitely the most commanding, self-doubt is not a feature this placement possesses (the rest of the chart may say otherwise). You expect to be adored and at times worshipped and may well be. Confidence, after all, is extremely intoxicatingly magnetic. Relationships may feel limiting and dull to this Venus sign; as the enjoyment of snatching brief glimpses of attention is more appealing.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 11th House

We all love the magnanimity of a Venus in Leo, the person who sets the room alight is the ideal dinner party guest.  Your friends are very important to you and the highlight of this period for you is upon these bonds.  Sometimes you forget that friendship isn’t just about games and fun and social times, but also about communicating on a deep level, finding out more about the hopes and dreams and ideals that really make people who they are.  Your friendships will grow a lot closer during this time if you pay attention to being more of a listener.  Your fun side will always be popular and lovable but if you are someone people can count on when they need an ear, you will create life long bonds.

Venus in Virgo

Candid and refined, this Venus sign is easy to respect and admire. Your style of love is inexpressive; preferring to show consistency and considerate behavior in your day to day life, to creating grandiose gestures of love, which appear to you rather superficial anyway!

You are respectful, good, and kind and great in a crisis. Your patience outlasts any other and whilst you don’t feel the passionate desire for relationships that others do, you are loyal and giving once committed.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 10th House

This Venus retrograde gives you an opportunity to look at different ways of interacting with loved ones, and how integrating a little charm and charisma into your overall persona will uplift you.  Giving compliments and being more expressive about others’ special qualities does not have to be superficial, it can be done with genuine kindness.  Trying this approach will be surprisingly gratifying, as you will learn that in a sense, building somebody up with words, feels just the same as a gesture of service or thoughtfulness.  Making others happy, will always have the effect of creating joy and contentment in the giver also.  A new level of fulfillment and closeness is within your reach, enjoy!

Venus in Libra

The archetypal romantic….or are you? You love the romantic dream, are the most sucked in by the fairy tales and fables but does this help or hinder your path?

Always drawn to aesthetics and beauty Venus in Libra is drawn to that which glitters. You are creative and probably have a flair for fashion and dressing up. Despite being cardinal (the leadership sign of air) you can be quite easy to influence, however. A few compliments and sweet words can turn your head rather too easily. This is the sign that is rarely single and hence tends to settle for anything but the fairy tale.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 9th House

Nobody is doubting your likely attractiveness or your creative flair, it is the integrity that Venus in Libra is likely to lack.  This Venus retrograde is encouraging you to dig a little deeper and develop your knowledge and experience this time around. It’s a good time looking into learning a new subject or language which you have considered before or simply revising old interest in subjects for which you used to have a passion.

Switch your focus to your own needs and interests at this time, you are so keen to appease others and ensure that they like you, the development of the talents which are inherent in you are often neglected.  A person who is enjoying who they truly, is more of a magnet to others than someone who craves approval.

Venus in Scorpio

The thing about Scorpio is whilst it may be secretive, quiet, calculating and vengeful it is also one of the most honest and direct signs of the zodiac. With Venus here softening the edges we quite an intriguing, charismatic kind of nature. You will go after what you want, but only once you have ascertained that failure is practically impossible. When you pounce you know how to charm and entice better than any and since you spend so much time choosing your prey, once settled you will rarely stray.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 8th House

Your downfall is your tendency to hide your brilliance. As one of the most analytically advanced and intelligent signs, you really should show your talents more openly. During this Venus period, you will be reassessing your times of success and learning to take a little pride in your abilities and sway. You know you are more capable and intelligent; it is not crass to shine a light on your own talents when they are true and worthy of recognition.  Your talents for sussing out others and recognizing their needs and desires is something you often use to highlight your wariness and suspicion.  How about using it to develop closer bonds, deeper connections and more sensual magic with that special person in your life?

Venus in Sagittarius

Ever the explorer you love to know more, find more and see more. You are the life and soul of the party with a kaleidoscope of anecdotal tales to regale to your captive audiences (so long as you don’t tell the same ones to the same people!). You are fun to be around and by nature do not take life too seriously, your motto is that if you think positively then life will reflect this and often this works to your advantage, as you are certainly well-liked and popular.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 7th House

This period will shine a spotlight on your close personal relationships, bringing the balance between your needs and that of your partner (or potential partner) into the focus.  You love to be adventurous and to share your desire to explore with those closest to you, but often forget that this forges friendship more than a true partnership.  To build very close bonds it is important to share your innermost feelings and thoughts, and even more important to learn to what matters most to the people you love.

It’s time to take a little journey inwards, there is as much to explore in the psyche as there is in the outside world and so much reward when you truly open up to another and learn to love them for who they really are, rather than valuing their companionship as a comrade, in a way that makes them feel that they are replaceable.

Venus in Capricorn

Refined and respectable, Venus in Capricorn often appears as an aloof, untouchable figure. Not prone to emotional outbursts or one who naturally shares details of one’s personal life, you often give the outward impression of being very sure of life. Of course, the real truth is that you have a shyness about you, that only appears as sureness. Once committed you are fervently loyal, but it does take a long time to earn your trust and your partners may be forced to jump through hoops first. You are however loyal and true to your word and those who melt the barriers around your heart will usually want to remain close thereon.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 6th House

This Venus retrograde period will be about the details and the small gestures of kindness that many of us often forget.  It is said that you are a fan of grandiose gestures and like to feel respected and almost worshipped by your partner, and yet these kinds of behavior are simply parts of life’s dramas.  True love is much deeper, much more subtle than this, the building blocks of great relationships often lie in the small day to day acts of kindness.

Take this period to remember to be thankful for all the goodness shown towards you, the kind words when you are sad, the offer to look after you when you are tired.  These are the signs that you are truly valued, and gratitude is the most powerful way to generate inner contentment and true happiness.

Venus in Aquarius

You are the true free spirit, offering your soul up as a commodity to all who wish for your cheery presence. Venus in Aquarius is a fun upbeat placement, able to find common ground with almost anybody, you are the fun, gregarious one that people don’t easily forget. You are naturally creative in an inventive way and love to have a group of followers who admire you, as Aquarius is, after all just a far more introspective exhibitionist than its opposite sign of Leo. You both enjoy the hoard the fans if you hide the fact better.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 5th House

This Venus retrograde period brings an opportunity to develop your more gregarious side.  Not to say that you are introverted in love, you are usually a lot of fun to be around and love to make others’ laugh.  You are, however, very shy about expressing favor for one special person and often hold back on speaking words of love.

This period gives you the chance to break down a few walls and take a leaf from your fellow air sign Gemini, by speaking about what matters to you, personally.  It’s easy to get lost in science and ideas and forget those around you, but unless you tell them how much they mean to you they may not always be there.  Speak your heart during this time, tell the people you love how special they truly are.

Venus in Pisces

This is the sign of the true romantic, you know that romance is in the small gestures, that love is shown in the moments between the words. Venus in Pisces can see beyond the world’s vision of love and reach out to the interconnected ether of truth and oneness. Often imbued with a gift for music and the arts, you understand beauty lies in the individuality of imperfection and uniqueness. Venus is said to be exalted in this sign as you are the ones capable of taking love to the highest level. Truth is though in modern society; your transcendental perceptions often feel muddied and tainted by the falseness you witness.

Venus Retrograde – Venus in Gemini operating as the 4th House

Most people reading this will be in the western world, living in a cold, capitalist construct, consisting of consumerism and inequality. There are many parts of the world that don’t operate on this same preface, however. Some do live in thriving, connective communities. There is freedom and truth in the world, and it does propagate in some areas.

This time is a chance for you to bring your visions of what really matters to the people.  Whether you are communicating through art, words, or music you have a gift and an understanding of unconditional love that move and uplift many people.

Those close to you will know they are loved; you wear your heart on your sleeve.  This time what is important is learning that YOU can make a difference.  Your gift for understanding the truth of human nature is needed in the world.  Instead of seeing the devastation and pain around you, look at how your energy alone can start to raise the vibration.  You are beautiful.  Shine on.

Shalom and blessings~~~~ ♥

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