March 11, 2025
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What Are The Worst Synastry Aspects That Lead To Break

What Are The Worst Synastry Aspects That Lead To Break-ups?

In relationships, astrology can be a very helpful tool. It has the ability to tell whether or not a relationship can make it in the long term or if it is doomed to fail eventually. If you have feelings for someone, it is definitely a good idea to check out their synastry aspects because it will help you determine if this relationship is worth investing in. Astrology is incredibly useful in determining whether a relationship is likely to succeed or not. You can gain a great deal of insight into your relationship when you can see what makes you and that special person tick.

When you look at the synastry, you can quickly identify what the red flags in the connection are. It would be a good idea to know this before investing heavily in a relationship that is doomed to fail anyway. Discover what these aspects are in your relationship synastry and what you need to look out for. Hopefully, this will save you a lot of wasted time and heartache in the future:

Synastry: Watch Out For These Signs

Synastry can help you determine the potential success and failure of a relationship by looking out for a few things. When you and your partner have many squares between you, it is a sign of a challenging relationship.

Having a square in synastry can cause a lot of friction and challenges between two people. There can be a lot of misunderstandings, disagreements, and negative feelings as a result. There is no doubt that a couple of squares can keep the relationship interesting, but if the whole connection is based on conflict, then it can cause more problems than good.

It can also be quite painful to deal with conjunctions and oppositions. However, this is more dependent on the nature of the planets and which signs they are in.

Mars, Saturn, and Pluto making many aspects to each other is another red flag. In relationships, these three planets are a major cause of disruption and drama. It is also possible for Neptune and Uranus to cause destruction.

An overabundance of these aspects can overwhelm all the positive aspects of a relationship. These synastry aspects lead to break-ups, so keep an eye out for them, or be willing to work on any conflict when it comes up in your relationship. It isn’t always easy, but it can definitely be worth it.

Moon Square/Conjunct/Opposite Saturn

When it comes to relationship Astrology, the Moon is one of the most important planets. Emotions and feelings are governed by the Moon. This is the thing that drives our most intimate and deepest reactions. In other words, it is how we react to the world around us.

In contrast, Saturn is the planet of restriction, duty, karma, and responsibility. The relationship may be affected by feelings of repression and isolation when it comes into contact with the Moon.

There can be a feeling that neither party really understands the other. There can be a great deal of pain in a relationship when this occurs. Despite wanting to be loved and supported by the Saturn person, the Moon person just ends up feeling unloved and abandoned.

In many cases, the Saturn person is oblivious to the feelings of the Moon person. The love between them seems to be elusive to them. There can be quite a bit of pain in a relationship as a result of all of this.

Venus Square Saturn

Relationships are governed by Venus because it is the planet of love, romance, connections, as well as relationships. It wants to love freely and be expressive.

When it comes to Saturn, this planet restricts everything it touches and can be quite cold and detached. Having this aspect in a relationship can lead to the Venus person feeling lonely and isolated in their relationships.

It will feel like they can never be enough for the Saturn person, no matter what they do. A great deal of pain and conflict can be caused by misunderstands in this relationship.

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Venus’s love will continue to be blocked by Saturn since it inhibits them from expressing their love authentically. The hurt feelings that can result from this can be a very difficult aspect to deal with.

Mercury Square Mars

This aspect is centered around arguments. Mars is the planet of war and aggression, while Mercury is the planet of communication and expression. There can be many painful fights between these two planets when they are in a difficult aspect.

There is an explosive and fiery energy associated with this aspect. Despite their best efforts, this couple is likely to express their anger in a very unhealthy manner. Communicating might trigger them, and they might have trouble expressing themselves productively.

Because they cannot understand each other, their communication styles might lead to frustration and constant arguments. When they are around each other, they get extremely triggered. There seems to be a power struggle at the forefront of this union.

Mars Square Saturn

Astrology considers Mars and Saturn to be malefic planets. Thus, these planets can cause quite a bit of conflict between themselves and cause a lot of damage in a romantic relationship.

There can be quite a bit of pain between two people when these two planets are present. Each of them is capable of hurting the other very badly. There’s no doubt that Mars is a fast-moving, aggressive planet that doesn’t think twice about acting when it comes to taking action.

Saturn, on the other hand, is a cold, detached, and slow planet. This combination can cause both physical and emotional pain in a relationship, as well as a breakup in the future.

There will be differences in expectations between these two individuals. There will be one who moves quickly and the other who moves slowly. They just can’t seem to find a pace that works for them both. In turn, this can lead to all sorts of conflict in the relationship, affecting both of them negatively.

Mercury Square/Opposite Mercury

The planet Mercury is associated with communication and intellect. Mercury is actually overlooked quite a bit when it comes to romantic relationships. In order for a relationship to flow, two people must be able to communicate effectively, and if they don’t, a healthy union can be difficult.

When Mercury conflicts with another person’s Mercury, miscommunication can lead to a lot of drama. The two will have a difficult time understanding each other.

Communication problems can ruin even the strongest relationships and cause a lot of heartaches. These two will struggle to be on the same page and truly understand what the other person is expressing to them.

Mars Square/Opposite/Conjunct Pluto

In a relationship, both Mars and Pluto can cause a lot of destruction because they are extremely violent planets. It is said that the attraction between two people can be off the charts when these planets are in the sky.

It is important to understand, however, that these aspects can be quite abusive in a romantic relationship. These dynamics are often characterized by themes of control and manipulation.

It can be extremely difficult for this couple to let go of one another once they have established a connection as it can feel quite alluring and seductive. It is possible to become addicted to the drama.

There will be power struggles throughout this relationship. When couples aren’t careful, feelings of jealousy, possession, envy, and obsession can arise, which can be extremely destructive.

It tends to be a quite physical dynamic, which can result in some incredible sex between these two. Due to this, this couple will have a hard time letting go of their union, despite all the pain that comes with it.

Venus Square Neptune

Venus square Neptune is a synastry aspect that I would be cautious about. Neptune, even though it is a relatively friendly planet, can sometimes make it difficult to see situations clearly. It can be alluring, but lethal in a romantic relationship.

There is no doubt that Neptune is the planet of glamour, illusion, spirituality, and creativity, but it also tends to obscure reality and make it difficult to see it clearly. Venus square Neptune makes it very easy to assume that the relationship is perfect and there are no major problems when the relationship is actually riddled with issues.

Because of this, a couple might be in quite an abusive relationship but have difficulty seeing the problems for what they are. Eventually, both partners lose themselves in this relationship, as neither can recognize who they truly are anymore as individuals.

Is a Relationship Doomed With These Synastry Aspects?

In the event that you have one of these aspects in your relationship, you know how difficult it can be at times. Unless there are other aspects to balance the bad and the good, there is constant conflict.

It is safe to assume that you are on borrowed time when you have one of these aspects, especially if there are no other elements that make the relationship better.

The conflict in your romance can make your relationship quite interesting, so I believe it is quite important to have some. However, if only negative aspects are present, the relationship can be extremely painful. In order for the relationship to work, there must be some good in it, or else what is the point in staying in a relationship that seems to be quite painful?

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